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Marina's Rolls Royce

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Everything posted by Marina's Rolls Royce

  1. Next time a bigger better company / opportunity comes along offering you an environment and financial uplift which you've dreamed of- just say no because your employer says so. Why is it that fans dont get that players will, pretty much, never ever turn down a better opportunity, bigger club, more money? Why is it that fans dont get that although our beloved club is part of who we are as individuals and we are CTID but that players are not?
  2. Hahahaha! Junior may well have been a lovely bloke and fondly remembered . Give him the ball and being, at the time, the fastest player in the league over 100 metres- he arrived along the wing at the byline and crossed to..... absolutely no one. Sometimes, just maybe you need to have a sense of humour- I mentioned his hold up play not his character. Also maybe take a look at his overall record and the level he was playing at. Personally, I loved the bloke but a good player he was not. " Junior Bent... and he probably is" as announced at Trumpton which was the last announcement Keith Valle ever made .
  3. Devon's neighbour ( I think they lived in Easton) fell out and he he gave him a seeing to whereupon Devon was injured and took him to Court. I know this is not how anyone should behave but I was quite young at the time and we all gave Devon';s neighbour cult status- "If you all love Devons neighbour- clap your hands" etc.
  4. Shame- it was glorious at the time when there was no gap.
  5. I did add Devon's neighbour for some Xmas joy though
  6. Nicky Hunt and Ian Baird in a testimonial match refereed by Mark Ashton , starring Junior Bent's hold up play- physio by Devon White's neighbourand commentary by Gary Penrice . At Trumpton.
  7. you missed my point- I meant concern that NP is indeed bringing him back precisely to add him back into the 1st team straight away which ordinarily would be bonkers.
  8. And yet,Robbo, do you not feel a tinge of concern that you might be wrong?
  9. fair enough. Equally, anyone thinking that some billionaire is going to buy BCFC atm is delusional. We are where we are.
  10. If you look at the accounts that are due along with previous - I'll think you'll find that "WE" have a small part to p(l)ay So who do we replace him with?
  11. Please name the "usual suspects" and who you would replace them with?
  12. An MP is an elected public person answerable to the public for his /her actions. An anonymous poster is not. Any fan is able to cast judgement on a Manager , player or owner without having to clarify who should replace them. Lately, a very large number of posters have demanded that MA should go but never stated who should have replaced him, a number of posters believe SL should sell up but dont suggest who should buy the club. Why should a Manager only be criticised if an unelected anonymous poster has an alternative? Get real- managers come and go and we are powerless to appoint them, powerless to sack them (within reason) and certainly unable to keep them if they are actually pretty good.
  13. Why do you and others always have to demand from anonymous posters that no longer believe in a manager who they would replace him with? It's not our choice and the massive probability is that if a name is mentioned it will divide the fans and chances are is not the one that will be chosen. Why not say the same thing every time a player is not playing well and is getting extreme grief?
  14. Actually- he does, he has made more sense than most he's followed on from and I really believed that we would do ok today. We've played badly and won and I was hoping that this was a new invigorated phase but clearly not.
  15. There's more in this team and more in this match. Hold fast.
  16. I think we will win this 3-2 at best but could be 2-2 in a tight game with perhaps a wee bit more style than we have currently seen. We will not lose but a difficult game. COYR
  17. Posted December 4 (Derby MDT) 1-0 or 2-1 to City. Scrappy but committed performance and I think we'll win this with a passionate crowd. This pre-match punditry seems to be going quite well so it's Betfair at Christmas for me.
  18. I'm not really sure if we will see a great game of football from City this season. If we are regularly outplayed but still manage an occasional win or draw and stay up then that's good enough for me, in fact I'll be happy as a pig in poo.
  19. If you're already thinking we're going to lose and state this after 15 minutes and only a goal down then it's hardly surprising that others with less confidence in the coaching set up may also want to ask their own questions. If the worst thing about losing is people posting feelings which you dont agree with then you may have a social media problem. The worst thing about losing is losing and no points. Plenty of time to get back into this game and a draw is a good result for us.
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