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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. Ah, so you’re one of those who is confident Rovers won’t be relegated.
  2. Indeed they are, and just imagine if they and Max O’Leary’s former team, Solihull Moors, were to make it to Division Two.
  3. In yesterday’s match day thread, @ExiledAjax informed us that Downsy had a penguin on his Christmas jumper, figuratively speaking of course. As he pointed out quite correctly, this is a cultural nonsense, for penguins are found in the southern hemisphere and, as we all know, Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, and his workshop are based at the North Pole; antipodal points of the sphere we know as Earth, polar opposites if you like, i.e. North Pole and South Pole. In support of EA’s valid observation, I happened to mention a question I had seen in a children's quiz some years ago that asked something along the lines of: The walrus has a diverse diet, and has even been known to eat seals. However, they don't eat penguins. Why not? Now, this is a serious subject, particularly at this time of the year when Father Christmas and his elves are busy wrapping their presents and preparing the sleigh and feeding the reigndeer, so you can imagine my disappointment when I read such puerile (perhaps infantile) responses such as 'walruses don’t like chocolate', or 'they can’t get the wrappers off'. Well, for those of you interested, the walrus, like the polar bear, is only found at the North Pole, whereas penguins are confined to the South Pole. Here ends today’s lesson.
  4. We could certainly do with one of those.
  5. Some years ago, I saw a question in a children's quiz that asked something along the lines of: The walrus has a diverse diet, and has even been known to eat seals. However, they don't eat penguins. Why not?
  6. Three wickets down in half an hour. I stayed up to see how we might do in the first few overs after the new ball. Will we see it?
  7. Indeed and, in addition, we would also be paying agents’ fees and, most likely, signing on fees, removal/relocation fees etc.
  8. A new born baby was certainly one of the reasons.
  9. Ha, no problems. I wasn't being sarcy, I just wondered whether I might have missed some income opportunity from a cup run. I understand fully (from other posters) that our most important goal this season is to stay in this division, but I don't really think we are in any danger of relegation, thanks in no small part to Derby's points deductions. Accordingly, a cup run with, ideally, a win against Fulham; a favourable home draw in the fourth round and then (hopefully, Hello Shrewsbury!) a big name draw in the next round. We all know what positive vibes that creates and, of course, as we both agree ?, there is the added bonus of more income/financial benefits.
  10. Yes, unfortunately, as you say (concerning Yeovil/Bournemouth), audience figures are frequently the overriding factor when choosing which matches to broadcast.
  11. Except the Milwall and Hull games. I thought Yeovil might have been chosen.
  12. Indeed, and that's what I meant by 'much needed income'. In addition to the prize money for advancing in to the fourth (and further) rounds, there is also a healthy split of crowd money, plus the associated on-site sales in the bars, food outlets and the Club shop.
  13. But he scored a goal in a European match! Wasn't he playing up front as an emergency forward or something similar? Ah, I have just seen @GrahamC's post, which sort of answers my question ?.
  14. I am not sure I agree there. Fulham, I can understand will be wanting to make sure nothing distracts them from their promotion push. City, however, are surely free from any relegation fears and, unfortunately but realistically, are probably not quite strong enough to reach the play-offs. A good cup run, therefore, apart from the extra, much needed income it would bring, would provide a welcome, positive distraction and, you never know, mighrt just result in that late, end of season push.
  15. Yep, I think those extra 11 months might just convince people not to take a chance. Seriously, though, there does seem to be something wrong when a 'Head Steward' can threaten somebody with a twelve month ban for swearing but choose not to intervene when somebody invades the pitch. I am, of course, aware that stewards on minimum wage are understandably loath to intervene when there is a risk of physical injury or even legal action, but something does need to be done before a serious incident occurs.
  16. Do I understand correctly that you try to minimise (avoid) using prosecution witnesses in Court? If I read your subsequent comments correctly, you (and @Fordy62) are suggesting that the reason is not necessarily that their honesty or credibilty is in question, but, rather, that their evidence is badly presented/substantiated and easily discredited by an experienced QC, at least to the extent that a jury can not be sure beyond reasonable doubt etc. Concerning statements, I remember being taught from a very early age that one of the most valuable statements was the very short and brief one that said, effectively, 'I was present, but neither saw nor heard anything'. Never mind, perhaps JB's next case will yield results as there will be no jury.
  17. Just in case anybody is interested, they have started already - trying to claw back some of the time lost yesterday. Australia 5/0 from 3 overs.
  18. Very likely, but I think it is important nevertheless to recognise and understand the difference between playing in the National League and receiving first class coaching in, e.g. a Cat 1 academy. An important and difficult balance, hence the benefit of employing somebody like Brian Tinnion.
  19. Many professionals, e.g. solicitors, Police Officers and expert witnesses, 'work' in Courts without being directly employed by them. In their private capacity, it is quite possible that they will also will have been called to undertake jury service.
  20. I didn't know that, but I now understand why the song wasn't played during the film ?. Oh Dear, how arrogant of me. As I said, I watched it late at night, probably back in the late 1980s/early 1990s, and just found it very slow and long-winded: it would have been more gracious had I said I didn't like the film much.
  21. The title of one of my favourite records from the 1970s, by Racing Cars. Late one night a few years ago, I saw on late TV there was a film of the same name, starring Jane Fonda, I think, though I could be wrong - it was a few years ago. Thinking the Cars record was probably the sound track, l decided to watch it out of curiosity. The film was crap and there was no appearance of my song!
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