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Numero Uno

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Everything posted by Numero Uno

  1. Interesting interview with Cooper, basically said Forest let Swansea have the ball in certain areas. Makes the possession stats utterly worthless. People jerk themselves off over stats and forget to apply perspective. Look at @Davefevsheat map of where Derby had their 65% possession last week and you then realise why Bentley walked off without a spec of mud on his gloves.
  2. He’s working with a crap squad let’s be honest but looking at what he has brought in it is a mixture of experience for the here and now (James and King) and potential (Tanner and Atkinson). He’s playing 18 year old kids because they are better than what we have. It’s a big job to turn us round and if you haven’t noticed ANY improvement over the last few weeks then the saying “none so blind as them that won’t see” comes to mind. It’s not great but go back 8 months or so and it was ******* appalling, we weren’t even COMPETING in games.
  3. The point is the Manager is here for a while. If you hate what is happening at the club that much take a break perhaps? Because one thing I can guarantee is we are a medium term fix.
  4. The Lino had done his research and knew that Wells rarely “interferes” with play…..
  5. Not much money though cos some other pair of ******* blew that.
  6. The people at the top are no closer to knowing what they are doing now than they were 20 years ago when it comes to football matters. That’s why in my opinion we have to suck it up and let Nige do what needs to be done over the next couple of seasons.
  7. Johnson and his mate Swiss spunking money up the wall on mediocrity and “flunking” the play offs is exactly why we are where we are right now playing Poundland football on a Poundland budget. Of our non Poundland players only Kalas produces anything.
  8. Championship in waiting, 20k crowds in waiting….there’s a pattern here.
  9. Not even in the squad today?
  10. Interesting listen tbh, wasn’t happy today. Think he saw it as two points totally wasted not dropped.
  11. You could understand the bench getting the hump when he didn’t shoot first half. Hit the ******* thing and if you miss or the keeper makes the save then so be it. That was what Pearson was on about when he was talking about failing by being positive.
  12. You didn’t hear NP’s interview? No relief in his mind at all.
  13. Blackpool and Swansea are dropping like a stone atm. A few weeks ago Paterson was the messiah and Swansea were showing us how it’s done. Same points as us, how did that happen?
  14. Take the point, don’t be a miserable bastard, move on?
  15. We aren’t being outplayed today though, we are just proving our shortfall in quality when we get in decent areas which we’ve done enough times to be expecting something from this game.
  16. Just tells you we lack quality which we all know anyway.
  17. Watching it on tv it seems like a game we SHOULD take a point from. Hull are just looking to counter.
  18. Hang on, we were outplayed for the first ten minutes. If you think we have been TOTALLY outplayed today you need to get a ******* eye test.
  19. You can’t change shit split second decision making that Semenyo just made.
  20. So the fall guy Bakinson gets canned and our midfield are getting destroyed yet again. Who do you blame now?
  21. If O’Leary isn’t considered good enough then we need to sign genuine competition for Bentley. Shite goalkeeping that was.
  22. Han No End Product Massengo gives the ball away and Bentley shows crisp packet hands.
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