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Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

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Posts posted by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

  1. 3 hours ago, phantom said:

    Look who was in the away end


    Nov 2013..

    "Here's your mission agent Cotterill, take charge at 'the shit' when they're rock bottom of League 1, lead them to survival in 2014 whilst we make utter tits of ourselves getting relegated to Non-League...the following season get them promoted with 99 points, winning the League 1 title and JPT with ease, giving those 'shit heads' a fantastic season completely overshadowing our poxy return to the bottom division of the Football League....."

    Those Gas 'agents' eh?




    • Like 19
  2. On 20 February 2016 at 19:46, S_Y_G said:

    119 pages on the gas, come on guys, we have a result to talk about.  7400, bottom tier, crap day, against  team with virtually no fans is pretty much what we got when we were there.


    2 hours ago, S_Y_G said:

    All this denial stuff, i spent pre season telling my city mates that you had no chance of a play off place, and they, like many on this board seemed to

    be in a parallel universe.   Then there are the "Brendan Rogers", "moyes" managerial posts.  Seriously!!!  

    Oh, so you're a Gashead now then? You didn't give that impression in your post on Saturday night.

    ....and don't lecture us on delusion. We both play in a Britain's 7th biggest city with a surrounding area population in the region of 750,000 people yet Gasheads think they are classed as a big club with a 'massive' fanbase because they sometimes get 9000 of those people through the gates on a Saturday.

    Also....and I hate to break this to you but...you aren't as admired and respected among the rest of the Football World as you all seem to think and that was before you had money.

    As I've already mentioned earlier in the thread, most of you lot won't be able to control yourselves now and you'll be bragging about your apparent wealth like Wayne Slob winning the lottery, waving fivers and mocking opposing fans whilst still believing in your peanut brains that the average football fan thinks your amazing and much more pleasant than "they ******* shit eds down the road".

    • Like 6
  3. 2 hours ago, Philgas said:

    Saying I'm an embarrassment just like my club .. you don't even know me .. yeah we may be down in the basement but we have something actually happening for the greater good ( in our eyes anyway ) .. got loads of s*ithead mates and it's called banter 

    Why are you arguing with yourself in the post above Phil, been on the Absinthe tonight fella?

    • Like 6
  4. 12 minutes ago, glynriley said:

    * I believe it's 5 years in July since Piggs announced details of the UWE stadium. As I recall at the time, Dancing Danny, Pepsi and several other of your deluded few were predicting you'd have left us trailing in your wake by now.


    It's almost like they spout this shit all the time....

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Jafar said:

    Me being stupid?..that from a supporter of a club that's spent 100 million pounds to not get in the Premiership.

    How much did Higgs spend to get you into Non League?

    The good thing about Lansdown is he sticks around and keeps going even when things don't go to plan, I wonder if your new foreign, Chelsea supporting, owner will be as loyal with his money?

  6. 4 hours ago, gashead76 said:

    There was a film once, I forget the title, but there was this aesthetically pleasing girl who didn't have much going on upstairs, no substance, but nonetheless had no trouble in attracting the star quarterback  

    Unnoticed, a nerdy girl secretly wanted the same bloke. Of course she had no chance of that prize. She had plenty of potential but she was nothing to look at. 

    Then remarkably a transformation took place, the nerdy girl was now stunningly attractive, her potential has been realised and she had her eye on the prize. 

    The empty-headed girl of course thought nothing could make nerdy girl as attractive as her and that her quarterback boyfriend was safe. She told her equally dim-witted friend that she was still the more desirable and no one would look at the transformed girl, not understanding that she had a lot more about her, she had substance, she had potential. 

    Of course in the end she got her prize quarterback. The air-head girl was left bitter and didn't really understand how it'd all happened. She'd been in denial that the ugly duckling could ever rise above her and actually be stronger, but her denial was her undoing. 

    After a while, people lost interest in the once-popular girl, forgetting that there was once a time when she had all the attention. People were much more interested in the once nerdy girl who now had it all. 

    Yeah that! 


    Is there a point to this cringeworthy shit or do you genuinely believe we want to read a movie review for your favourite 'Chickflick'?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Redtilldead said:

    According to the sports reporter on HTV tonight we aren't the richest club in Bristol, words to that effect anyway,

    Yep I heard it.

    Like I said in the rivalry thread....good! Don't care if it's true or not, fed up with Lansdowns money being used as a stick to beat us with every time a season doesn't go to plan or someone decides not to sign for us. Bored of hearing them claim they'd do so well if only they had access to SL's sort of wealth and they'd get double our crowds if it was them fighting relegation in the Championship.

    Here you go then Gasheads, time to walk the walk. They can start by selling out every home match for the rest of the season as it's such an exciting time for them now.  :yawn:

    • Like 2
  8. 25 minutes ago, Hello said:

    Personally I have no clue, but they obviously have some. The AJIB shareholders were paid a 12% dividend last year according to the Jordan Times and they have plenty.of business interests.

    As I say even if they dont have masses of personal wealth (relatively speaking) he atea they are in they have access to money and/or people with it

    When Steve meets Wael...


    • Like 8
  9. 11 minutes ago, bs3 said:

    We still play at Ashton Gate , could have sold naming rights years ago but  we never sold out.


    Hold your horses there mate, I'm not suggesting that Lansdown will definitely go down that route BUT he is a businessman. The 'new' Ashton Gate with football and rugby could become a more attractive proposition for any large company prepared to part with big money to have their name attached to a stadium. Not saying I think it will happen but you never know...

    Hopefully it'll never happen but if it did, people would still call it Ashton Gate anyway.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, cityloyal473 said:

    There is something very odd about the Sag takeover.  It's not as if the UWE was an initial draw for the takeover - Sainsbury's and the legal case have made that a coin flip - so he hasn't come for that.  His team have already said that they had been told to F Off by other league 1/2 teams.  This process must have been very recent - 6 months ago the Sags were non league.  So why the Sags, why now?

    Its very strange.  Although I do think Piggs has played a blinder.


  11. 32 minutes ago, S_Y_G said:

    119 pages on the gas, come on guys, we have a result to talk about.  7400, is pretty much what we got when we were there.

    The year we had a higher average attendance than the Gas who were in the division above us you mean?

    I know Rovers never get above 10k usually but I would've thought today of all days with 'El Presidente' strutting his stuff around the Mem the Blue Few would've actually made a bit of an effort. Where's this amazing fanbase they were talking about yesterday? 


  12. I wonder if 'GazSaid' will join the other Gasheads who say they are planning to wave £20 notes at Morecombe fans today.

    You see, it's that sort of humility and general lack of arrogance that make Gasheads so loved and respected by every other clubs fans....whilst everyone hates us obviously. Thats what they've been saying for years anyway.

    I genuinely believe a large number of their fans are going to show their true colours now which will make them more hated than they pretend we are. This is great, and they've still got the hard work of trying to catch up with us. Welcome to Bristol Mr Al Qadi :clapping::clapping::clapping:

    • Like 4
  13. 18 minutes ago, GazSaid said:

    No I was banned with no reason 

    Yeah, of course you were. I respect the Gasheads like In the Net, Miah and Bert Tann who had broad enough shoulders to post on here throughout Rovers time in Non League (your Sugardaddy won't be able to wipe that from your history by the way). You'll be gone again as soon as you realise that buying your way up the leagues isn't as easy as so many Gasheads seem to think it is.

    Dont pretend that Gasheads get banned on here as quickly as they do on your forums though.

  14. Slagchat is an amusing read now they've had a chance to let the Strongbow kick in...

    I swear they recycle that OTIB 'what do the initials really mean?' thread every few weeks, elsewhere on the board they're getting really upset with some City fan suggesting that this guy might not be worth as much as they think.

    Some muppet has started a thread just to suggest that they are different from us because they have "spirit and soul".... I wonder who they are trying to convince, us or themselves?


    • Like 2
  15. 7 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

    But what "thing" have they become that "they always claimed to despise"?

    They have more money but the identity of the club remains unchanged. Are you saying if you asked 100 Rovers fans in the street if they wanted more money to make their club more competitive they would all say they "despise" that? I doubt that.

    'Claimed' to despise CR....I never believed them for a second

    At the end of the day they are now the 'plaything' of a very wealthy man...a 'Sugardaddy'. In the past a lot of their fans have critisised and mocked City for the way we are financed however as soon as a foreign investor with a few quid comes along promising the good times they're quite happy to forget about that.

    Personally I think it's a good thing if only because they won't be able to use the same excuses anymore about lack of money being the reason why their crowds and league position don't match ours. It'll be interesting to see how confident they are with their new owners if things go badly...how often have we heard predictions of Lansdown walking away leaving us fuq ed? Good luck with the Jordanian Chelsea fan if it all goes tits up.

    Maybe it won't go tits up, who knows? I just think they don't realise (some Gasheads) how difficult it actually is to buy success....not that they'd ever wet their pants with excitement about the mere suggestion of buying success. :disapointed2se:


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  16. 1 minute ago, Dark Wood Covert said:

    I think its more to do with their hypocritical stance and how they'd never be taken by a rich owner... always the peoples club ;)

    Exactly this. They are on the brink of becoming the very thing they've always claimed to despise and they're loving it.

    Long, long way to go before its known whether this is going to be good for them or not. I think it's a bit bizarre that this has happened before the findings of the Appeal Court are known, presumably Higgs and Co are far from confident of a good outcome against Sainsburys.

    They'd do well not to gloat too much until they've actually achieved something, they'll be subject to the same financial rules that we are, likewise we would be wise not to write off these investors straight away. One thing is for sure, as I mentioned earlier, I wouldn't swap them for the Lansdowns. At least we know our guys are committed to the club and our future.

    • Like 9
  17. 2 hours ago, Hello said:

    Dont you have a billionaire owner anyway?

    Miah is a Gashead.


    59 minutes ago, Hello said:

    I have never been one to knock SL. This is the world of football now,

    I think we'll be hearing this a lot from Gasheads over the coming weeks. I predict a massive U turn in Rovers fans opinions regarding rich owners, money in football and what constitutes being a 'plastic' football club or the 'plaything' of a rich Sugardaddy. They probably won't be so interested in who pays tax where either.

    Welcome to the real World Gasheads but I'd much rather have Lansdown.


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