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Everything posted by pongo88

  1. Come on, let’s be optimistic. 2-0 win to City (This is based on the improbability drive from the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy)
  2. I find it slightly ironic that he pulls payers away to avoid physical confrontation when he’s spent his entire life involved in physical confrontation. He must be the most obnoxious manager in the football pyramid. Just a quick summary on this website belie https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.eurosport.co.uk/football/scottish-premiership/2016-2017/the-life-and-crimes-of-joey-barton-but-is-he-football-s-biggest-bad-boy_sto5860687/story-amp.shtml
  3. It’s all very well say SL didn’t need to sell Ashton Gate for £20m as it’s not your money. He was planning to spend far more building Ashton Vale than he subsequently spent redeveloping Ashton Gate (Ashton Vale budget approx £92m v Ashton Gate redevelop approx £50n). Although he’s a millionaire (billionaire?) he was entitled to recover some of the costs of moving grounds. I can’t imagine any football club owner who, if they we’re planning a ground move, would ignore the prospect of recouping £20m by selling the old ground
  4. George Ferguson didn’t object to City moving to Ashton Vale, he objected to a Sainsbury’s supermarket being built at Ashton Gate. He proposed some other development, but never actually offered to buy the ground to facilitate thus development. He’s now one of the people objecting to Bristol Zoo selling its current site for housing to enable it to move to Cribbs Causeway. Again, he likes an alternative option for the site but isn’t actually putting up any cash. He’s full of “brilliant” ideas as long as someone else pays
  5. They sell good pasties at the Minimum Stadium so perhaps that was a factor in convincing Pitman to sign
  6. The last para sums it up perfectly
  7. I haven’t a clue how the law applies to this, but it seems strange that someone could beat another person without any physical contact. On the other hand, it’s possible to assault a person verbally, or psychologically, which can be just as bad
  8. Which JET will be see? World beater or panel beater (as said by Mick McCarthy)
  9. This reminds me of when Rovers had Paul Buckle as manager. He signed a completely new team one summer and the supporters were drooling over the certainty of promotion. He was sacked in January
  10. SL has said that “it” (the Atyeo stand) won’t be increased in size due to the cost of buying the houses and lack of need. A 27k capacity is perfectly ok in the Championship and, if City reach the Premier League, it would only be a sell out when the bigger teams visit. The big money comes from the Premier League and TV
  11. I’m surprised @Never to the dark side hadn’t commented on that Edit - he has, 4 minutes before I posted this
  12. As time goes by I’m more and more convinced that Nick Higgs is a mastermind genius. When he was in charge, the club had debt he couldn’t afford to repay, the ground was decrepit and the squad was worthless. In other words a club with zero value. Yet, somehow, he managed to find someone to buy the club from him!
  13. I feel you’re being unkind to Notts County. They have fallen on hard times but they are only one decision below Rovers and should they get promoted via the playoff they will be in the same division. The advantage County has over Rovers is the the approx 19k all seated stadium with the income generating conference facilities.
  14. Open the box. (One for the oldies)
  15. The main factor in deciding whether to keep or sell should be does NP think he will ever deliver an end product on a regular basis. For all his undoubted talent, at present he doesn’t. Getting him to change won’t be easy as, at present, when in a shooting or crossing position he tends to panic and just blasts the ball as hard as he can.
  16. Sensible comment on the Rovers forum about Barton’s anger management problems; “Keep your wits about you if you happen to passing by McDonald’s at 2am tomorrow morning.”
  17. It’s ironic that The Den, home of Millwall, is at Cold Blow Lane when it was such a “hot” place to go
  18. The advantage of large attendances at matches at Ashton Gate in recent years is that the other spectators act as a wind break and keep you warm. Back in the days when attendances were below 10k you could be isolated and hit by a blast of cold air coming directly from the North Pole.
  19. I’d be happy if they finished bottom of division 4 of the Downs League if it wasn’t for the affect (or is it effect) they would have on the other teams in this league. Imagine how Racing Mouse First, currently in 10th place, would feel if they had to play Rovers in a relegation decider
  20. Some of them have a sense of humour https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/17844/vans-mem
  21. I hate to say it but they may be in with a chance against Doncaster. On current form they are worse than Rovers and are bottom of the table based on the last six matches.
  22. At least one person on the Rovers forum has some perspective of how bad things are: “One of our most embarrassing moments was when we found a sponsor for the tent in the corner between the South Tent and the stand where the changing rooms are.We called a press conference and the Club officials and sponsors stood in front of it announcing they were the proud sponsors of our new stand.It's a tent in reality and the publicity shot made me cringe claiming it was a new stand.“
  23. Gillette Soccer Saturday - “And Joey Barton went straight for the referee at full time” Nothing new
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