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wayne allisons tongues

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Posts posted by wayne allisons tongues

  1. 9 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Still find all this absolutely bonkers.

    I attended Wells City v Buckland yesterday. Over 100 in attendance. Bar open, beer and food being served but no requirement to eat, and no need for masks. People sat in the stand pretty close together. Pretty large groups of 6-8 blokes and WAGs all boozing with no social distancing. 

    You don't have to be a scientist to work out that when you are sat outside over two metres from the nearest person, a mask is doing precisely **** all. 

    Are you allowed to serve food and drink in Tier 2 games. League I watch/volunteer isn’t playing for no food and drink in Tier 2 makes it uneconomical for teams. How did they get around it?  

  2. 40 minutes ago, phantom said:

    The return of crowds to outdoor sporting events is "something to celebrate for fans", says English Football League chairman Rick Parry.

    A maximum of 4,000 fans will be allowed at events in the lowest-risk areas when England's lockdown ends on 2 December, with up to 2,000 in tier two but none in tier three.

    Football across England's top four divisions has mainly been played behind closed doors since returning in June.

    "This is a welcome start," said Parry.

    "Fans have been frustrated, they're missing their football, so it's something to celebrate for fans, not just for the clubs.

    "We have to build upon it because what we're really looking forward to is getting fans back in rather more substantial numbers."

    Parry added that the financial impact of fans returning could be "very significant" for clubs in Leagues One and Two and even a "lifeline" for sides in the fourth tier.

    "But it's not just the money, it's a very welcome return to atmosphere," he told BBC Radio Four's Today programme.

    Parry said there was "a lot of hard work ahead" and the government's announcement of the new measures on Monday will have taken the clubs "a little bit by surprise" as they "weren't really expecting anything before Christmas".

    "Some clubs will still have safety officers on furlough," he said. "There is a lot of work to do quite quickly and it's really important that we get this right.

    "We've got to make sure that the clubs and the fans all behave responsibly."

    There are six Championship, eight League One and seven League Two fixtures currently scheduled for Tuesday, 1 December and Parry said the EFL will be "as flexible as we can be" if matches could be moved to 2 December to accommodate fans.

    However, he said they still need to wait to find out which clubs will be in which tier on Thursday and to get the "necessary permissions from the safety advisory groups".

    Parry added that the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have been "incredibly supportive" and said it was "great to see that government does listen" after sports governing bodies had been pushing for the return of fans.

    He said the results of "extraordinarily successful" pilot events in various sports earlier this year showed fans could return in a safe manner.

    The pilot programme was paused in September amid a rise in coronavirus cases.

    The project, which saw the Sports Grounds Safety Authority and UK Sport working with Edinburgh University, found attendees had "high trust" in organisers to maintain their safety through measures like spaced-out seats and increased availability of hand sanitiser.

    When does lockdown end. Government website says 4 weeks so is that midnight 2nd December, 3rd December 1st day out. Am a bit confused why people are saying the 2nd December for that’s not 4 weeks.

  3. 5 minutes ago, reddoc said:

    This is seriously overcomplicating, and if you're that concerned just don't go. I think it's fair that every individual decides the amount of risk they're willing to take based on what we know, but when you agonise over the very small risk involved in washing your hands after having a piss, I'm thinking don't wash your hands then. Problem solved.

    Just stating it’s not the getting in that’s the problem.

    What people do inside the ground that’s the problem. Only takes 1 person to not follow the rules and pass it on and then someone says they got it at football then that is the end of it for everyone. 

    Volunteer at a non league team and know how many rules are in place to get games on with crowds of 200 to 300, and that is in a high rate area of  Manchester. 

    Crowds are needed at football or teams will die, but people need to follow rules (wash hands, queue correctly, remember you may not be able to get food and drink to social distancing).

  4. 5 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    Surely you can see SOME sense in it? The sense is that clubs desperately need fans back in order to survive and 4000 fans outside in a 25k stadium is lower risk than seeing all your family indoors at Xmas.  

    You might disagree with it but the sense is quite clear. 

    It’s not the being outside, it’s all about controlling the queues. 4000 people need the loo socially distanced is a long line out the ground. How often do you clean the taps etc. in the toilet. Catering how do you safely queue and not touch surfaces. 

    These are the problems that need sorting when at the ground. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, phantom said:

    So you are choosing to ignore the fact that grounds all over the country have measures in place to safely check and seat people in a limited attendance

    Perhaps you should stop ignoring facts and get your head out of the sand?

    I think the trouble is how many you are going to let in to each game. A couple of hundred is easy to control and cleaning sanitising isn’t a problem. It is when you get to 30% of Old Trafford 21000 people safely trying to queue 2 metres apart for the loos. How long will those queues be (out the ground) and would everyone follow the rules about hand washing distancing etc. 

    Seating isn’t a problem and checking people in isn’t a problem it’s the what you do with people when they are inside that’s the trouble.


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  6. Not women related but what are the rules for Covid.

    Orient kicked out EFL cup couldn’t play fixture 

    Teans in FA cup and FA Trophy kicked out if couldn’t play.

    FA Vase clubs postpone games due to Covid and that’s ok

    Tesms come in contact with positive cases and various leagues let teams postpone or say you have to play.

    Just seems the rules change all the time and there is no consistency.

  7. If we have a 4 week lockdown can see top 2 divisions playing and the rest having 4 weeks off. Testing isn’t as good in L1 L2 and NL.  Accrington as an example and I think Oxford previously. 

    Just may have to a short pre season for lower down so when the Euros are on so can get fixtures completed for this season. 

    Does seem games are being  played in France top league at the moment. It’s going to be the elite get there seasons complete and the lower down the ladder you go a case of do what you can.

  8. 5 hours ago, elhombrecito said:


    Just don’t understand the testing rules for sport.

    Are the players tested once a week? surely if you’ve been in contact with someone who’s tested positive it will take more than 3 days to appear in a test. That’s why testing at airports won’t work and isn’t being considered at the moment.

    But it’s ok for a rugby team to travel to another country with the possibility of positive players in the squad through airports and various accomadation.

  9. Trouble is I believe with people not following the rules Police are needed elsewhere to enforce these rules. I’m guessing Clubs at a certain level can’t play due to safety licences that need certain people groups there. As someone previously said maybe resources are needed elsewhere hospitals etc. 

    Also before lockdown people were saying 3000 Madrid fans walking through Liverpool was madness for they may of spread Covid. 1000 fans walking through any town area uncontrolled is a big risk and maybe is why the Government think it’s not worth it.

    But it does seem a bit double standards when endless clubs lower down leagues can have 300 fans in per game’. Here in Manchester my local said had a 300 limit they’ve been told to drop it to 150 and ticket only now no cash at turnstiles. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Clubs are applying as test events.

    It's these clubs having these test events that in turn will lead to more people being allowed in others

    In addition I've only read that clubs letting supporters in are actually making a loss, so no financial gain, just a case of helping other clubs in the longer term

    I know that, I did say permanent if given ok. 

    With teams struggling to make ends meet would they be happy if clubs could get fans in if they couldn’t due to no fault of there own except they are in a lockdown area.

  11. 1 hour ago, phantom said:

    I don't want to sound rude, but if you looked into what precautions etc were in place you would know the answer to the points you raised above

    It’s ok 

    Just seems wrong that when cases are rising and highest since May it’s decided it’s ok to admit fans.  If it was safe why not 2500 not just 1000. I know clubs have to start somewhere just seems pressure is mounting to get fans in from clubs for there own survival and to save a bit of money. 

    I volunteer at a non league club in Manchester so know how much work is involved to get games on. We are limited to 300 and have to temp check each person, contract details and make sure each person or group is distanced even though they are outside. Cannot open indoor bar for enclosed space so outside cabin only available for food and drink.

    I also believe it’s FA Vase this weekend and as it’s grassroots football i have been told everyone on the bench now has to wear a mask. Seems the rules are getting stricter.  


    • Thanks 2
  12. It does seem a bit barmy infection rates increasing, stopping people from mixing in households but we are going to let a 1000 people into a football match.

    Non league I understand normally open spaces and can spread out. Champ PL grounds are partially enclosed and with lots of concourses surely the chances of spreading the virus increase.

    Its ok clubs saying we need fans to survive but there is a reason why it’s not been done before and has been cut from 2500 to 1000 and that’s fans safety. 

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