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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Not so sure why NP should always get the benefit of the doubt? I thought at times he also made a few questionable answers during the Forum? He may be manager............but that does not make him infalliable?
  2. Best of luck Oskar.......look after yourself, fortunately u won't miss many games cos' of the World Cup break ?
  3. Thought he was outstanding today.........NP should now give him a well deserved run in the first team, and stop ignoring his talent, as he, IMHO has been badly neglected in favour of certain other individuals?
  4. Yep Eric was a plank today.............possibly a pun for older members of the Forum? ?
  5. Yep........at last Pring given a chance to prove himself, i am so pleased that he played well. IMHO, i think he has been poorly treated by NP, i hope he will now be given a run of games?
  6. WTF is wrong with Semenyo........since he was called up for Ghana, he has regressed?
  7. Unless we scored a 2nd goal ........an equalising goal was always likely. Swansea are a very good team, so a draw, although disappointing, is a good result.
  8. I can see this being a draw.............but i obviously hope n pray that i am completely wrong.
  9. Superb Analysis..........spot on.
  10. Your right.............goes to show how misleading possession stats can be...........COYR.
  11. But unfortunately the inevitable Dasilva .......Ha! looks like I jumped the Gun, So it's CP and JD
  12. Yep, Sykes started well..........but seems to have gone into his shell, and no longer runs at defenders, and seems to be lacking in confidence. Excellent was how he started out, but now is decidedly average. NP is a good bloke, but he is somewhat delusional on occasions? ie. Pacey players, who are the envy of everyone? Have to play 3 at the back, because it suits our players? Don't need a specialist set piece coach? Reading's 2nd goal (He meant 1st?) could not have been stopped by any defence? Hmmm?
  13. Have to agree, we are an average side as regards pacey players at best, the way Nigel put it, you'd have thought we had the quickest players in the League? Sorry NP, can't agree with you there. It also concerned me that Nigel approached it as almost a matter of pride, that we don't have a set piece specialist coach, I would say, Yep, that certainly shows? As our set piece delivery from corners and free kicks is exceedingly average, and it is a weapon used very successfully by some sides, but at present, not us? Also Nigel's response when asked about playing three at the back, he stated that is because it suits our players, and we have no full backs? Well our two wing backs must have some of the worst stats with regard to assist's, standard of crossing, and affecting the attacking aspect of our play in the league ? So I would say that it doesn't suit Sykes and Dasilva, as can be shown by their respective records. Even so, it was a greatly entertaining Fan's Forum
  14. I wonder? Did any of the 3 main podcasts attend, and intend to provide coverage of the Fan's Forum? Headhunter. 3 Peaps or OSIB? I would have thought that such an important event deserves some coverage and analysis?
  15. Approximately 7% of football games end up 0-0.........so your argument is superfluous And even so, 0-0 matches can often be entertaining.............?
  16. Thankyou so much for taking the time to keep us updated. But, Why did no one ask?........Considering JD Silva came through the Chelsea academy, and trains day in, day out.....Why is he unable to cross a football or shoot to a reasonable standard?
  17. Didn't seem to miss him at WBA?
  18. No you are correct..... their disregard for the safety of human beings was merely down to stupidity and ignorance? Of course they didn't set out to deliberately kill people, it was just down to their inability to do the job they were being paid for, and their prejudice's and incompetence. The fact that they were too ignorant and blinkered to realise that they were endangering peoples's lives was purely coincidentaL
  19. Ha! Yep, football is purely about the score? You can forget about the individual moments of outstanding skill, the drama of incidents, and the brilliance of goalscorer's, and exceptional defenders making interceptions that change the course of the game. It was 2-1 .......so who cares eh! I genuinely feel sorry for you
  20. You are making a tenuous comparison of Diana Ross at Glastonbury to Hillsborough? Upside Down? Ok?
  21. How can you possibly know that it was made with the best of intentions?
  22. Have you bothered to take the time to read Justice Taylor's report ... ......or do you just prefer to live within the land of your own blinkered prejudice?
  23. I am curious to know..........what is it that everybody, obviously clearly avoids re Hillsborough?
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