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Everything posted by steveybadger

  1. I’ve got mixed feelings about it - on the one hand it can make money for lower league FC (and especially at the mo that isn’t to be sniffed at). In addition there is that chance of a big game e.g Us v Man U. However, as has been said the big teams rarely put strong teams out early on, and like the FA Cup the big teams now seem win it more often than not. Ultimately I wouldn’t get rid of it but I have to say my interest dwindled years ago.
  2. Fair enough - just League Cup finals then
  3. Maybe he should avoid penalty shoot outs after the last one (strops and refuses to go off, loses)and this one?! Certainly League Cup finals….
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/60492328
  5. It’s really good he’s doing well where he is. I wouldn’t say his spell as manager would ever have tarnished his status at the club (given the number of games as a player), but it’s lovely to see him as a big cog in our academy’s development. Just feels right.
  6. Especially against Cov who are best in the division at scoring late
  7. I bet he goes in goal at the end of training and is sickeningly good at that too
  8. You clearly feel strongly about the issues in Qatar, like me, so I’m guessing you’ll be organising something yourself? Happy to tag along if so. Also, I’m not sure why ‘calling out’ slavery is the preserve of us lefties? Wouldn’t any decent minded individual feel the same about all types of slavery, whatever their politics?
  9. Sorry that’s rubbish. I’m a Guardian reading lefty and I think Qatar holding the World Cup is an abomination. As is the treatment of this woman.
  10. I do try to believe in second chances for people but in all honesty I feel the same way about him as I do about a certain full back we employ.
  11. Fair points both - i guess my ongoing concern is that I would’ve thought the guy stood in the middle of the 6 yard box would be your go to header of the ball, but RC barely seemed to get off the ground (appreciating he didn’t get a run at it).
  12. My mate who’s a Reading fan thought he’d offered his resignation last Sunday.
  13. Extraordinary how we were so dull to watch first half the season, yet we’re now 8th top scorers. AS is the reason, and not just his goals; he pulls people out of position and creates stuff for others. Enjoy him while we can - I suspect he’s going to single handedly stop us getting points deducted next year.
  14. I phoned up Derby and asked and they said between £500,000,000 and a billion a season ?
  15. Ooo oooi know this - it’s rain isn’t it? ?
  16. If we go down from here it would be richly deserved. We won’t.
  17. Can’t remember what the deal is - are they obligated to buy him? If not wonder if Argyle might like him - didn’t he have a good loan there a while back?
  18. Yep. The problem we now have IMO is playing 3 at the back. The number of times the ball was played in behind the wing back last night and there was huge space and confusion about whether a centre back should come out. It might be resolved if we had a settled defence but we change it quite regularly. However, if we play 4 at the back andMartin up top (Semenyo is unstoppable now), then to fit Weimann in he has to play right mid. Unless we drop Martin, but then he’s also one of our best defenders at set pieces (quite apart from playing well generally at the moment). A conundrum.
  19. It’s quite simple. We used to be unable to score and now although we score regularly we can’t stop letting them in! That elusive balance….but at least we’re more entertaining
  20. Don’t disagree with you but there have been numerous games this season with Bentley in goal, when we have been pushed right back?
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