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Gert Mare

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Everything posted by Gert Mare

  1. The only place where you have to buy a ticket to get out!
  2. I’m offended at being called a shithead ***. How dare someone assume my gender!!!!
  3. I was there when he did it at Trumpton! He also announced at half-time during a match that referee Gurnham Singh was “also available for children’s parties”, making him both a homophobic and a racist.
  4. My old man is offended with his blue and white disabled badge. He would prefer it if he could display a red and white badge when he parks the car, especially on match days!
  5. Blimey. Looks like the Sag thread has turned into Question Time. The world has gone mad.
  6. Yes, that was indeed the ‘faithful and true’ applauding their team against Torquay United as they slipped towards the U-Bend of English Football!
  7. I made this. I make these all the time...mind you, the Sags supply so much material I could end up doing a full length movie! ?
  8. If they played in a cess pit they’d watch them from the car park - It’s what they do! Is this the legendary THOUSANDS locked out that they bang on about? Wow, yeah. THOUSANDS locked out ?
  9. Yes it was. It was huge. They had to overcome mighty teams like Alfreton and Braintree....(Oh, sorry not Braintree they lost to them and punched the Braintree players in the back of the net)...who else? Woking? (locked out)....umm.....Eastleigh? Dover?, Dartford? I remember a mate of mine making a video of their achievement....yes, here it is....oldie but a hilarious watch all the same....
  10. Oh yeah. I remember it well, the open top bus tour of Kingswood for finishing second in the Conference when Barnet (who actually won the Bananarama as Champions) couldn’t even be arsed. Yeah, but the City had one and it was for the kids remember? ? So Tinpot you couldn’t make it up!
  11. Sag infidels on OTIB.....Hello, Hello IKEA end Aggro, IKEA end Aggro!
  12. We bought Taylor as backup and to help lift the mood around the club because we had been on an abysmal run of results that was edging us closer and closer to League One. The pressure had also been on Lee Johnson so it was a win win for the club in so much as they could buy a proven League One goalscorer for peanuts, take the pressure off Lee and lift the mood around the club. It worked too because we stayed up. It must have felt shit for Rovers fans, but at the same time it could have been worse if Taylor hadn’t signed a new contract to guarantee at least some money for Rovers (unlike Lockyer). I think that Rovers fans were over-optimistic thinking that keeping Taylor would have helped them to reach the Championship. I don’t think that Rovers were good enough for the Championship, even with Taylor leading the line, but we’ll never know? The timing, plus the banter from City proved too much for some Gasheads and it became a personal attack on Taylor which is shocking, but in 1982 some City fans did the same to players who were unsure whether or not to tear up their contracts which was also out of order. All clubs have bellend so-called ‘supporters’, but I think the difference is that we don’t blame others for everything. Glad you agree that blaming Teds in the away end is absolutely ridiculous. Many Rovers fans I know were convinced that the Mansfield end was rammed with Teds. Bonkers.
  13. Welcome @Boring Sag. I remember you coming on in your previous guise as Bodin and you got a few pelters! In response to your viewpoint I agree that every club has them, but from my own personal experience I have seen quite a few Rovers who are like it. It seems to me that where Rovers are concerned you have a mob of 50+ in terms of age that are still stuck in the 1970’s when the Tote End existed and they lived for the ‘Aggro’ because let’s face it the football was pretty dire at Rovers during the late 70’s and the rage was even greater when City went up to the First. There is also a younger element who think they are Tote Enders too, even though they have only ever seen IKEA. There are fans that only care about watching their club play but there is always that element goading you all to hate the shit and I mean really hate the shit. Those are the ones who are riddled with envy about everything Bristol City. They won’t wear anything red, they worship Dean Windass and they firmly believe that we were formed in 1982. Fair play to you for clapping Matty Taylor for what he did for Rovers, which was massive, helping them climb out of the dustbin and back into League One. At the end of the day he took an opportunity to earn a lot more money for himself and his family (like any player would). Yes, the “Welcome to Bristol” thing ruffled a few feathers, but it’s all banter at the end of the day. The over the top aggressive and threatening behaviour is a step too far, but everyone knew it was going to happen as soon as he signed for Oxford. The problem I have with Rovers fans is that they never accept that they cause problems. They are always playing the victim and it is always the ‘Teds’ who are to blame. I don’t think any club can ever stamp out over-reactions by mindless numbskulls, but it’s not a football problem, it’s a society problem and social media has made it worse in my opinion. I’ve seen the comment about Agogo. Absolutely disgraceful. The world is going mad.
  14. @Gas Go Marching In Just a few reasons why this topic is over 1000 pages. Deluded horse punching Neanderthals. Your gift gave yesterday too. 18 years of sheer pain and envy of the 82ers....Dean Windass. Tick tock, you're going bust. P.S. Hope you and your mob enjoyed the knob cheese sandwiches. ?
  15. Yes. It was a massive victory for the Tote End Geriatrics. Someone filmed a lot of shouting on their phone whilst shaking it up and down to make it look like they were right in the centre of the mayhem. It really must have been something to storm a Fried Chicken shop full of families with kids and frighten the life out of them. They're so hard! Proper nutters! They hold regular reunions now and invite Dean Windass along as guest speaker.
  16. All to do with the night they confronted gurt Teds in the KFC outside Ashton Gate and the Teds ran away. Then they had a bargain basement bucket, headbutted a minibus window, played a bit of boob cricket and ****** off up Chasers.
  17. Watched the Sags video of “The Snake”. 18 years of hurt spilling out at a single target, the man who fired them to two promotions and who without they would likely still be playing hoofball in League 2 or Division 5. Neanderthals. That video sums up most Sagheads I know. Very very bitter. Here’s their latest badge (but obviously according to Sagchat they don’t give a ? about the ?)
  18. Which they charged him for. #Tinpot
  19. They’re loving it. They are shit, but the shit are even shitter apparently ?
  20. It’s going to be a 25,000 all seater apparently and City fans are not going to be happy. How funny is that? Anyway, **** the shit because we don’t care about them. ?
  21. Having a meltdown too. How dare they treat the faithful and truers to 1 shot on target in 90+ minutes!
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