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Everything posted by pillred

  1. As a summing up not sure I could better that, really in football confidence is key and tonight we lacked that and well we all saw what happened, let's hope that the penny finally drops and they realise that they don't have to just turn up against teams that are so called below them because Argentina and Germany found out to there cost that it can be fatal to under estimate the opposition.
  2. Not quite sure why he started, last 20? I mean we could have at least tried to see what we could do without him.
  3. Oh well never mind. Must be the most deserved winner ever.
  4. First sending off of the tournament was half expecting that to be given to us.
  5. Football rarely seems to work out like that though I mean how well are Iran playing today yet they looked Conference standard against us.
  6. The football gods are definitely wearing bucket hats how lucky are Wales.
  7. I did have a quick look but thought the passing point was nearer Portbury dock before it got to Pill.
  8. On this showing I'm glad we scored before them. I was thinking better we played them first game as they seem to have their tails up and are showing maybe they're not as bad as we made them look.
  9. Well that's wrong for a start unless they are going to build a second track as at the moment it is a single line through Pill.
  10. I got almost as much pleasure from that as our win the other day schadenfreude I think the Germans call it, childish? who cares.
  11. I thought that was what the initial 8 mins was for.
  12. How in the hell did they get an extra 6mins! on top of the 8 mins of added time at the end of the Argentina Saudi game? it looked at one point like they were going to play all night until Argentina equalised.
  13. Not sure Iran would do much better 20th in FIFA rankings my ar*e!
  14. I would imagine in say Merthyr Tydfil most of the locals had Iranian T shirts on UNDER their Welsh shirts so you will forgive me for maybe not sharing your enthusiasm :laugh:.
  15. None whatsoever, apart from inconsistency, which is why I was not surprised to see somebody from the Iran side competing in strictly come dancing being awarded a ten whilst our player being given a penalty against him, cynical? well you decide.
  16. Come on it's a way of life for southern European players they do it all the time fall over at the slightest contact, its not RACIST to point that out it's just what they do, stop looking for offence where non is genuinely intended.
  17. They will be, Senegal and the Netherlands. null points I think.
  18. Frances Karim Benzema is out of the world cup with a thigh injury sustained in training, that's a real blow to their chances.
  19. Was surprised to see Doha is only 3 hours ahead of us, it still means our game against the USA on Friday finishes nearly midnight their time, is that the latest any games have ever finished?
  20. It seems to be what we do, our inconsistency is probably the most consistent thing about us frustratingly.
  21. Well it's not exactly party central is it and that;s coming from somebody that's 66 years old, let's put it this way of a list of places to visit it would be fairly low down, homophobic, women treated as second class citizens, intolerant of other peoples beliefs, nothing but sand as far as the eye can see, hot as hell it's not just Qatar none of the middle Eastern countries hold any appeal to me.
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