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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Why? The seasons over and I have only cricket to watch now so this makes a good distraction.
  2. Not a hair gag.... https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/massengos-special-visitors/ Apologies if this was posted before and I missed it. Paid for his old youth team to come over for a visit, a game and to go to the Hull City game. Good man, shame he wasn't able to get some game time in front of them as well.
  3. This is fun, a Gashead admonishing a Swindle fan for exaggerating their size, and a Swindle fan talking about "integrity". ?
  4. Don't forget Chippenham Town who slipped into the play offs by beating their rivals for the last spot, Havant and Waterlooville 2-0 away from home. While we are at it, can we get away from this idea that Swindon are part of the West Country, they are are as close to Reading as they are to us and their local derby is Oxford United. It's been fun supporting @Shaun Taylor's post when it looked like Swindon might help keep the Gas where they belonged, but now I can go back to seeing them as even more irrelevant than the Gas
  5. This is going to open the floodgates for the campaign to get them a new ground. Even the thickest Gashead will surely be embarrassed by going to some of the grounds in league one next season, and then seeing those fans having to come to the Go Outdoors Display Area. They will be even more vociferous in their begging of the council to find them a plot of land, and probably wanting it for free, then help with building it. All the time bleating on about how the '82ers have an unfair advantage because they actually built a ground, with money from that tax evading lady garden owner of theirs.
  6. Tempted, I will see what it looks like for other commitments. Hampshire 73-7 Glos could be chasing under 250 if they keep this up. Unlikely I know but Abbas limped off after getting out LBW as nightwatchman so potentially may not be able to bowl.
  7. Love Will Keep Us Together - Captain and Tennille
  8. I see that they sacked their Manager in April and have won their 3 games since, with a caretaker in charge. Interesting that Britton seemed to be on the bench more often than not, but has played all of the last 3.
  9. Wow that last minute was crazy. I would have given it to Taylor, Serrano was walking on to punches throughout the fight. I only gave her rounds 5 and 6, they put up graphics after round 7 showing that she had landed 20% more of her punches but the idiot summariser only had her winning the first round. She won the last 3 easily.
  10. It all helps him I guess, but I believe they are one of only 3 professional clubs in that league, so it's difficult to judge.
  11. Fit But You Know It - The Streets
  12. Showing the Katie Taylor fight on BBC3 now 23 35 if anyone wants to score it themselves.
  13. A strange game, the only thing putting Hampshire ahead is yesterdays afternoon session when the sun came out and the batting suddenly got easier. look four posts up.
  14. Pep says something similar and I remember saying when we signed Joe Williams that I was worried that the stats suggested he tackled too much, he seems to have worked on that side of his game though.
  15. Now 15. Baker must have been crossing his fingers he doesn't have to bowl at him again.
  16. Mohammed Abbas has just bowled an amazing over. Got Scott caught behind with a beauty, then Bracey was dropped, beaten all ends up and caught behind for 0 in three balls.
  17. Presumably so Ipswich don't have to pay him during the off season. But he will go back probably.
  18. If you didn't know better you would think it was being played at twice the speed, simply stunning.
  19. I don't know if this interests you but you can pick up ION record players on eBay for anything from £20 and up. They are reasonable players and if you have a laptop or PC, the USB ones can be used to convert your albums into MP3's via their software which you can download off their site. Failing that you could get lucky like me, and have your muso neighbour give you a £500 Technics deck he just had laying around his garage. (I bought him a couple of premium bottles of Gin and Vodka as a thank you).
  20. Having just been involved in a discussion on favourite Scottish teams, I do understand the principal of following teams I'm other places. What I do struggle with, (and this is not just Tommy) is why someone would go to the trouble of picking and following a team so far away, and then start berating the club and the players. In Tommy's case he does this whilst telling us how much better things are in his home country and how we should assemble a squad of Swedish players It seems a long way to go to get some additional depression or irritation into your life
  21. The only time I can remember going to the Trinity was to see Tindersticks. I loved the band at the time, but that gig put an end to my love affair. I still like some of their stuff but other tracks come on and I remember just how surprisingly soulless the band and Stuart Staples were that night. The only reaction to the crowd from Stuart was when someone shouted out "give us a smile", at which the corners of his mouth twitched slightly upwards. Travellin' Light still remains one of my favourite all time tracks though.
  22. Black Coffee in Bed - Squeeze
  23. I've no idea to be honest, I hope Warner bats better than he bowls, I have seen better club bowlers to be honest. *edit* Well done Miles, nice way to finish the day. *double edit* well I thought that was the last ball of the day, Van Buuren gets another. Great session that.
  24. Pretty good fight back really, kept the run rate down and taking 4 wickets in the last 15 overs, Just watching the stream of the last few overs and wondering if they have a problem with their cameras or whether the Ageas bowl is on a slope?
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