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Marina's Rolls Royce

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Everything posted by Marina's Rolls Royce

  1. Considering it's Hull, it's almost Christmas, Covid is making a spectacular comeback, and the imperfect football our team has been serving up then any fan travelling to Hull should get a free ticket from SL. Minimum. 1-1 or 2-2 would be a very good result whilst a win would be a winter wonderland. Good luck City and well done travelling fans.
  2. Meanwhile..... ordering presents and football kits from China and happily filling the car with petrol 1/3 of which comes from the likes of Saudi, Russia, Libya, Algeria and Nigeria all with similar unblemished human rights records. Up the Chelski.
  3. Just checked the OS and no info on there so I'd guess it's a guess.
  4. 18th April 2022- bit too early to speculate on the score.
  5. Tonight he'll be giving a minimum of 4 fingers to the maccam. Although six fingers would be appropriate for Ipswich. Now 5 fingers
  6. BBC showing different. Now as 1 game in hand. He should have done two fingers then one finger for clarification.
  7. Sunderland 2 points from top with 2 games in hand. 2 fingers. Johnson places two fingers to remind the fans who , let's face it, are not the brightest attribute to the North East..... particularly when a number have recently suggested to go and get Sean Dyche as his replacement.
  8. Here we go! 10 points from 4 home games and this means what in isolation ? Meanwhile- Pearson does well with a shower of shite so is doing a good job and it's down to him..... lose and it's down to the players because they are a shower of shite. Another poor scrappy performance but points on the board so every reason to feel more positive, well done the team and well done the manager.
  9. 1-0 or 2-1 to City. Scrappy but committed performance and I think we'll win this with a passionate crowd.
  10. I suspect it make take you more than 2 hours, Harry!! It really is interesting yet what would be illuminating would be to see the stats for every single club in comparison- surely with such huge data available there is the answer out there ? @Davefevs? Or is Harry the new Hegeler with a new and genuinely important line of statistical info? ( new career in the next lockdown)
  11. Really interesting point. What are the same stats for every other club in the Championship? Are we the same, better or worse when it comes to transfer turnover? Stats in isolation may be shocking yet others may be more shocking. It would also interesting to see whether the high signings v low signings equals better/worse performance. The points you continually make Harry are incredibly relevant when put in the exact same context of other clubs in our division and specifically those who are promoted, relegated or have points deductions.
  12. What about Taylor Moore? A regular in the Hearts team ( albeit that he got sent off for 2nd yellow last week) who are second in the Scottish Prem but a regular and match fit. Unwanted by Pearson but seemingly more committed than many in our defence. Not in NP's plans but then again - I'm no longer sure who is.
  13. I question that. What exactly are they bringing? It surely can't be motivation or attitude or additional coaching because what we're seeing appears to be players with no real motivation, a questionable attitude and no real game plan which they stick to. If they are sticking to a game plan then its the wrong one. Meanwhile the poor signing and questionable largely unpopular signing of Simpson is not Nigel's fault but the fault of the BCFC recruitment department by default. Teflon springs to mind.
  14. If it were purely about just today then this thread wouldn't exist. The reaction is entirely understandable based on performances this season and the seven losses in the last 12 games. A number of fans are getting nervous about the potential of relegation whilst not really seeing a clear way to safety so again it's not about this one result. For my part I only starting watching City ( age related!) in 1980/81 so I've spent most of my life watching "3rd Division" football and every fibre in my body is dreading the possible return to that wretched and depressing league where the only joy is winning it. Lincoln, Morecombe, Accrington Stanley and the obligatory 8 matches with Gillingham- no thanks.
  15. I understand the need to rebuild and re-set . I knew that any improvement would not be linear given the depth of our squad and legacy issues. I listen to NP's interviews and apart from the occasional almost spat-like sequence with an interviewer, I find him to talk more sense than several of his predecessors. I made the point last season whilst he was caretaker that ,imo, he shouldn't be given the job until the very end of the season and I was definitely a minority voice. His record was W L L W D L L L D D L L L so 2 wins 3 draws and 9 losses. And a three year contract. I don't think it could have got any worse so this season was always more likely to be an improvement This season he's played 23 matches and W7 D5 and L 11. In the last 12 matches ( half the matches played) he has lost 7. This is where I have the problem about green shoots/improvement/right direction etc. I just dont see it when combined with performances which have been genuinely very poor and we've been incredibly fortunate not to have had a pasting from various teams courtesy of their bad finishing and not our resolute defending. The record after over 8 months since Nige took over is Played 37 Lost 20 Drawn 8 and Won9 . If our performances showed that the players we have are giving their all for the shirt, team and Manager then I'd be less scathing. But the reality is that good moments of football are not in anything other than fleetingly brief periods and to my eyes it's looking worse not better with relegation being a genuinely possible outcome. For this reason, I believe that unless there is an upturn in both points and performances then SL should cut his losses in December and bring in a new coach for the January window with the sole objective/brief to keep us in this division. I think this is a reasoned argument albeit an unpopular one and not one that shrieks "Agenda" except to the many who perhaps dont have such a reasoned response as yourself. On that note thanks for you courteous, comprehensive and understandable reply.
  16. You are falsely commenting on my lack of reaction following the Stoke game- that's not your opinion, it's your misleading narrative . I did clearly state my opinion following my attendance of the Stoke match- here it is( for the 2nd time): Felt and sounded better than Barnsley. Still not a good performance yet here we are- 3 points nicked from a side who are near the top. We have a team capable of competing at the right end of the table. Wednesday at 22:03 End of.
  17. Funnily enough I rarely post when I'm at a game- I tend to watch the game not otib This is the post you mention which was at 22:03 after the game. No "agenda" just my thoughts. Felt and sounded better than Barnsley. Still not a good performance yet here we are- 3 points nicked from a side who are near the top. We have a team capable of competing at the right end of the table. Wednesday at 22:03
  18. Those who gloat following a loss are not any type of fan. Clearly, I'm not welcome to state my opinion.
  19. Check the MD thread and I was. I dont go missing win lose or draw - can you say the same? And why does not believing in a Manager equal an agenda? An "agenda" is not not supporting a Manager irrespective of results.
  20. Yes- depending on how many times we fail to win or put in a cohesive performance where the players look like they give a shit. It's a forum and fortunately there are no rules in not stating an opinion which you believe in. If believing that our Manager of 8 months after 34 matches is not the right man for the job yet "throwing toys out of my pram" then you best duck.
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