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Silvio Dante

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Posts posted by Silvio Dante

  1. £35 adults

    £30 OAP or 18-21

    £15 Under 18s

    At a time when games are being called off left right and centre, when there is a degree of doubt if fans will even be able to attend and when people have just had the expense of Christmas that’s ****ing scandalous. It’d be bad at the best of times (and we may be reaping what we sow with what we charge away fans), but asking people to commit the above when they have no idea if the game will even be on/attended is scandalous. I could swallow the adult ticket (just about) but the high price relative to other away games for kids is the real thing that sticks.

    Guess we know which team drove the FA cup pricing.

  2. 24 minutes ago, gl2 said:

    Oh fantastic, another Bash Boris thread, but just what would have Starmer and his smarmy side kick do differently/better? remembering of course Starmer has no policies of his own.

    I know lets put the media and the beeb in control......oh wait a minute they are already as many believe whatever they say.


    20 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

    Starmer was on tv earlier, his party will be backing everything the Conservative party do and say.  65 plus conservative rebels, labour will once again side with the Conservative party. 

    Both of these posts are in a way symptomatic of the problem. Starmer was on tv earlier and confirmed he would back the restrictions but also confirmed (again) more needed to be done to support aspects such as compulsory sick pay to keep adherence with self isolation and improved school ventilation. So, even today he’s not just “siding with the Conservatives”, he’s siding with the science and proposing things both him and his “smarmy side kick” would do different.

    In fact, if you go through the history of the pandemic, Starmer has called for measures before Johnson did - remember the circuit breaker in October 2020, and calling for urgent action on the 15th December when a certain party/quiz was going on. He’s been in lockstep with the science (when the Tories eventually shared sage minutes) all the way through, so we would have headed off things quicker, as opposed to playing PR.

    Off the top of my head, he’s also called for stronger border checks before they came in, support for the 3m excluded under furlough, and proposed contracts should go to firms that could deliver medical equipment as opposed to mates.

    So yeah, there appear to be a raft of policies. And ones that every medical and scientific expert conclude would have protected us better. There’s nothing wrong with backing the government and not playing politics in a pandemic.

    Saying he’s blindly backing and has no policies are incorrect, and frankly show no understanding of what he’s actually called for.

    • Like 5
  3. 8 minutes ago, sticks 1969 said:

    In all fairness he has had the impossible job what with COVID and brexit 

    could anyone done a better job ?

    I’m sorry. This is nonsense.

    He campaigned for Brexit. If the daft blond **** thought it was impossible he shouldn’t have done so. In fact, I believe he thought he had things done and an “oven ready” deal. So it’s either not impossible or he’s a liar.

    And yes, literally anyone could have done better on Covid. The highest death toll in Europe kind of illustrates that even before you get to the double standards.

    (Feel free to move to politics forum but this attitude is precisely what allows him to be so crap and treat the nation with contempt)


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  4. 12 hours ago, underover said:

    Nuffield health have/had a place at bristol airport, not sure if they do the quick PCR tests but I have a feeling they did the ones you can get back in a few hours 


    12 hours ago, Colombo Robin said:

    This one sounds promising. Will look into it. Cheers underover ??

    I had to use the Nuffield Health one before I went to Cyprus last month. Daughter had the test at 5pm, results at about 8pm. Cost £120. Park in the hotel (£5) and it’s before the departure gates. 

    The only thing is whether they’re bookable to take on return - IIRC the passenger locator form asked for a booking reference, so as long as that’s provided, I would imagine it’ll work


    I've clarified two posts above.

    If your first game was John Atyeo's last (or you think that you saw him play!) then that links you back to the date of his debut performance for the club.

    If you saw him in 1966 you were then watching a player who first played for City in 1951.


    To give it a bit more colour I saw Ray Wilkins play for QPR several times in the mid 90s where I was watching a player who had been captain of Chelsea in 1975; I was watching the same player who had led Chelsea through the 70s in a wholly different era for football.  Though widening it to "any player, any club" seemed to be a bit random.

    It took me a couple of reads to get it - it’s similar to how far you can go back in city history in the fewest steps but using the “fan” as the start point (as we’re all current). So in your example you go from now back to Tainton, and Tainton then takes you back another x years.

    If we were doing players, it’d be something like Vyner to Bryan to Carey and so on.

    That it?


  6. 1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

    Just remembered….thought he was 45:55 to win that header v Nyambe that allowed Weimann to get on the ball and create the assist.  Showed heart today…something I’ve questioned a lot in the past.

    Agree - he was totally committed. And the number of times the ball to him from CM was on was huge. I think those highlighting “the throw in” situation are betraying prejudice against a wholehearted performance- which I agree, hasn’t always been evident

    • Like 3
  7. Pleased to see this. Few points:

    - His getting the fullback a card was genius shithousing. He was a yard into our half, two players in front of him and stopped to get the challenge. He already had the better of him, and got a card from a “low chance” situation

    - The throw in. Our tactic is Kalas long throw. He had no real back up had he kept it in, so again, intelligent 

    - The goal. Lucky somewhat, but the ball to Weimann for the 1-2 again, top notch.

    He was second only to Williams for me today

    • Like 3
  8. 13 minutes ago, Antman said:

    does anyone have any background on him, what sort of player is he?


    Is this because of the prolonged absense of Baker and the fact that Atkinson was withdrawn before the Cov game?

    we are a little short of CB options?


    or just because he wasn't getting game time at Eastleigh.

    Ah, so you’re after the Low-Down

    I'll get me coat

    • Haha 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, Dullmoan Tone said:

    I still think if Niki M had been able to stay fit he would have been our long term number 1.

    It was so frustrating when he started to get a run and show good form he would be injured again.

    One day we should probably have a City injury 11 - with Joe as captain and Nathan as coach (he will be unavailable for selection)

    George Elekobi at right back with Benik and Velicka up front.

    Dani Rodrigues playing at number 10 

    • Like 2
  10. Few points:

    1. DCL is known for extravagant dress sense. What this has done is raised his profile far in excess of the fee from the magazine, and the magazine getting publicity far in excess of the fee paid to him. In marketing/media that’s called a win:win

    2. It matters not if you think it’s manly or not. I wouldn’t wear it because, to be frank, it’d look shit on me. I don’t think it looks great on him but see (1) - he’s getting publicity and money to do so, so more power to him. People who have a problem with him wearing it are just a bit odd.

    3. On the schools thing - I seem to say a lot on the politics forum, the plural of anecdote is not data. One headteacher, one school, doesn’t make some conspiracy to degender every child. In fact, it makes news because it is the exception - and often for a reason (as in the solidarity example) that gives more than the headline. Personally, I have no issue in LGBTQ being taught at the time sex education is in schools. But there aren’t reams of 6 year olds being taught about terfs etc…

    Short version: fair play to him, if you’re offended it says more about you than it does about him, and there aren’t hordes of people out to encourage your kids to go trans.

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