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Everything posted by Swede

  1. Very true, there's no converted garden shed selling stale crisps in our concourses.
  2. I could name; Lines [because he went off and bettered himself at the likes of Port Vale] Harrison [because he's a City fan] The tramp [only because his picture appears on here quite a lot] oh and Colin Daniel who wore their kit once!
  3. I agree with the majority of your posts, as usual you always convey matters in a precise and informative nature, but I have to wag a finger and slightly correct you here [for once] You are of course forgetting the sags' six fingered cousins, Swindon with their successful season in the premier league and three month long seasonal calendars surely they are more than a match when it comes to "fudge nudging"
  4. We need to be up for it and be ready for a battle. We really need to take the game to them. if we can score early and dictate the play then we have a chance. The longer the match goes at 0:0 the more chance they have of nicking the win.
  5. That tosser certainly likes doing that. I remember his disgraceful antics at the county dump and him being the captain setting an example and his subsequent "no show" in the return match, probably due to running out of clean underwear.
  6. Err 88; Swindon doesn't like the "family club" either as they continually have to buy new seats to replace the ripped up ones.
  7. I likened that game to a trip to the dentist. You have to go, And you are pleased with the outcome. But it was painful to endure!
  8. I think I'd like to quote a certain Mr Flint on that one . . .
  9. Looking at the "quality" of the sags recent player acquisitions makes you wonder which shopping list dopey was actually allowed to use. . . Was it Waitrose? . . . NO! Was it Lidl? . . NO! Well it must've been Poundland then? . . . . NO! Judging by the sell by date it's clear Dopey shops at the Salvation Army.
  10. Ha ha, lower league football??? wtf Owned by Jordanians, er. . . so what. So by using this particular piece of "gaslogic" as an example, a Manchester City fan should be doing research on Stockport County so that when they discuss the next cup final or the next round of the Champions League they can do so in the knowledge that they are in possession of the full facts of lower league football. Deluded
  11. anything for a can of white lightning
  12. Carry on believing that if it makes you feel important but in the greater scheme of things and where we are today its totally irrelevant and more importantly you know it too.
  13. I always have a look at this thread for the latest comedy instalment. I couldn't tell you who the sags have got next, likewise I am hard pressed to name any of their players apart from the tramp for obvious light hearted reasons. Rivalry? They would give anything to rival us but in truth they are so far behind in every sense that any attempt just makes them look even more desperate. They would do far better in trying to get their own house in order first.
  14. Well that's obvious, this is a football stadium. The memorial ground is a rugby ground. No amount of sheds, tents or the odd cricket pavilion will ever turn it into anything else.
  15. 1 I will be having a meeting with the owners soon. 2 These things take time. 3 I am having a meeting with the manager later today.. 4 We have the fan base. 5 See 3. 6 See 3. All questions answered. Do I win a prize? Love Hammy
  16. I was brought up in Kingswood and have had to live with the shame all these years, thankfully that blot on the landscape will be gone forever; perhaps this is just the start . . .
  17. They "are what they are" only because they are a London based club who haven't been able to compete without overspending. Like it or not they will be soon be overtaken by Brentford when they get there new ground but I am not surprised at the comparison as both are tinpot clubs.
  18. I have to take exception to this. It was better in the 1970's when it had two open ends. The "improvements" with the seating and the two tiers at the away end are nothing short of shocking in the modern era. You can't see the ball if its crossed high in the bottom tier plus the restricted views at either corner flag. I have witnessed how rammed the narrow concourse gets in the top tier so heaven forbid if there was an emergency. With so many "restricted" views in the top tier its a wonder how any away fan can see the whole match clearly given how cramped the room is between each row of seats is anyway. Its a very 1980's way of treating fans. As far as comfort is concerned it reminds me of the delightful Kenilworth Road. With more modern stadia available I think fans are quite rightly critical now of the "facilities" on offer. Long gone are the days when you could be served hot food from a garden shed and rightly so.
  19. The lights are on but there's no one in.
  20. That thick sag must be short sighted, he's facing the wrong way. Probably better looking away from the pitch
  21. Other than he plans to buy a Chelsea season ticket
  22. He won't have to worry about that either, someone else will be appointed to sell off the watney cup, santa's grotto and any other bric a brac tat left. They could start by selling off the seats as memorabilia for comedic value reminiscing on how they used to watch the ball being lumped from one end of the bog to the other . . . oh wait, they don't have many seats
  23. Isn't Harold Jarman one of the wing halfs?
  24. Fantastic; brings tears of laughter to my face. It just about sums them up, and in their own kit as well Thank you thank you thank you!
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