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Everything posted by pongo88

  1. They should but there’s one problem - money. They haven’t got any / don’t want to spend any. All the recent plans have involved other people’s money, in one form or another. The current new stand is financed by a loan, which is why it’s so cheap and nasty. Even the new owner, when interviewed on Radio Bristol, talked about further redevelopments being financed by loans or other investors.
  2. We just need someone to link it to return flights to Hartlepool, travel to and from Parson Street station and black bins
  3. Only 8 for me. I hadn’t a clue with the foreign ground and all of my guesses for these were wrong. I’d actually been to some of the UK grounds that I got wrong, but as that connoisseur of all thing football and beer, @Dr Balls, said it’s all about the angles Angles are very interesting - e.g. When a line crosses parallel lines, alternate angles are equal. When a line crosses parallel lines, corresponding angles are equal. Not a lot of many people know that
  4. I know the feeling. Several years ago I started taking my son and daughter to watch games. After a while I realised that my daughter was only interested in buying a burger and wandering around, so I gave up taking her. Luckily my son had an interest and still attends matches.
  5. “…in all fairness”! I don’t want fairness on this subject. I want total ridicule and humiliation
  6. The Rovers’ average attendances are boosted by the away support from some of the bigger teams in the league. There may be a few local teams who bring a good away support to Chesterfield but, in the main, Chesterfield don’t get as many away supporters as Rovers. Strip out the away fans and Chesterfield’s average attendance is probably higher than Rovers
  7. pongo88

    Andy King

    That explains why we’ve signed to many foreign players in the last couple of years
  8. I just wish there was an emoji I could add that reflects your post to expose this sort of thing. Perhaps Inspector Gadget as he’s a cyborg police inspector
  9. pongo88

    Andy King

    Serious question - what exactly was Cisse’s job title and actual role? He seems to have been around for a while and had something to do with foreign signings but I’m not sure how players from Scotland and Ireland would need his help
  10. The players brought in by City’s recent transfer policy are mainly league one standard, bought on the hope they can develop into top six Championship players. Nigel wasn’t given the budget (transfer fees and salary) to get anything better. If LM has to operate under the same constraints the results will be broadly the same. If he suddenly has a bigger budget in the summer, and better quality players arrive, it will be an admission that the current strategy was wrong
  11. Dire - only 1 goal in the last 2 matches against the 2 worst teams in the league (and Sheff Wed only had 10 men for 60 minutes)
  12. If City win it won’t just be because of Manning and if City lose it won’t be his fault either. Just got to hope there isn’t an overreaction one way or the other.
  13. Don’t hold back, just come out and say what you really think
  14. Head-to-head record is fairly even (cue Pongo) Won: 35 Lost: 37 Drawn: 25 @Jerseybean - you’re getting better, but couldn’t you try just a bit harder?
  15. Before my retirement I didn’t see any men wearing red suits at work. Red / blue is generally limited to football and doesn’t influence people’s lives outside of this.
  16. This bit from Oxford could have been written by many on OTIB: “Bristol City are a very ordinary club that will forever be stuck in the Championship at best. No matter how much money they spend or who manages the club, they just don't seem to do anything in that league of note. Big crowds, nice ground but absolutely nothing else and I can't see how even Manning could turn it around if he went. One wrong move could easily sour is career if it doesn't work out and he wont want two sackings on his record before he's 40. Here is City's finishing positions since returning to the second tier: 18th, 17th, 11th, 8th, 12th, 19th, 17th, 14th. They are currently 11th and whilst nicely poised, there's probably still a good 10teams in that league guaranteed to finish above them no matter who is in the crows nest.”
  17. His landing now, disguised as the late Queen.
  18. Just so. LJ signed Szmodics and then wasted a few million on Kasey Palmer. There is wasn’t room for both in the team so LJ decided to put his, mistaken, belief in Palmer. Without Palmer Szmodics could have been given time to adjust to Championship football
  19. As we’re on page 53 of this rumour I thought I’d throw in a few graphs that illustrate the way such things spread. I haven’t a clue what they mean but I thought @Davefevs might like them
  20. Exactly. I don’t want to go over old ground but the team we’ve got is the result of the constraints placed on the old manager. The budget he had to work with was sufficient to produce a mid table team and no more
  21. I saw Elvis down the chip shop………
  22. I’m psyching myself up for today’s big match. I usually wear lucky red socks but, today, as I’m in mourning for Nigel I’m wearing a darker shade. Also, in respect for Nigel, instead of the usual lucky sausage roll, I’m going to take a slice of Melton Mowbray pork pie. Forecast - a 2-2 draw, good support for the players and a few pro Pearson / anti Lansdown songs sung
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