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Everything posted by Swede

  1. Haha, I can only read a few of the posts before wiping the tears of merriment from my eyes, bless 'em. It would be extremely interesting to hear their comments now in hindsight. All joking aside you have to question what both sides have to offer with an investor & club.
  2. Ahh yes, the thought of them gleefully watching the whole match on the telly waiting for the defeat to happen only for the snake to pop up and set up Korey's injury time winner, bliss. I also like to watch Daniel's fantastic strike especially to the tune of the Laughing Policeman & all in their own kit, you couldn't have made it up!
  3. I see they are at it again over at comedy central . . . You know where you should be looking for you next career move then, Harry Kane! ??? If I were a decent striker, and BRFC tried to sign me, I'd jump at the chance. We have made some really exciting signings so far in this transfer window, and are going to create loads of chances for our forwards.
  4. On first viewing I thought the punky specimen looked like Gary Glitter
  5. Yes it happened to me. After watching my son play for his youth team, we got home & my wife reluctantly said there was an answerphone message from a football club asking after him. As soon as she said "football club" rather than "Professional Club " I knew exactly who it was. In that split second your heart sinks, the shame of it, we'll never be able go out in public again, how can I grow a sixth finger; then you realise you have to take it, after all good quality soap is always on hand to get rid of the smell.
  6. Their kit reflects what they've done to the rugby ground,ruined it with their vtfss I'm glad that they've tried to design out the 5hitty quarters out of their cheap kit but that badge, it looks terrible
  7. What a dump. All that its missing is 20 rusting old cars and a crane with a big magnet. Look at that big top with the deck chair fabric and the amateurish B R F C Its like they've forgotten what the "C" stands for when we all know what it stands for! Must have been done by the same Muppet who coloured in the whiteboard
  8. That's free entry in through the Chasers nightclub canopy, for a game of fisting the horse all with a free packet of stale crisps but bring your own plastic garden chair
  9. You mean they are all contented! Lack of investment on and off the pitch. Dwindling attendances Poor facilities One of their main strikers decides to leave for a non league outfit presumably on a better contract. Lack of leadership and direction from their owners but then again it all takes time. Yes, I can certainly see that they're going in the right direction all right
  10. Er . . . who is it, a Plymouth argyle fan? It can't be a player, no meths or cheap garden furniture
  11. I shouldn't worry too much about "old gas" his forum name says it al Old gas could be considered as natural gas and natural gas contains a large amount of methane. So there you have it, it talks 5hit.
  12. Its about time we had a picture of the latest dud, tramp or traveller by the obligatory cheap garden furniture to sign for the sags to laugh at, isn't it.
  13. getting our pants pulled down by selling three players for £20M. Pure comedy that. The sad life of a sag. They are green with envy, they are desperately trying to find any positive from their sad and miserable existance so they try and ridicule us which makes them look even more pathetic
  14. Urgh! I feel sick looking at all that cheap tat. Still, 9 has a nice ring about it for some reason
  15. Its Monday and I need cheering up so I always check out the dustbin thread for a laugh
  16. I wish you wouldn't do that, I was having a nice pork pie for my lunch. I don't feel hungry anymore
  17. So one of their star performers has left to improve himself at non league Salford City and they're looking at a target from Dundalk. At this rate I'd better look out for their scout at my over 50's weekly five a side! These things take time.
  18. isn't the top one their turps drinking midfield player without the beard
  19. Is that a relieved look on his face?
  20. When are the sags going to have their raffle for the next shirt sponsor? I can't contain myself on who it will be Bob's Fishing Tackle Emporium Mickymart Newsagent & Grocery Store or Captain Haddock's Fish Bar
  21. I bet his other jester's outfit has Daniel on the back, at least he wore the rag once. I don't think his wet dream would ever stoop that low.
  22. I've lost track with all of the exciting new developments at the allotments with the new tent stand and the B&Q disabled "facility". Has ANYONE seen any proper plans to develope and I don't mean turning it into a medina or do these things take time. Someone should tell Show waddy waddy that we use bricks and mortar not tarpaulin over here, the silly fekir.
  23. Washing the car and gleefully tuned in for the last 30 minutes when the realisation of their pitiful existence as a football league club could be coming to an end. As each minute passed the level of excitement and merriment increased as memories of doing the conga at Wigan and the constant laughing at Pride Park, the previous times of their abject relegation are soon to be eclipsed. Everyone that drove by had their windows down tooting their horns shouting the gas are down. What a fantastic day.
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