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Marina's Rolls Royce

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Posts posted by Marina's Rolls Royce

  1. So the "credible" posters perhaps not so credible after all.

    ITK = NITK

    What a lot of bullox perpetuated by people who are only too happy to lap up and re-post utter hogwash particularly if it suits their agenda.

    Fleming wasn't sacked , the players have a day off today and Lampard was as likely as Pep. 

    Bookies laughing all the way to the bank.

    • Like 4
  2. 8 hours ago, Go Junior GO said:

    Why oh why did Lansdown say it would be an impressive appointment if this was the case, should have kept his mouth shut. Don’t want to believe this is true

    He didn't

    8 hours ago, Hartleysbeard said:

    Where has he actually said these words? I don’t recall that from either of the interviews that have come out? Have I missed it? 


    The only people lying are those on social media and on here making up what hasn't been said by either BT or JL.

    Trouble is - it's being picked up by some long standing posters who should no better and do their research before accepting an agenda created in an echo chamber.


    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    Some people are still disappointed at the way Nige was canned and will be for a while yet I suspect. That is more aimed at the Upstairs Mob than the new Manager I would suggest. If Liam Manning comes in and wins ten in a row then brilliant, if he comes in and earns 1.5 points per game most will be happy, but it doesn't change how many people feel Nige was treated. I'm sure the majority of fans will cut the guy enough slack and not expect him to deliver the promotion that Lansdown and Tinnion seem to think is almost mandatory with our squad.....however I think those two might well be in the firing line when we come up short this season.....and to be honest, deservedly so too.

    I understand the disappointment and I have stated countless times that I thought it was the wrong time to sack NP.

    What I don't follow is the amount of people who consider that a new coach/manager should in some way not benefit from any uplift in support from the Lansdowns because it is unfair on NP or that it is in some way unfair to judge a new coach in comparison on the basis that he may benefit from returning players . 

    It's like everything on OTIB at the club is all about Nigel Pearson and only Nigel Pearson- it's like a collective hysteria (imo). Over decades there has been differing financial support to different Managers. That's football and not peculiar to BCFC.

    As for BT & JL- they have both said the aim is playoffs/promotion. Just like Nige has said since he joined. Yet this has been changed to BT/JL demands promotion or expects promotion this season. I can't find where they said the latter but changing a few words makes a great narrative . By all means find the quote where either categorically state that a demand has been made. It's pretty academic as only the deluded genuinely thought that promotion was/is a realistic possibility this season after the sale of our best and no real replacements. However, the majority of Championship clubs stated aim is the play offs/promotion. I'd love to see a Chairman of one of the clubs similar to us state that their aim was mid table irrespective of that likelyhood.

    If Nige, for example, led us to 10th in the League this season and as expected didn't have his contract  renewed whilst the new guy leads us to 10th - what the hell is the difference ?

    Wherever the new guy gets us will for many be the minimum of what NP would have achieved. There will be threads about his input and what we could have achieved with him for a generation and it's all just words.  

    30 minutes ago, Superjack said:

    Perspective - you need to put the 'sigh' in asterisks(,) otherwise you are just saying 'sigh'(,) rather than sighing. 

    You're welcome.

    Unnecessary use of commas. 4/10. See teacher.

    • Haha 1
  4. Just now, Numero Uno said:

    Who said that? That is creating an agenda that doesn't even exist.

    OK then why are people getting angsty about a new guy benefitting from a reduced injury list?

    Dis you not see the MDT where there were many comments about the sudden return of several injured players- like it was a conspiracy?


  5. 1 minute ago, BrizzleRed said:

    What, like the improvement that’s likely as all our injured players start returning?  

    Do you also think those same players returning could have improved the position for Nige too??

    Other than Benarous, NP had most of them available most of the time. Every club gets injuries.

    What is the problem about a new man in charge benefitting from a fitter squad that is such a problem with so many on here?

    Surely,it would be brilliant? 

    It's almost as if there are some that don't want to see a new guy succeed at the expense of Nige.....that loyalty to Nige is more important than loyalty to the club which we support.

    When Leicester won the League- they didn't have a wake or post mortem because Nige had put the building blocks in place and then been sacked only for another guy to benefit. No- they appreciated everything Nige did and he remains a much appreciated favourite. Hopefully the same will happen at BCFC.



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  6. 15 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    He should get the same criteria as NP, ie no extra money net of cost savings or football revenue ie trading or sell on clauses this January, then maybe some more freedom come the summer on a what football makes, football can spend basis- Cup runs, extra revenue streams aside.

    Yes- and 2 and a half years before the board make a decision on his future and ,of course, about 6 transfer windows and be allowed to deliver mediocre results and mid to lower league positions in the meantime. Fair's fair and I agree with you that everyone should get the same criteria.

    Unless they realise that a change of strategy is required?

    • Facepalm 3
  7. 31 minutes ago, JP Hampton said:

    So at no point would they or their agent step into BCFC or the HPC. I think most people want to look over the goods first. It’s not all talk. 
    also think about how many people have suddenly left their jobs recently.  Some of whom potentially don’t feel they owe the club much and still have links inside. It’s not impossible. 

    Yes it's all possible, of course. 

    We don't even know if there's an appointment being made tomorrow or who it is if there is. As it was confirmed on here that Eustace had the job and then FL was red hot favourite and now possibly Manning- all from people allegedly with great sources, I don't think anyone actually truly knows yet. My original point was that if Curtis has gone as per a 'reliable source' last night then it's odd that there's no official statement from the club or Curtis Fleming himself. 

    We'll find out soon enough but it's fun discussing it.

    And as @CodeRed quite rightly suggests- if Manning has left Oxford there may be news/leaks etc coming from there

  8. 5 minutes ago, Countryfile said:

    Some people at the club talk and discuss, have their own agenda, or simply saw an agent drinking coffee in the canteen, it isn’t MI5, even people loosely associated with the club may have been told.

    Yes some people at BCFC do indeed have their own agenda - the Lansdowns ,for example, who are adept at not telling people what's going on.

    Meanwhile the idea of a new Manager's agent popping into the canteen for a coffee is an interesting one. I think it more likely that they might pop over to Guernsey for a sherry in private.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, ChippenhamRed said:

    OK so this is all starting to check out.

    - Clearly plans being made for tomorrow

    - Fleming released last night according to credible sources on the other thread.

    - Lampard had a meeting cancelled and no further contact (according to claims by a poster who appears credible)

    So do we actually have any idea who it is?

    If Curtis was sacked last night after the match( which in itself would seem odd) then it must be the first time that an acting caretaker manager has been dismissed and then gagged from any personal announcement.

    There is absolutely no hard evidence whatsoever that FL had an interview and that it was cancelled. I'd have thought that Frank would keep that quiet!

    Surely the appointment of a new Manager is not something that they or the board just happen to discuss with a mate who then discusses it with a mate who then posts it on here?

    Unless, ofcourse, Wagatha Christie is involved and it's all an elaborate sting operation and part of Jon's cunning plan?

  10. 1 hour ago, The Nest Egg said:

    In all honesty, having seen your posts over the last few days I think it is you that needs a break.

    My stance on recent events at the club is different to yours although that is not why I am saying this. You are a respected poster on this forum and you have started to lapse from those standards into an approach that could be politely described as catty.

    Online debates by their very nature end up like this when issues close to people are discussed. I'm no angel and have had a couple of angry posts over the last week myself! It's totally up to you on whether you wish to take this on board or not but I would at least suggest taking a step back and wondering if you yourself are overreacting and coarsening the debate further.

    Thanks but no .

    I have some  views which are held by no more than about 20% of posters on here which some find entirely unacceptable to their own polarised position. I will continue to post as and when the urge takes me. However, I will make an effort not to tap the ball the net in every time someone tees up an inviting open goal. If, with hindsight, I've been wrong then I will apologise as I've always done both on here and in the real world.

    I think that The Lansdowns have done more good than harm despite some obvious mistakes. I think that we have, on balance, a very well run club with an amazing stadium and associated training facilities. For some this is akin to supporting a psychopathic dictator and my view is unacceptable to them.

    You may also find that there are those that have over a number of seasons  sniped or been extremely rude and sometimes I'll bite back as I don't place people on ignore and some don't like a taste of their own medicine. I'm prepared to read their misguided opinion even when it's wrong....(imo of course!).

    • Like 4
  11. 2 hours ago, steviestevieneville said:

    To any of the moderators on here. It seems there is a poster replying to my posts that I’ve put on ignore. Is it possible for them not to see my posts as I don’t want contact from him. I’ve tried to DM him but he’s too cowardly to receive them . Thank you 

    I suspect that must be me.

    I also suspect that if you put someone on ignore - you probably can't then DM them.

    If it is me- I can give you every assurance that I would respond to you. As for being cowardly- in my entire time on OTIB , I've never put someone on ignore. 

    If it all gets too much then as Tom F recommended: Take a break.

    PS ( Edit) I have just seen @phantom's response.

    Until such time as that facility is available to you, I agree I will not respond, comment or give a reaction to any of your posts so long as you do likewise.It's a "gentleman's mutual ignore". If you DM me I will respond as I would with anyone- good or bad.


  12. 7 minutes ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    That whatever happens BT 🐍 will have the final word when Manning is confirmed 


    Ah- ok.....

    Another Brian Tinnion is the new Mark Ashton .

    Very very sad. 

    Who's next ? Scott Murray? 

    Or will the Atyeo statue be in your way?


  13. 3 minutes ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    Are you suggesting that BT had a say in signing players and NP the manager of the club had a say as well ,if so that is very worrying,or of course you could be overplaying BT role but I don’t think you are 

    That's exactly what I'm saying.

    BT as DOF , former scout, academy etc etc of course had a very big say. NP ,I very much doubt, would have anything other than a very significant input about who he wanted and would not have signed anyone unless he agreed. If you need to be reminded- he wasnt a yes man.

    What's your take that makes you so worried????

  14. 4 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    nobody on any thread has suggested that they wish failure so stop making things up)

    When there's a 3 page thread about renaming a stand after a Manager who did a great job but won nothing on the pitch other than mediocrity and thousands of comments of anger and hatred towards the owners along with a sudden disgust of Brian Tinnion - you are delusional if you think that there are those on here that don't hope for failure to underscore their narrative.

    But then again you can just call people a "Bell(" end) if they don't conform to your own perception  of reality.


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  15. 4 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    Don’t be a bell.

    And the fact you can’t recognise the depth of anger at this decision across a significant proportion of the fanbase just makes me feel sorry for you.


    Thank you. I accept your pity.

    Meanwhile I suspect that the depth of anger will increase or disappear entirely based on results.... except for those who are so polarised that they may even hope for failure just to self certify their opinion as being the right opinion.


  16. I guess all of the anti Tinnion brigade that appeared out of nowhere in the last week will see TGH as solely an NP signing along with Knight whilst the home grown are as being solely as a result of NP playing them.

    These players are really good imo and are at the club as a result of both BT & NP  + team not one or the other.

    Both these players are really growing in the team and as part of the team so well done to all- we just need several more of the same potential which involves the nest egg and someone who can pick up where NP left off as SC did after SO'D.


    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 3
  17. 23 minutes ago, Peter1450 said:

    For all the wrath on OTIB all week I was surprised how timid the crowd was. Just goes to show what a small minority of the fanbase are actually on here ,thought the atmosphere was rubbish considering all that’s gone on this week,out sung all game by a bunch of Supporters at the wrong end of the table.

    And there we have it- in a nutshell.

    A surprising amount of people on here either can't go to matches or choose not to go but the ability to sound off with outrageous indignation and repulsion at BCFC from the comfort of the sofa is not wasted.

    The massive anti LJ protest predicted and encouraged was a bed sheet.

    Today didn't even get a bed sheet which is a shame as the bed wetters probably could have done with giving their's a good airing.


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    • Haha 1
  18. 34 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I actually thought that was pretty well done. The chanting that there was was all in favour of the team with no Pearson sentiments for 85 minutes. That showed we support the team first and foremost. However, the singing of Nigel Pearson’s cider army (and how can you comment on the “protest” if you clearly didn’t hear it properly) for 5 minutes across the stadium, followed by “One Nigel Pearson” and “Jon Lansdown, what a *****” clearly showed the dissatisfaction with the decision and handling subsequently, but not at the detriment of the team in view of what had gone before.

    It was fine.

    Completely agree.

    5 minutes was fine.

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