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Marina's Rolls Royce

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Everything posted by Marina's Rolls Royce

  1. Yep- I'll continue to support OTIB and also BCFC. As SL loses c£30,000,000 per annum keeping the club afloatt:BCFC are , were, and will be a loss making football club so I don't share your flippant disregard to money and sustainability. I support OTIB because there are a number of people who behind the scenes give up their time (unpaid) to give us a largely great forum. This seems lost on those who feel entitled.
  2. If SL pulls the plug - our club goes pop. What part of that do you not understand? You can't even pay £5 to support OTIB which you are only to happy to make over 13000 comments on. Do you not get the irony of yourself?
  3. So you put me on "ignore" then "unignoer" to break cover and then make a derogatory comment and then allegedly put me back on ignore! You're like a kid in the playground who comes up from behind tries to kick someone and then runs and hides in the toilets. Man up. Personally I've never put anyone on "ignore" ever. If I don't like what they say I just move on, if they make a good point that I don't like but are essentially more right than me- I just suck it up. But I guess for some it's akin to a popularity contest. Were you bullied?
  4. There are maybe 3-4 clubs in the entire EFL and Premiership where the supporters believe that the owners are doing a brilliant and consistently good job- putting in the right amount of money, hiring the right Manager and signing the best players. Your sense of self entitlement is noted.... you can't even be bothered to be a supporter of OTIB so I doubt very much that you would pay to watch BCFC. Another poster who is so clever about how SL spends his money yet can't spend his own to support a forum. In my opinion there do seem to be a disproportionate amount of people who are experts about how to spend other people's money but remarkable about spending their own. OTIB support is about the price of a pint which some do seem to have a lot of when they arrive on here.
  5. If we appointed LJ then I would personally collect Korey Smith and drive him to the Midlands to provide you with the therapy you would so clearly need.
  6. I got it! Sometimes cutting edge humour is lost on here!! But then again not everyone would know Fordy's profession.
  7. There have been a large influx of new posters. The majority seem to have joined in the vitriol against Lansdown and disgust at NP leaving whilst a small number have not. Those who haven't have to a man/woman been accused as being employees of Bristol Sport. Posters with long term dormant accounts now posting have similarly been dismissed as such when not joining in yet unquestioned if agreeing with the majority consensus of the NP: everything good/ BCFC:everything bad. All members are equal but some are more equal than others so long as they join in with the consensus narrative. But, hey Silvio, thanks for being a thought police volunteer. Keep making a list about anyone who dares think the Lansdown family have tried their best for the club with a quarter billion £ investment. p.s For your records my name is Pike
  8. Maybe but I guess the only reason you notice this is because it doesn't conform with your own narrative.
  9. and you find yourself drawn to a forum full of opinions?
  10. Of course not but any club can sack any Manager at any time- they never need an excuse they just do it and have to pay the remainder of the contract. It's how football works. My point is that they may have hid behind the results which elsewhere I stated, if so, was a "damn lie". The results were not bad enough in isolation. I don't buy into soundbites coming out of BCFC or OTIB. I have an opinion and genuinely don't give a flying fig if it isn't a popular one, adheres to the narrative or gets 'likes' or 'facepalms'.
  11. As I have speculated elsewhere, I think there may have been currently unknown factors at work such as the health issues which may or may not get into the public domain. Has the board really been "sounding people out for weeks"? Other than speculation on here in an echo chamber, I've seen nothing to suggest that they have ....which may be even worse if they had already planned on the dismissal.
  12. There is , of course, the possibility that the type of head coach we want may not have the same absolute clarity on us being the type of club they want?
  13. And it took 26. And plenty of outrage.
  14. Well , as things stand, Robin is not even for Christmas
  15. Yes- not at BCFC hence my point re recent Managers.. I really think it's a complete nonsense to require someone to have won promotion before. It's about what they can do here not what just they have done elsewhere. It's almost 10 years since Nige won anything but didnt stop him from doing a great job at City in most people's view.
  16. If at some point we come second in the Championship you will celebrate winning promotion. Some may just moan that they came second.
  17. Which list? Luke Williams if he's still on it.
  18. So at least he can ensure the continuity of Johnson, Holden & Pearson who also won nothing.
  19. Brave call to post this info when few posters are in a mood to take any prisoners whilst pretty much every Manager mentioned is utterly reviled by some as it isnt Pearson. Good luck- I hope you're right as the meltdown will be the stuff of classics. It would also be a fascinating appointment.
  20. More cutting edge commentary. Carlsberg don't do 'Gas laugh at the City fans' but if they did......
  21. The question about whether BCFC were right to sack Nige was difficult to answer. I don't know all the facts and don't know what part his health issues came into it. Only time will tell exactly what the underlying situation is but entirely on the face of it- it was wrong. Either too soon or too late. The timing was ridiculous imo but there's always a possible unknown. The statement that it was down to results alone is a damn lie.
  22. It's only page 2. Surely it takes at least 16 to find out he's not even being considered? But plenty of time for more outrage about a new manager we won't end up with.
  23. Amongst all the angst , the idea that we have 16 pages ( and counting) on the controversial new apparent appointment of John Eustace is quite something.
  24. And you can't see the irony in that ?
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