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Norn Iron

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Everything posted by Norn Iron

  1. I told you O'Neills make some great kits! Nice one Sydney. 4th one down especially would have been fab.
  2. Did you know that all racehorses have the same birthday? January 1st. That's how the organisers of races work out if Dobbin is eligible for say a certain race like 3 yr Old Stakes.
  3. Sorry Dave but how dare you try and bring the posts back to the original topic. Note to Mods...please warn him that if he does this again, he will have his flip charts confiscated!
  4. Pretenders are on tonight at 7.45pm, Park stage. BBC iplayer has it. I had the privilege of seeing them last month in Belfast in a small venue. Until that gig, I had always underestimated Chrissie's rhythm guitar playing. One of the best gigs I've ever been to. If you want to see and hear what a modern day electric lead guitarist should sound like, then listen to James Walbourne. I was so impressed by him. He's been with them for a few years now, but boy can he play!
  5. What if Nige and SL have said to AS that this coming season is our best chance of getting promoted, if he stays? What if a gentleman's agreement has then been agreed that he'll get regular first team football? AS can leave with their best wishes in the second transfer window if we're nowhere near play offs. AS hopefully realises he has a great support already around him. He knows he'll let Tommy down with having to pay all the rent...as joked by Nige. Why shouldn't he stay under that Gentleman's agreement, assuming there is such a one here? Even if we sell him for £15m in 2nd transfer window, when we could/maybe have sold him for £25m currently, BCFC still profits by £15m! I am genuinely excited about our prospects this season* so if SL is genuine in wanting promotion, AS has to be in the plans. *Mind you I normally am every season but this time it feels different in a positive way.
  6. Ooh, do you know what that's worth?
  7. I am not a fan of Belinda's music so it's a no from me.
  8. Hi Slacker, You'll know when you turn your phone onto its side ie landscape if you have it on. My Samsung phone calls it Auto Rotate in the settings icons when you pull down from the top of the screen. You could also with that troublesome app go to the homepage and scroll to the bottom to switch to desktop mode instead of mobile?
  9. I have had this in the past and by simply turning the phone to landscape mode, seems to correct it.
  10. Well made points. It seems a thing these days to have the stitching clearly on view at the bottom of the v. I've never liked that as it just doesn't look right. You may have hit the nail on the head re the badge. It does indeed look too far left.
  11. Terror in the terroir!
  12. Thank you. I agree entirely with your points. It makes it all the more surprising that the new home strip is retro. I too, was disappointed with the look but as others have indicated, it could be our lack of fashion or being snobby! I still think the fault is with who suggested/wanted O'Neills to go back to the double pin-stripe. I don't like it. There, I've said it but I'm not blaming O’Neills currently for the look of the shirt.....especially if in 10 months time we're getting over the fact we've been promoted! Someone had to think up this retro look and then commission it. It has surely to be a BCFC decision as many others are pointing their crayons at!
  13. I know, for whatever reason, you are keen to stick up for O'Neills as much as possible, but I'm afraid the quality of previous Bristol Sport clothing is not a reason to do so. So what you are saying is that my logic is flawed? I'm offended. Regarding my keenness to stick up for O'Neills. It is partly due to the shirts are made locally but all the shirts I have seen in their Megastore in Derry are of very good quality. If you have seen and touched the O'Neills shirt or even bought it and you say they are below standard then I believe you. I was at first surprised when O'Neills was announced as our new manufacturer. However, I was genuinely pleased along with another City family around the corner from us here in Northern Ireland. It is a popular brand that has weathered the Troubles and is accepted by all factions as a reliably good product. However, if a product is genuinely below that of a professional standard, people have a right to say so. I am merely trying to put across other viewpoints here. Consequently, the question is why can O'Neills make such good garments but not for us?
  14. I've read this as O'Neills made the Bristol Sport kits a couple of seasons ago. Nothing wrong with those kits or leisure wear.
  15. I am biased as I only live a few miles away from their factory here in Northern Ireland. I haven't seen the new City product in the flesh but I have seen many other O'Neills products in the past. They are very well made and look good too. I know we are all entitled to our opinions but it isn't O'Neills that is to blame here. Having lived previously in Stoke-on -Trent, a friend of mine was the supervisor for making football shirts for various companies before they could be made cheaper in Asia. Consequently I got the Admiral and Nibor kits given to me for next to nothing. I was also given the demo shirts that were made and sent to BCFC for them to decide whether or not to have that particular shirt. This process surely makes sense and O'Neills must have had the shirts signed off before going into mass production. All their other sportswear/leisure wear that my son has is of very good quality. I do the washing and they are more than fine a year on. If we had Castore in 2016, there would have been meltdown on here as they were a start up company and nobody would've heard of them. The fault lies with whoever signed off the demo shirts on behalf of BCFC. The Man City points, however, are more than valid even if I like blue as a basic colour. Without clear reference it could easily be Coventry City leisurewear. Is that O'Neills at fault? Very doubtful. Finally, if I can personally vouch for other O'Neills leisure/training/sportswear why is the City shirt causing so much anger? Has O'Neills been told to work within a budget? BCFC at fault here and not O'Neills. PS I have no family connection at all with O'Neills.
  16. Their film Water was very good too. They also rewrote a James Bond script....the remake of Thunderball due to copyright etc Never Say Never Again. They even used a classic line from Porridge in it.
  17. Ant and Dec remade this episode several years ago. I avoided it just like the result!
  18. I think he meant he had a standard BT dial up handset but it was fashioned into a 3 piece suit.
  19. KLF had a Bristol connection so quite possibly. I had the privilege of being filmed for 2 days by a video production company based in Bristol. The owner would tell me a story or two about the KLF. Putting 2 and 2 together, I'd say the video was made by the same company and hired the van to get to the shoot.
  20. I interviewed David Oyelowo the day he was promoting the first episode of Spooks. When he said Peter Firth was in it, I told him immediately about The Double Deckers. David hadn't heard of it. A few weeks later we were chatting on the phone and he told me that as they were still filming Spooks, he asked Peter about Double Deckers. Apparently Peter immediately burst into singing the theme tune!
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