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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. You are not the only one who thinks this way. Here is what Doctor Jonathan Tobin, who was first on the scene when the Bolton player, Fabrice Muamba, collapsed, had to say about that incident: And while shocking to have taken place at a football match, Dr Tobin says there was no better time and place for it to have happened. "It was 37 seconds from the moment he collapsed to us reaching him to start resuscitation," he said. "There's literally nowhere else on earth where you're going to get care going that quickly...even in hospital, there wouldn't be people on the scene that quickly. "But there's also a hell of a lot of luck in getting the outcome we did...and I'm so glad we had that."
  2. Of course it was 1976! - at the start of this thread I even mentioned City's previous game, in what was then the Second Division, when they beat Portsmouth to earn the right to play at Highbury.
  3. Indeed, although, as I mentioned right at the start of this thread, I thought the goal was in the third minute. Whatever, it was very early, and I recall the tension rising as the final whistle approached - and then we all invaded the pitch.
  4. What? Do you mean you have no faith in the world-renowned cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Professor of Evidence Based Medicine at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Salvador, Brazil and Cardiology MSc examiner at the University of Hertfordshire, U.K? He has even 'authored' a book, The 21-Day Immunity Plan, showing how to reduce vulnerability to disease, including COVID-19. Have you never taken Quercetin food supplements as recommended by Dr. Steven Gundry, the former cardiac surgeon who has spent the last ten years retired from medicine and instead has spent his time writing diet books. The renowned (ex) cardiac surgeon who has made numerous pseudoscientific and false claims since he left the medical profession, and earns a living selling unproven wellness treatments? Oh, Red_Robbo, ye of little faith.
  5. Do you remember the clock at Highbury, first game 1977?
  6. Bradford, but that was away. I seem to recall there was quite an interesting game against Portsmouth back in 1976, when we scored in the 3rd minute and won 1-0.
  7. Apart from Ronaldo, I seem to recall that Wolves were, effectively, the Portugal National team - or, at least, it often seemed like it. Memory fades, but I am pretty sure that, on (at least) one occasion, whilst still in the Championship, they fielded an entire team of (Portuguese?) internationals.
  8. Or was it that the prosecution solicitor, in joyful, premature anticipation of the verdict following his presentation, went out last night to celebrate?
  9. Well, if you met her in Chasers, you deserve everything you got ?. I went there a few times in my (mis-spent) youth, and, when I heard Holloway’s comment about girls at the end of a nightclub evening, I assure you I winced and came out in a cold sweat ?.
  10. Out of interest, given where you grew up, did you ever venture across town to that house of hell?
  11. That’s what I mentioned earlier, but I have been unable to establish whether the adjournment was for later today or for tomorrow. Has there been a major development, being discussed confidentially behind closed doors or just a breakdown in communication from the Court?
  12. No updates in Bristol Live, but, according to GasChat, the case was adjourned this morning and, in any event, the local reporter covering the case was taken ill so they are receiving no news. If the case was being heard today, there are Law Society sites that will provide details, but I have forgotten their address!
  13. A minor point in the scheme of things, but I believe Rovers would have built and owned the new UWE stadium itself, but would have leased the surrounding ground (at a peppercorn rent) and, as you say, forfeited a large part of the associated income, including car parking fees - I seem to recall that part of UWE's interest was that Rovers would actually construct the car parking area as part of the deal (without receiving any income therefrom). Isn't that the Deputy Mayor, a declared Rovers fan? By the time any stadium gets built, alwaus assuming planning permission is granted, I suspect that £7 a pint will be considered a bargain!
  14. I used to have a client from Newcastle, and I remember the first time he used the expression I didn't have a clue what he meant - I visualised a dyke in The Netherlands, but he explained that the dyke was, in fact, a stone wall.
  15. I apologise for being pedantic, and will bow to your superior knowledge, but hasn't it already been established that this is, in fact, a victimless prosecution, i.e. a case (typically domestic) where the 'victim' is unwilling to testify, often due to coercion/threats (fear) of violence, but the Police consider they have sufficient evidence, with or without the 'victim's' input in Court, to secure a prosecution.
  16. Devils Dyke on the South Downs. Seriously, I know what you mean, but that is an old expression - from Scotland or the North-East, I believe.
  17. Upon reflection, you are probably correct. I read that the witness heard JB call Stendel a German C***, and Craut was the first word that came to mind - word association and all that.
  18. Tonight’s result will not have helped and, hopefully, the late winner will have disillusioned them and made them less competitive for Saturday. Was it against Derby that Semenyo got his harsh red card? If it was, perhaps he will play and score to get his revenge.
  19. I am not sure if calling someone Craut is racist.
  20. When I was (a lot) younger and playing amateur football to a reasonable standard (Glos County League), my then coach told me that should I want to avenge myself on someone who had, e.g. elbowed me, not to retaliate immediately, but to wait for a corner or free kick and then stamp on his achilles heel. Charming, of course, and I suspect such an action would be picked up nowadays by VAR - not that there was any chance of that happening at my level ?. Interestingly, another coach, John Rudge, formerly from the north/blue side of the River, suggested I should just forget it and carry on with the game.
  21. To be fair, Gary O'Neil was probably a good idea/signing at the time, but was unfortunate with a serious injury and, it would seem (or, at least, is alleged by GO'N), with his subsequent medical treatment - where have I heard that before? Also, the German chap, who was signed at around the same time, but whose name I forget, was a class player, but rarely played in his favoured position - I remain convinced he would have been an excellent, deep-lying central midfielder.
  22. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have been too disappointed had NB left, subject to finding a comparable/better replacement. Therein, however, lies the conundrum for, despite his (alleged) propensity to injury and accompanying absences - check the data - Nathan Baker is a pretty accomplished centre back, especially at our level. I am not sure who might have been available for the price.
  23. Hindsight is a wonderful ability. Not so many years ago, we had an absolutely fantastic (in my opinion) centre back playing for us on loan. He was a young man, far away from home, lonely, bored and, apparently, with no helpful, comforting hand given to him by the club, was led astray. I wonder whether, if we had made just a little more effort at the time, we might have a top class player in our team, a player in his peak playing years, one Stephen Caulker.
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