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wayne allisons tongues

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Posts posted by wayne allisons tongues

  1. 47 minutes ago, The Horse With No Name said:

    Im all in favour of finishing this season whenever possible, but preferably before the end of November. Then we can have a two week break break before starting 20-21 season in December, and having a 23 game season, ie 50%. Play everyone once, with the home and away fixtures done via a random draw. Everyone knows the rules before it starts. If the remainder of this season, or part of next has to be behind closed doors, so be it, but this season HAS to finish. 

    Half seasons will send club bankrupt. Half TV money, sponsorship, hospitality and gate receipts.

    How are clubs suppose to survive when they need full everything to pay people.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Bar BS3 said:

    That’s certainly something that needs to be resolved by an FA/FIFA ruling, yes. 
    Unprecedented situations need unprecedented rules to help rectify them. 
    If Transfer windows are also delayed, then automatic contract extensions shouldn’t really make that much difference. 

    But who pays the wage for an ooc player 

    Matt Taylor Bailey Wright OOC 30th June, should we have to pay them till September October.. 


  3. 56 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    You’re right as I’m led to believe from reading other stuff.

    If we take a few scenarios relevant to City players:

    Matty Taylor - contract exp. 30.06, on loan at Oxford.  Go out of contract on 01.07, but then not be able to register for anyone until 20/21 season, plus the likes of Oxford unlikely to be in a great position to offer him the deal they were expecting to pre-CV.  Might be better (if leagues rules allow) to extend loan spell short-term and see where the land lies at the end of the season, whenever that is.

    Niclas Eliasson - assume City have exercised option, contract exp. next summer, player looking to leave.  Pre-CV, City would’ve been looking at a good fee (profit against what they paid), and Nic looking at doubling / tripling his wages.  Post-CV buying clubs might go with a cheeky offer, but likely to now be offering lower wages.  Might he be better sitting tight until next summer, or even sitting down and discussing a new contract protecting him from football re-setting itself financially.

    There is gonna be a big gamble from players and clubs as to whether to carry on as normal or rein in their spending.  

    But if MT is out of contract 30.06 why would City want to carry on paying his wages. I know players get 1 month after contract expires, but why would we want to carry on paying wages for someone who isn’t our player anymore.  

    If we have budgeted without these players why should we have to pay them and effect our FFP.

    It is going to be a minefield when contracts expire and getting clubs to pay when they don’t have to.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Id advocate no hiring of players until the start of next season for any who want to play silly buggers.

    They're very well remunerated, it's a global pandemic- bollocks to them. Month or two out of work, or month or so longer stuck at a club. Know which one 

    They seem to want it all ways and I'd rather like clubs to fight back in due course.

    Hopefully FIFA will rejig the transfer window accordingly for this, to help mitigate against this risk.

    Granted though, it'll surely have to move anyway to allow for this but I'd like to see players who won;'t comply with a small inconvenience in a global pandemic get some sort of global football ban for a bit.

    I don’t agree with it, just saying according to the lawyer there is nothing a club can do to stop a player moving. A contract is a contract, clubs can’t have it both ways. 

  5. 2 hours ago, The Journalist said:

    It's intended the play-off semi-finals will still be two-legged and played over the same timeframe as normal.

    It is really worth stressing, though, that 56 days is absolutely plenty of time and not a huge deal. We've already had one particular period this season when we crammed 12 matches into 49 days. I'm sure there are more extreme runs than that, too.

    I think the 56 days includes  2 weeks preseason training in that figure, so players are ready to play 5 weeks in a row.

  6. 1 hour ago, daored said:

    Makes some really interesting points, whilst I agree footballers are vastly overpaid, clubs have a responsibility to run their business / clubs prudently.

    I do agree they shouldn’t be picked on by MP’s to give to the NHS or other charities, it should be an individual’s choice. Why would footballers be picked out, why not TV stars, movie stars and singers. There is a lot of wealth in this country and whilst footballers are a percentage of it , they’re not the only ones earning excessive money.

    The Liverpool situation is  disgusting a club with their wealth , similar to Spurs should NOT be asking for government assistance - the government should be telling these clubs to **** off unless they agree to put ALL staff (including players) on the same scheme. If you can afford to pay £100k plus a week to an individual, you can pay the non playing staff. You can bet Liverpool & Spurs will both spend £50 million at least in the next 12 months on new players - yet they can’t afford to pay their non playing staff. Tell them they’ve failed FFP and can’t play champions league football and get a 3 year transfer ban , they’ll soon pay their staff in full 

    I see Kyle Walker has issued an apology for having escorts at his house , for him and his mates. When will these ******* selfish ******* join the real world. I can’t wait until the Euros next year when every newspaper is calling them hereos again. 

    This has really made me fall out of love with our game, because of greed. Some want us to join the party and get promoted , not me

    What makes me laugh is the lady in the article saying he’s a Hypocrite and putting lives at risk. What about herself she has a young child, what he did is bad and should be fined/disciplined but she is as bad as him.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Cash bonuses can form a decent chunk of remuneration. Dividends decision sees shareholders taking a hit, but surely that maybe applicable to bonuses paid in the form of shares too?

    Why football? Probably as it's such a popular and well known industry.

    That's fine though, we all have different political views. Solidarity is a concept lacking in modern UK.

    But bankers haven’t accepted to lose there cash bonus yet, just not pay out on the dividends. 


    Why football? mentioned plenty of other popular sports; jobs and you ignore them and go on about football. 

    With the way your answering responding it seems you blame football for being inconsiderate not in to together, but other people are ok to keep there money for they aren’t part of a popular sport. If 3 billionaires decided to give 10% of there wealth to the government and said hand out this to help it would be a big help to society, more than a few £10K wage deferrals.


    If you want solidarity then look at other people apart from footballers and how do you know what my political views are. I asked you a simple question which you haven’t answered and start presuming my political view is of a certain way.

    • Hmmm 1
  8. Why are we having a go at footballers, why not chief executives, BBC stars, Bank bosses, Tennis Players, golfers, F1 drivers, football club chairman.

    They all get paid a fortune but aren’t being mentioned in this conversation.




    This article explains I think the problems club face, is it the players or the PFA. 

    Deferrals are good but still get the money at a later date, so not exactly missing out.

    • Hmmm 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


    Surely that stuff should be on hold in these exceptional times.

    I agree but can also see it from other teams situation that it’s been only 2 home games at most so why do clubs need to cut wages so dramatically. Is it because they are on the brink of FFP and where is the missing deferred wages coming from if they can’t pay now.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Crackers Corner said:

    I really hope that is the case, I do find it supprising that this far in the only test results we seem to hear about are those with serious symptoms and celebraties.

    Hope you friend stays safe.

    There death figures don’t include Post Mortem results. 
    If they say your in for a heart problem and die they don’t check for Covid 19.

    Other countries do test, which is why figures around the world are so confusing/don’t make sense.

    • Like 2
  11. 22 hours ago, Super said:

    Hopefully some slightly positive news from Germany

    The head of Germany's public health institute has said there are signs the exponential upwards curve in new coronavirus infections in the country is flattening off for the first time.

    Lothar Wieler, head of the Robert Koch Institute added it was a result of social distancing measures.

    He said: "We are seeing signs that the exponential growth curve is flattening off slightly.

    "But I will only be able to confirm this trend definitively on Wednesday."

    He added he was optimistic that measures taken so far in Germany, including school closures, instructions on hand-washing and strict warnings against public gatherings, were already having an effect.

    Trouble with Germany is they aren’t reporting all cases.

    Was discussed on news last night, if someone dies in hospital we do a post-mortem and if they have Covid 19 we report it in the figures.

    Germany are not reporting how people died/doing post mortem so there figures are very low due to it. 

    It appears different counties are reporting differently so numbers are everywhere.

  12. 2 minutes ago, RedM said:

    I immediately thought of this when they said buses in Bristol were going to a less frequent service, everyone is getting shoved onto fewer buses. Not everyone can work at home. Not everyone has a car to use. 

    Also Congestion charge not being dropped so in your car on your own, you are social distancing but being penalised. 
    London Mayor wants social distancing but isn’t prepared to run the transport for it. Seems all transport companies at the first chance they get cut services to save money and endanger people, but will be asking for bailouts. Can’t have it both ways.

    Full service one day running to limited/Sunday service overnight.

    • Like 1
  13. 36 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    That's not why football was initially cancelled, though the government advice obviously changed since.

    Why would emergency services be required for a game behind closed doors? Other than potentially medical staff

    I don’t know that’s why I said I think. Guess it all depends on what each clubs SAG say. 

    Would they let a match proceed without an ambulance present? 

    All just guesswork but i would think playing matches is not high on list of priorities for the country at the moment.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Badger08 said:

    I can't see why this can't happen.  If the players are only mixing between themselves and get tested on a regular basis, it shouldn't be a problem in my view. 

    The clubs could stream the games / play them on sky.  Its an easy thing to no and no reason why the season can't continue behind closed doors after a 2 week isolation period for the squad and staff. 

    I think it depends on what services are needed at the ground. Games aren’t being played so that emergency services are free to deal with other things. 
    Would the government be happy for all these people to be not available on the frontline to be at football games.

  15. 10 minutes ago, RumRed said:

    Exactly, we’re at the mercy of our employers.  Much as people say just do it, that’s not how the world works.  Government should shut it down officially so people an companies can claim on insurance.  For the ‘party of business’ Boris is a ***.

    Been mentioned today that even closing businesses, most businesses Insurance doesn’t cover a closure. 

    • Like 1
  16. 13 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

    They surely have no choice but to get the remaining games played by hook or by crook? Both cancelling the season outright and deciding promotion/relegation issues as the table stands would cause a huge storm and a potential legal backlash that they would want to avoid at all costs. If they declare the season null and void, you''ve got the likes of Sheff Utd potentially losing out on Europe money,and  WBA and Leeds their Premier League windfall. Then if the season is declared finished with the table as it stands, teams like Tranmere will be relegated having played a game less than the team above them.

    My best guess on current evidence (that May will be the worst of it, and things will be looking better in June) is that Euro 2020 gets cancelled and teams play Saturday-Tuesday during that time to get the remaining games played. It's not that many and could be done within 4 weeks. Then the new season will start a few weeks later and there will be a couple more midweek games to catch up. Issues with contracts/transfers will just have to be worked around.

    Trouble you have is clubs are still in Europe so have those games to play as well as FA Cup. PL Man City have 10 games to play as well as potentially 6 CL and 3 FA cup ties. That is 10 weeks to finish the season. 
    EFL with play offs could be done in 7 weeks.


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