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Posts posted by YorkshireSection

  1. 24 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Just dont think he's quite done enough yet to deserve a start with Fammy available.  A useful sub if Fammy and Bobby are not working and another opportunity to earn a start.

    Would prefer to see our own players given an opportunity rather than a loanee.

    100 percent agree, that Tammy bloke was a complete waste of time last season ;-)

  2. The reality of this seasons "success" has been Tammy, without his goals we'd have been relegated in March.

    For all you Johnson lovers, or just those who think he's the correct man for the job we will face another relegation struggle next season unless we can again get a 20 goal a season strikers and keep the likes of flint etc.

    Unfortunately for us fans, I can't see it being any different until SL sees the wood from the trees, something I doubt will happen until we are eventually relegegated or come as close as Brum.

    • Like 12
  3. The mighty 

    Gypo Horse Punchers

    The GHS the "firm" that plotted up in an empty BS3 pub no one ever new existed then realizing that they were in South Bristol and were going to get a hiding asked A&S Pokice for an escort!!!

    Also a few years earlier the same PROWD bunch before an evening game with us were given a police escort to the minimal for their own safety.

    Pretty easy to see now why you'd want to head butt windows and try to gain association with such a great bunch of human beings!

    • Like 6
  4. On 18 April 2017 at 22:39, Miah Dennehy said:

    As cringeworthy as the video of the Rovers 'lads' having a go at a minibus is, let's not pretend that doesn't happen at your place either.

    It doesn't, we arent known for attacking family's, animals, shirters or innocent Windows!!!!

    • Like 2
  5. On 17 April 2017 at 22:13, B block said:

    I can see this video deterring the millwall firm coming down in a few weeks, they might send their wives

    Jesus wept what a tool

    You can see he's never had a proper scrap before, he almost knocked himself out, why not just try openingthe door....

  6. On 17 April 2017 at 21:26, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    I was just about to post the same thing.

    Its ******* hilarious.

    Forgot to try to open the van door as well I notice, always a good move when ACTUALLY wanting to have a gonat someone behind a door.

    Did you see the thing lurking "menacingly" in the background, he are not stand in the gutter for fear of slipping down a slat in a drain cover, kid made Kate Moss look like a sumo wrestler, "frightening"!!!!!

    • Like 1
  7. On 28 March 2017 at 07:31, Monkeh said:

    we've also found a little bit of form at the right time

    There's no right time to find form. 

    However I'd argue that it'd have been better to have beaten forest, Burton or another relegation rival if you're a believer of finding form at a right or wrong time.

    Lets hope the international break hasn't put paid to our momentum.

    Onwards and upwards.

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, RumRed said:

    Still don't like the expectation of our league positions next season.   And what I wouldn't have given for consolidation this season in the Championship.

    I'm glad some are more confident than I.


    Good point.

    It seems that beating Huddersfield 4-0 gives us an automatic promotion place, or so you would have thought.

    The reality of it is, is that we are very much still in a relegation dogfight and are a loss away from being in deep shit, people need to realise that people in glass houses and all that.......

    • Like 6
  9. 1 minute ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

    Sounds like our midfield stood off (again) simple ball static keeper and defence, same old same old.

    I didn't think much of the Brownhill Hegler partnership on Saturday, not enough championship experience between the 2 I'd like to see GON or a fully fit Smith start with Hegler. 

    Not to say Brownhill won't come good or isn't good enough, it's just they don't look like a chohesive unit together.

  10. 6 hours ago, robin_unreliant said:

    I do believe I read that this is done by the EFL deliberately. Their logic being that these long trips result in the lowest away following, even on a Saturday. So by putting them mid-week you lose less money and inconvenience less supporters. If you had say 3k ready to go to Fulham that may drop to 800 if you make it mid-week. There is some logic there when you think about it I guess. Not good for those who will go regardless though.

    Less trouble as this always goes off, OCS always looking for payback, idiots with ponytails and beer bellies bigger than their benefit cheques.

  11. 34 minutes ago, daored said:

    One benefit of living in Yorkshire, we can get to these long distance away games. Why oh why are long distance games like this, Norwich, Leeds and Preston away mid week. There's enough teams local to Bristol for then to be mid week , and far away games to be on a weekend. Rant over!

    2-2 tonight

    Plenty of great reasons to live in Yorkshire mate, it's stunning, not keen on south part but hey ho.

  12. 9 minutes ago, havanatopia said:

    its coming.. 

    I'll save you the bother.

    Sheffield is a city in South Yorkshire, inferior to York, Harrogate and Leeds who are unlike Sheffield not featured on every chan 5 documentary life on the dole etc 

    Its famous for having two underachieving football teams and making cutlery FFS. The Owls a bird which is the symbolic creature of Leeds represents Wednesday, backwards isn't the word for that really a bit like sticking a blue bird on our shirts! Then there's obviously UTD a club that has police cells underneath it, a subway to navigate back to the train station and some of the most up their anus supporting fans in the country, oh and they like hitting women and scarfers, wow!

    HOWEVER there are nice areas of Sheffield like most parts of every big city, they are just a bit tougher to find.

    Having visited friends in Toxteth, Liverpool on Saturday I can honestly say it was like a tropical paradise compared to some parts of Sheffield.

    I shall see the other 20 of you at the game as its a long way to go especially after. Saturday.


    Yorkshire Sectioned.

    • Like 4
  13. On 1 September 2016 at 15:52, Bristol Rob said:

    If the blue few had any sense they wouldn't buy tickets but travel en masse to Swindon.

    Millwall used to do it years ago, travel in huge numbers without tickets and the police used to make sure they got in because it was easier to manage them that way.

    I'm sure if they were all milling around in the pubs and car park the police would soon get them in the ground. 

    'Course, that would require organising. Not their strong suit.

    We've done it too, It's a very common accurance.

    some don't like to admit it but I've travelled en masse to Sheff Wed, west Brom (twice), Wolves, Millwall, Cardiff,Pompey, Brentford, Liverpool, QPR and then there was the Gas at home, Everton at home (fans clashing with evertons firm, as they did the same and who can forget the Chelsea game at home were run ragged by many that didn't attend the game and a lot that forced their way in !I've also been to Millwall, brum with no intention of going to the game.

    Trust me it's a recipe for disaster, costs the clubs money as extra police get involved, we've got one of the worst reputations in the country for violence and as a big club in the conference at least Rovers bullied themselves into having a similar reputation. Albeit on a pathetic level. This is not the answer.

  14. 4 hours ago, st andrews gas said:

    'just the other 95%'- I think that would be 80 if all were totally honest about it- 40k will go if we happen to meet pompey in the play-off final though- the crowds ARE going up even if we suffer a dump of a stadium...

    I'd get your best issue bolt outfit on for that day should it hspoen

    The point is we can take 40plus k to Wembley to play Wimbledon/Accrington should it happen. The fact that you may play pompey in what is a game that stands lesser in importance (where would you be of you hadnt lost that lottery) and may muster 40k speaks volumes of the gulf in support between the 2 clubs.

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