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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Delighted to see us get another unexpected win. Following the Birmingham debacle and the absence of Kalas I expected us to get a good hiding. " Ooh Matron ! " How is it that we lose to teams we are expected to beat, and win against those we expect to beat us? As per the famous Churchillian statement regarding Russia (somewhat distorted) - Bristol City are an enigma, wrapped in a paradox, filled with conundrums, riddles and mystery.
  2. Any suggestions for a "Polish-a-Turd" squad? How about Danny Shittu and Teemu Pukki for starters,
  3. You'll have a job spotting any highlights. Plenty of lows though.
  4. Birmingham aren't normally this good. Were their players included in the drug tests today? Or is our utter woefulness making the opposition look much better than they really are.
  5. Hopefully, they're saving all the positives for the second half. We need a miracle to get anything out of this game.
  6. Like finding a needle in a haystack. Surely, the awful odour should have been bad enough to prevent you bumping into "it". You're probably infected now. "Gas"-troenteritis causing diarrhoea and vomiting, as well as making people delusional bull-*hitters. I recommend you present yourself to the nearest local decontamination centre.
  7. Who'd have guessed Frank Spencer was a Fewer? This guy is a walking disaster. Bit like the club he supports.
  8. The Blue Fews' (unrealistic) expectations are building up nicely. This will make their forthcoming crash, and inevitable fall from grace, all the more sweeter.
  9. Spot on Dave. Several opportunites to prevent the goal. None taken, Surprised Williams lost out in that challenge. Amazed Massengo didn't take one for the team. An then. Kalas (who should know better) got sucked out of position, moving, needlessly, towards the ball. As you say "collective errors".
  10. Good news. Will be great to share our promotion season performances on the box, and to hear the pundits gushing over how awesome we are.
  11. Scott is showing some of the older ones, earning a lot more, the input and impact that we, the fans. expect from all our players, week-in. week-out. Pleased to see young ones being given a chance, and proving they are as good, if not better, than some of the more experienced professionals. Their commitment, enthusiasm, energy and fearlessness is refreshing. If you're a youngster at City now, you can see that if Pearson thinks you're good enough, you'll get a chance to prove it with a first-team opportunity. Youngsters make mistakes, but so do the older players. The key thing is that some of these mistakes have been so costly, and players must stop repeating those mistakes, after we've been told they will learn from those mistakes. All in all, I think we are progressing under Pearson and the football is far more attractive and entertaining than it has been for quite some time. Like the long winless run at Ashton Gate, our propensity to concede late costly goals will inevitably come to an end.
  12. Thsi was the beginning of all those conspiracy theories and the cryptic messages from KewAnon? Anyone got a MBCGA hat ?
  13. Two Bristol Citys ? If the internet existed and we had a fans' forum in those days, it would have been "Two Teams in Bristol" ! (both Red of course)
  14. Damn that injury-plague ! Our medics and fitness coaches need to up their game. Send out the scouts immediately to find some players worthy of tying up King Gerry's boot-laces.
  15. Well done Nige and the lads. That win was much-needed and a bit of a surprise. Dedicate that win to the wonderful Ashton Gate 8.
  16. Boro fans were certain they were going to win, and would have been very pleased with that. A draw would have made them mad. But losing will make them even Wilder.
  17. That reminds me ....... anyone seen "Stranger Things" on Netflix?
  18. Sounds about right. Definitely a pro and well known.
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