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wayne allisons tongues

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Posts posted by wayne allisons tongues

  1. 1 hour ago, RedDave said:

    My work depends on what happens in China in terms of factories. They are opening up again. Actions speak louder than words for me.  

    This virus is less deadly than flu it seems so far. The season is nearly over. Just can’t see it being cancelled.  All seems a bit of an overreaction so far. 

    Not convinced China have a grip on it, keep changing how they report it and appear to be not counting people who haven’t gone to hospital.

    Plenty in China saying people died from it but kept away from authorities so wouldn’t count towards figures.

  2. South Africa over rate is a Joke still have 17 overs to bowl and there 30 mins left. They get extra half hour but shouldn’t have to, think it’s about time teams were penalised 4 runs per over for slowness. They’ve even had the spinner on bowling over a quarter of the overs.


    This doesn’t help the speed of the game, bowlers don’t use as much energy for overs spread over longer time so not as tired. Batsmen have to concentrate longer when they shouldn’t have to.

  3. 1 hour ago, TomF said:

    Hearn knows how to get the money in - same with Fallon getting a chance. 

    He'll be picking up the BDO out of administration in the next few weeks no doubt. 

    Problem he has with Fallon is she hasn’t got a tour card so she has to accept wildcards or qualify. If she enters Q school and gets her card I am sure he would make a fortune for himself and her. 

  4. Suppose it’s because he’s now 20th in rankings and has only 1 years prize fund to reach there. Keep going as he is will be about 5 in rankings end of year for has no money to protect all a free year for him. 

    Barry Hearn also said he had reached 3 semi finals last year and if he had played as PDC not BDO at Grand Slam would be top 16 now.

  5. My son does work for a club at that lever and they are hoping there isn’t as many problems as there were with FC United when the joined, Clubs we’re getting gates of 2k plus and were averaging 60 to 100 normally. They either had to switch grounds to play or footed a big Police Bill to play home games.

    Guessing expected attendances maybe a question asked for clubs were losing money from paying for Police etc.


    Same league different club Isle of Man are joining the 2020/21 season and will be paying clubs travel costs etc. each game which was a requisite to joining.

    • Like 1
  6. If he wasn’t there player why all the upset at Cardiff when he died. He was on there website wearing/holding a shirt, 

    They are doing all they can to not pay out, think it’s disgusting the way they are acting.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    See the FIFA ruling is now in and Cardiff have been ordered to pay £5.3m to Nantes for Sala. Seems a bit of a fudge - if he was their player, then surely full fee payable. If not, surely nothing. Be interested to see the logic in 1/3 of agreed fee being the decision 

    I think that’s the first instalment of 3.

    Next one due Jan 2020 

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Apparently Bolton only needed one signatory of one of the parties to finalise the takeover deal as of last Friday.

    Then, over the weekend that signatory asked for £250k just to put their name to the deal.

    Where does this greed come from? I really despair sometimes at what our society has become. 

    For those asking why Bolton are getting 14 days, I assume it's because they are very close to a deal and also because in the meantime they are at least fulfilling their fixtures. Bury had missed six fixtures and it was becoming unrealistic for them to fit those rearranged fixtures into a condensed season. 

    Bolton are calling off games due to player fatigue, how is that fulfilling fixtures when they have only 5 pros.

    Bury weren’t given a chance by the league to play a game, kept calling them off whilst Bolton keep losing money and players but can carry on. Been at least 6 months to sort this deal but keeps getting called off. Just think Bolton and Bury which can we let go and the EFL decide Bury for not ex Prem.

    Why didn’t the EFL let Bury play and get some money in. Instead just left them to die, personally think it’s double standards by the league.

    if Bury had 3 buyers last night why not let them try to buy the club.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Robin1988 said:

    They’ve put out a statement tonight saying they’re still in talks with bidders.

    Sounds like liquidation was a threat to get buyers to hurry up. Not too encouraging that they didn’t.

    But Bury were in talks with bidders today but have been expelled.

    I have said this before I think Bolton have been getting preferential treatment from the league. Plus they didn’t have the guts to expel 2 teams at once. 

    A club with 5 players who cancel matches for they say there youth team can’t play twice a week can continue getting best 5 0 every week.


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  10. 1 hour ago, Coppello said:

    For what it is worth @ZiderEyed and @Ska Junkie, there is already a 4% levy on all transfers paid by the purchasing club which is used by the PFA. This would've been used to foot the shortfall in wages during the difficult periods faced by Bolton and Bury. It doesn't go the extra step that you stated previously, in terms of being used as a more concrete fund to keep the club afloat but it is a good idea. In reality, if they completed annual proof of funding checks for owners, it would alleviate many of the issues early doors. 

    It's a sad day for Bury football club day and really hope they survive. 

    Only problem is if the league bail out one club, then all clubs are going to expect the same. 

    What is to stop all clubs over spending etc,. then demanding help from the league.

    The league needs to be more on top of things and instead of letting clubs bend FFP rules should be stopping them and then the overspending higher up will stop. 

    Its ok the league saying are Bury viable what about other clubs hugely in debt each year playing in the league and allowed to get more and more in debt.

    I can’t understand how Bolton who had 5 players were allowed to start the season, didn’t the league think that maybe a problem.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    One of the engineers in my team is a massive Bolton fan and I was chatting to him about this very aspect this morning.

    The takeover is, by all accounts, delayed for a couple of weeks meaning their window will be shut by the time it goes through, if it does at all.

    His attitude was ' as long as we've got a club to support, albeit in League 2 next season, that'll do for me'. Given the money oriented game football is becoming, I found that quite refreshing TBH.

    I agree, but if the fans are saying hopefully a few weeks if at all, how have they been allowed to start the season. Whilst Bury are similar but with an owner who wants to sell, will pay to keep them going but aren’t allowed to play.

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