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Everything posted by Dredd

  1. I bet you this will have come about because City wanted to add some sleeve sponsors for the cup game rich means a whole new set of shirts.
  2. I've actually still got an Adidas jumper and shorts for then that I still wear on occasion to the gym! It lasts!
  3. Without trying to be blunt, who cares? The absolute main driver of the club shop is to sell merchandise for £££. It's all well and nice selling a few shirts to a couple of kit collectors but the bread and butter is the fan base. So you either have a wonderfully designed kit, beloved by the fans who buy it in their droves in the shop. Or you have a reasonable brand, eg your Hummel, Puma, Adidas who maybe give us a template shirt, some fans buy it who buy the shirt regardless, and then others stock up on the other stuff because it's a Nike hoody or coat with your teams logo on. Personally I'd take the big brand option every time and I'd wager they make more money on it. I couldn't give a toss if they give JL 'creative input' to put some feathers on it, or remake his favourite 80s shirt, or put Scott Murray's face on it. It's a vanity project for him. The fact people have nailed him down as a chairman who only appears when there's a new kit out or a new badge is frankly a bit embarrassing. If he wants to be head of creative design or something then make him that.
  4. Interesting question Is it better for us to have a decent named brand and have a template kit but potentially better more desirable training/leisurewear that people will want to buy or A smaller company who will give JL more scope to design us something individual (whether or not this is something he should be doing as chairman is for another day) and maybe sell more actual replica shirts?
  5. The 17/18 kit (the one we wore against United), was that a retro version of the same shirt? Or was that a version of a different one? Seems weird to do the same kit twice in 6 years
  6. I guess our chairman/kit designer decided he'd had enough with dealing with Hummel and wasn't willing to give them another chance. Shame really
  7. Anyone else sick to death of us just remaking retro kits? Fwiw I don't like the new shirt. Looks cheap and shiny. But at least the Arsenal sleeves are gone
  8. Didn't we sign a 6 year deal with Hummel? I know there's been problems with their UK distributor and maybe that's been a clause for City to get out of the deal but in my opinion it would be a massive shame. Have loved the stuff Hummel have put out and they've been really happy to work with City on design and make it something individual.
  9. Is Jay alright? Must have been a two footed tackle around head height to actually get a penalty awarded
  10. I think this is a really good point. When Bell and Semenyo played that position I think naturally they ended up pulling into the middle a lot more whereas Mehmeti was very disciplined in holding that wide forward position, much as Sykes does on the right. It's gives us genuine width but we do lose something in the middle.
  11. Nige seemed to indicate in the post match that it was more to do with given players (NW named checked) a rest so they are fresh for Sunderland. I do get that but at the same time you'd think the easier 3 points was available last night at home, let's make sure we get them. At half time we were 5 points outside the playoffs and 11th. I think Cornick looks off the pace and Mehmeti needs time and is closer but it's a catch 22 as the only way they get up to speed is with game time. Unfortunately Weimann also had a shocker in the second half, wasting 4 crosses in great positions. I think at Sunderland it'll be MS NW AM
  12. Keith Stroud can get in the bin. Then put that bin in one of those bigger industrial bins. Then put that bigger bin on one of those barges full of rubbish. Float that barge out to sea right over the Mariana Trench and set it on fire. If by any chance there's anything left of that barge. Sink it.
  13. Would solve a lot of problems if one of the redeemable items was a £5 gift voucher in the club shop
  14. Dredd

    Today's Ref

    I don't normally buy into the big team bias but it was hard not to think that way after that.
  15. Having been to both Valley Parade and Hillsborough, give me AG any day.
  16. Load of tosh ain't it. Just give us a tenner off in the club shop and be done with it
  17. Be pretty convenient if they get a points deduction in the season where they aren't running away with the league
  18. Completely get the point you are making, but the fans aren't to blame for the losses the clubs incurred
  19. This is on the Bristol Sport ticketing page. Assume this would be a gold standard game but the prices don't match at all.
  20. So essentially we waited ages and they've just outsourced it? It's still a bit light on detail so it's hard to tell at the moment if it's actually any good
  21. I would expect us to get in a replacement until the end of the season but if we did go for one of the youngsters on the bench, the rules on goalkeepers for emergency loans are pretty forgiving I believe
  22. Sometimes if you haven't got anything nice to say just don't say anything. There's no need to post a negative response to that is there. If it's not for you, ignore it
  23. 4-0 loss to Forest on the weekend, they'll be back. And the price is now 15m
  24. It's an odd move for the player. Yes it's a big salary but Bournemouth look in real danger of being back here next season. Depends on ambition I guess
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