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wayne allisons tongues

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Posts posted by wayne allisons tongues

  1. 41 minutes ago, daored said:

    Can’t see the government lifting lockdown measures enough to allow football to return. Certainly appears that social distancing will be in place - and hard to see how football being played with so many people involved will meet the rules and restrictions. 
    This has been a farce.

    I think they were looking into training wearing masks if got green light. Been reported in China children are dying in school whilst exercising wearing masks so can’t see that being allowed here.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    According to those articles, as a former League club who have been expelled they have the right to come in higher up the non League pyramid. So Conference or Conference North.

    Bury AFC however as a prospective new club, will need to take their chances low down. North West Counties League I think. 


    Wouldn't have thought so, as Robin said. The logical outcome here IMO would be Barrow. Top of Conference, League has 71 clubs anyway. Seems relatively fair, not least as they were voted out in the 1970s I believe.

    Debt on Gigg Lane is a clear and obvious issue, but the company who hold/held that debt have gone into administration so, who knows...

    NWCFL they have been accepted. I watch Cheadle Town quite often in that league for my son works there Saturdays as part of his uni course.

    It is the same level Fleetwood, Fylde, Salford and FC United all started at.

    Isle of Man have been accepted as well. It’s split North and South so will wait and see what half they go in. 
    Trouble is if no clubs are promoted and relegated and restructuring has been halted by the FA it’s where and how they fit in for they are 1 of 11 clubs who have applied to join and were accepted ground dependant.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


    As you said in your post, could be tied to contract dates etc, the loan thing.  Still think regardless of this issue, common sense means that loans, conttacts extended- if they end sometime in July or late July, so be it- need to have squads as close to what we currently have for sporting integrity etc.

    Hopefully will not be a problem, but can see other clubs POV why are they paying full wages and let clubs save money to keep loanees. Think they have a point for a fair league, otherwise we are going to have clubs with there finances everywhere. Swansea 1 year to pay back deferrals but pay Liverpool and the wage for Brewster.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Essentially, clubs doing the right thing- the right thing by their staff (Leeds deferral enables non playing staff to get paid in full) and the right thing in an unprecedented global pandemic- protecting jobs plus taking a hit, not least as fans are losing out in this, in it together all that bollocks, will get penalised potentially under this scenario.

    @wayne allisons tongues That second bit about loanee returns is something new- any links?

    Talking of clubs taking the piss, I see Derby have furloughed their U23 squad for April and May.

    It's funny, Rooney's column slated the furore about football wages in these times and he said absolutely they would take a hit so staff can be paid. Not quite transpiring that way in reality.

    Having said that signing players with savings made- but what savings given the difference between a cut and a deferral? Talking in general now.


    Sorry it’s the sun, first I found on it, been doing rounds last few days. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, hodge said:

    IF we reached a point where no more games this season could be played I would rather a vote to finish the season as is rather than null and void. If you look at the premier league table, do Spurs deserve another season of champions league football (if there is one) over Leicester being 10 points behind? Do Arsenal deserve another season of Europa league over Wolves/Sheffield Utd? Do Norwich deserve another season of premier league riches when they're adrift at the bottom of the table, in league 1 would Bolton deserve to go through another season of a -12 points deficit or allow them a season in league 2 level on points. leagues like Scotland and National league aren't null and voiding they're calling as is, allow the last several months of sport to still mean something, whether it means ppg calculations or tables as they are.

    Also the non leagues have had to end as they can't afford to wait it out, l2/l1 may not be able to but championship and prem can afford to wait it out, look abroad to other countries have their domestic leagues called it quits yet? Its not like English leagues are different.

    Non league ended because they were told they had to, had no say in the matter, below NL level.

    With Nicola Sturgeon saying mass gatherings and groups being one of the last things lifted Chris Whitey saying social distancing for foreseeable future we can’t just go on forever waiting. Holland and Belgium have so far ended there seasons, Scotland have as well just deciding how to finish or restructure.

    You can’t say L1 and L2 finish and Champ PL can how is that fair on clubs top of the table in L1. I’m sure champ clubs will say why should we go down if they are not playing to go up. You have Accrington saying if they played rest of there games behind closed doors it will basically finish them off along with other clubs.

    Dont mind if they end the season with positions as they are and say that’s it. Should be a level playing field for everyone and not we have money we can do what we want. Clubs are not interested in integrity of the leagues at PL champ level it’s all about money and there selfishness now. Same with UEFA constantly moving dates back for the CL final so they can get there money. 


    • Flames 1
  6. 55 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    What I’m saying is that SL hasn’t had to underwrite all of his £24m (£8m x 3) yet. There is room imho to pay everyone their full wages for 2-3 months.

    However that assumes a restart at some point within the next 2-3 months.

    I think the doubt comes from reduced revenues when football does resume....and smoothing the revenue loss by reducing wages. It’s a fine balancing act when the future is unknown. 

    I think there is a lot of logic to the transfer ban part, but as I see it there won’t even be a transfer window for this to be a factor.

    Loans are a different kettle of fish.

    Take Afobe, it’s not black and white. From a playing point of view, Stoke might prefer him back.  But can his registration be changed back to Stoke mid-season, outside a window?  If not, they might argue it’s beneficial to weaken City. However they might argue it’s better City are stronger to help beat Stoke’s relegation rivals!!!  So that’s a consideration!

    Financially, Stoke would end up having to pay all of Benik’s wages. Currently City are contributing some / all of his wages. Can they afford to bring him back?  Especially if he can’t play!  Do that’s another consideration!!

    On the flip, City might want to send him back, ok, unlikely in Afobe’s case...but maybe not in Henriksen’s case.  So, Hull might be the loser in this scenario.

    People are throwing new rules out there without consideration of what it might mean in reality or other factors that might mean its unworkable....or work against their club!

    I think at the moment it is turning into one big mess. Clubs wanting certain things against other clubs,  wanting rules changed, no one knowing what’s going to happen next.

    I feel even though I think it may hurt clubs in L1 and L2 that it’s time to say enough is enough and this season is null and void.  Start afresh whenever 20/21 season is able to go. 

    Every league now in this country playing men’s football has called it quits now apart from the PL and EFL.

  7. 1 hour ago, hodge said:

    Just reading up, only found info on league one but it says all clubs share an equal fund on end of season (approx 667,000) in addition to solidarity payments and tv. So finishing their season early would get them that much each, voiding the season wouldn't as voiding implies the season never happened and as such no money for finishing the season. Hence where the vote for finishing early comes in, if the clubs feel they need that money they can vote to finish season with positions as are. However PL and championship clubs who can afford to tide themselves over until its feasible to play again want to see out the season to a conclusion.

    I thought solidarity payments are paid at the start of the season that’s why EFL have £56m from next season siting in the bank, but don’t want to give it out unless they need to.

  8. 1 hour ago, Alan Dicks' Barmy Army said:

    You'll never watch City again because of a decision taken from others? 

    Talk about a ridiculous over reaction 


    Football in the championship and PL had got to commercialised and clubs don’t care about fans and community anymore.

    It’s all about money money money. If championship PL clubs let other clubs die due to there greed then I’m quite happy watching non league as I have started doing. 

    Non league clubs appreciate fans and community and aren’t in it just for the money and ways of getting more and more out of you. How football, use to be.

    I am hoping with this delay in the season clubs take stock and think about how they treat fans and how much they are now spending. Can’t see it myself but live in hope.

    Why should Championship clubs have the right to be promoted but not relegated whilst L1 downwards can’t go anywhere, where is the fairness in that. All teams should be voided for the season not just the elite few able to play. 


  9. 49 minutes ago, hodge said:

    Its not that they'd be left to rot, its a case they'd get their end of season money from the league for their position to help their financial position to pay players/staff

    I believe EFL don’t pay prize money for places, just solidarity payments and tv money. EFL have had an advance of £56m for EFL clubs from PL from next season  but are holding on to it due to fears of clubs burning money on wages. 

    If clubs have no gate receipts, hospitality match day income coming in they will be in deep trouble. They need that money to survive.

    They can’t survive now so void the season and let them have an advance from next season to keep them afloat. Then they can restructure if need be for next season and can have discussion with league about what happens if 20/21 season is behind closed doors or delayed.

  10. 5 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Read something earlier that suggested Championship and Premiership to play until the end of the season, with no relegation to League One from the Championship.

    Leagues one and two to call it a day now with no promotion or relegation.

    Not sure how I feel about that.


    If that happens then that’s me finished with watching City. 
    Basically the big boys play there games and keep there money. 
    Smaller clubs can be left to rot whilst the big boys make more money.

    You either void all the leagues or none.What about NL don’t they deserve a chance of promotion like Championship sides,  Can’t have one rule for 1 league and  different for the rest. Everyone deserves a chance of Promotion if some are doing it.

    if City, Preston and Brentford were top 3 they would void the season now. Because WBA, Leeds,Fulham, Forest are top 4 they will play the season out.

    Think it will  be non league for me next season whenever that happens.

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  11. 12 hours ago, ashton_fan said:

    In the paper today it said EFL are considering playing all remaining EFL matches at 10 to 15 Championship grounds with 3 to 4 matches being played each day. I would have thought if that happens we would be one of those since we're the only club in this area and we have an advanced pitch capable of supporting that number of games, could mean the Gas playing their remaining fixtures at AG? 

    How would it work, we couldn’t play all our games at AG that gives us a big advantage. 
    Do championship sides play home and away and L1 and L2 play at neutral grounds.

  12. 6 minutes ago, pillred said:

    It's not the number of deaths so much as the number of new cases despite as I said the almost total suspension of our social and economic activity plus social distancing the number of new cases actually rose in the 24 hours preceding Friday to 5699, the day before Thursday 16th the new case total was virtually identical to what it had been over 2 weeks previously so the lockdown measures have NOT reduced these new case figures, that is what to me is the most alarming statistic I'm glad the NHS will be able to cope with 5,000 new cases but again when are we going to see some reduction? surely by now over 4 weeks into lockdown that should have happened.  

    There will be more cases for nearly 20k being tested now instead of 10k per day. Same number of positives is a good sign for more people being tested.

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  13. 39 minutes ago, mozo said:

    I think there will be distancing rules off the pitch and testing prior to kick off.

    I fully expect this to be too difficult for L1 and 2 to resume which makes the Bury and Bolton situations a bit ironic. PL and Champ could resume though.

    At the moment. That needs to be figured out prior to resumption. 

    It'll be weird and half as entertaining. But better than nowt and a means to an end (literally!)

    Will be a bigger shock for Leeds than us to be fair. It's not like the Gate is rocking every week!

    I'm not disagreeing with you. But the closure of a season is pretty important. We were witnessing history with Liverpool, and plenty of clubs have a huge amount to play for. In the current economic climate, promotion and relegation matters even more. It would be huge for Coventry or Preston. 

    If you don’t resume L1 and L2 how do you decide Promotion/relegation to the championship.

    I wouldn’t be fair to just have promotion relegation between PL and championship only.

    If the season has to be finished then all leagues need to play not a select few.

  14. Games can’t be played behind closed doors. L1 and L2 sides would not survive, gate receipts is what keeps them afloat. If L1 and L2 can’t play rest of leagues can’t be decided for no relegation promotion. 

    Hope we don’t get the situation where L1, L2 and NL are voided but championship and PL where more money is are played behind closed doors.

    Think that would be the last straw for me and would stop me watching City. Would just watch more Non league with my son,

    • Like 1
  15. That story sums up football at the moment, season needs to be played to save clubs paying back money.

    All this stalling isn’t about player or fan safety, it’s how clubs can survive and make as much money as they can.

    Cant see how they can play those games at Wembley, each team will need a hotel if there’s no travel. 
    Each member of hotel staff will need to be tested daily for they will I presume be going home to families each day.

    Camera/tv people will have to be locked away, Wembley staff will have to be tested daily.

    All this testing and at moment not enough for key workers to be done, and get results back ASAP. PL will be able to get it all done no problem.

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  16. 17 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    The clubs have to decide what happens with players out of contract. Do teams renew them monthly? 

    We wouldn’t want Wright or Taylor so they would just leave and join a new club I would guess.  Club is getting player for free so there would be demand

    If you can’t register a player till after season ends, what happens to them if season still going in August. 
    Why should we or any club subsidise wages so other clubs can finish the season.

    Bencovic is I suspect a pretty large wage, if we have to keep paying him to August instead of end of May how is that going to effect our FFP and the following seasons budget.

    Personally I just don’t know what the answer is but I’m sure agents and Lawyers are waiting to capitalise.

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