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Everything posted by Swede

  1. What a needy bunch of wierdos. Nobody is really interested in a strange little club who have a history of doing nothing apart from bleat on and complain about every other club.
  2. Swede


    to counteract this, in work whenever I need help & I tell someone I'm in the "bristol rovers" they know EXACTLY what I mean
  3. Of course I would rather our best players stay. In general, Am I interested in former players, I think we all are to a certain extent. Scott on the other hand is different.
  4. I would understand your view up to a point, but he is a generational talent, one of the most talented midfield players to play for us. If his career trajectory carries on in the same manner its not inconceivable to see him alongside Bellingham at the next World Cup! So yes; I am interested to see how he developes. It is just a shame he is at a graveyard of a club when it comes to Bristol City talent.
  5. There will always be exceptions to the rule [Cov & Luton last season & possibly Ipswich this season] but the financial disparity is what's ruining football. Leeds, as an example, last season, would have had a lot of financial resources to easily compete as a mid table Premier League team, failed and got relegated. Fast forward to this season & with their parachute payments, should have more than enough financial resources to to go back up automatically. Its as if they are in our league but not financially whereas the rest of us have to just suck it up. I have loved the game of football for over 50 years but I am fast losing my love for the game. This financial inequality makes the Championship such an unfair league.
  6. Another piece of history that they don't like being reminded of
  7. I would also add that in 1939 they finished bottom of the entire football league. They had to borrow players off us to finish the league program and were heading for having to to go cap in hand to apply for re election. A certain Mr. A Hitler of the Reichstag, Berlin intervened and the football league was suspended. In effect, Hitler saved the gas, an unfortunate coin of phrase, but the truth never the less.
  8. Actually I found myself looking around the King Power and thinking with Nige on board this is what can be achieved. I think a lot of pundits and football fans didn't give Leicester the respect they were due in winning the Premier League.
  9. Don't worry, they've built in some great entertainment later in the year when the existing floodlights illuminate the top of the roof at one end and the championship ready tarmac at the other end. These things takes time & all bound by a confidentiality agreement.
  10. He's actually correct. The South West Corner Trolley Park Stand. The Tenty type with the lovely deckchair moving roof Stand. A repaint of Santa's Grotto. The Skeletor murial on the public convenience using a left handed paintbrush. That second hand large telly that's stuck on Babestation. A strip of Championship ready tarmac. All of the above is a massive improvement on that dump. Spurs, hang your heads in shame.
  11. Makes Wally's decision to pull out of UWE when UWE agreed to the new stadium plan, look even more stupid. Now they have no funding whatsoever apart from the few shillings that their new ice cream salesman throws in. I would guestimate that the cost of that temporary structure was to be factored into the sale of the old dump before moving to the fruitbowl. What they are left with is an old crumbling rugby ground that they don't want & that's had minimal investment in recent years. Whatever they do it will cost them a lot of money to develop this aging site; money they don't have.
  12. Things get delayed; that's where he went wrong. . . Its, "these things take time" that's the correct answer for someone who fudges everything & hasn't got a scoobie about what he's doing. Extremely unprofessional and totally and utterly tinpot.
  13. I absolutely loved it when my Son played in the Avon Youth League and also loved the tournaments as well. Those were the best times. He played in a good team that was well supported by the parents. Like most parents I gladly ran the line and usually took a half in turns with a fellow Dad so at least we had a half to watch. I really feel for the youth teams that don't have a lot of parental support. I also feel that it takes a special person to run a football team because without them and all of the volunteers there would not be any youth team football.
  14. Perhaps the bristol "bernibow" has a retractable roof when they put the floodlights on Shambolic. Nothing's joined up with that clown outfit, The very definition of TINPOT
  15. The window lickers will be moaning because Reading only give out a set amount of tickets [which is ludicrous really, given their financial plight] and that they would've taken 40,000 easily just like they took to "wembly"
  16. Answer: That's the amount of brain cells each specimen has. I claim my £5.
  17. Swede


    Hmm, a developer promising something to then say its unviable, sound familiar???
  18. ******* hell! I am not just replying with a laughing ? at that! Is this plank for real? All joking aside, where do they find these sub human specimens?
  19. Good luck Thomas. The bigger issue is though is that it brings to an end the sorry tail of paying Chelsea £8M for Kalas, £2M for DaSilva & £2M for KP45 all had big wages and all left for nothing. An absolute disgraceful waste of club finances.
  20. He must've been packing his bags once he lost to the sags. No coming back after that one.
  21. They really are grasping at straws, aren't they. Smacks of desperation. Tinpottidness at its finest.
  22. That's because the bloke who laid the championship ready tarmac (left over from a job down the road) also fixed the leccie
  23. I'd be more worried about a lighted cigarette stub
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