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Posts posted by DaveInSA

  1. 1 minute ago, Simon bristol said:

    Yes thats him!

    i was just discussing it with my other half, weve basically been shite for the 40 years ive been going to games. I dont think it really matters who we bring in. If theres a book written of how to be shite, it would be based on us. At least with clubs like that lot up the road, theres no pretending they want to be successful, no multi million transfers, no huge stadium builds or training facility builds. We do that but are still piss poor, its like a running joke now

    I started going donw the gate in 82-83. And this post made me laugh out loud. Funniest and trueist post I've read for years.

    • Haha 1
  2. I wasn't sure what to name this thread. But, I had a look on the Transfermrkt. We have 11 senior players OOC at the end of the year:


    Five of them we have options on - but would we want them all? Probably not.

    Which means that with zero money (unless Scott and Semenyo are sold - which seems inevitable now) we need to recruit the best part of 9 players (maybe up to 11).

    If we're still in this division, that means we need to have some savvy recruitment. If we get it right it could be brilliant, a new brush and all. If we get it wrong...

    • Like 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    How do you square this with Scott getting 5 bookings in 11 League games? Thought Williams has a bit of bite or has in the past- picked up 4 already no? Sorry just checked and it says 5.

    Perhaps it's low for midfield, haven't checked comparable stats but it doesn't exactly align.

    let me clarify for you.

    for me, number of bookings doesn't equal how lightweight a midfield is. I can foul the opposition all day long, but it doesn't mean I am effective.

    Powder puff means - easy to play through, lack of positional awareness in defending and lack of commitment to the defensve cause. It's 30-70% of a midflieders job to defend. to track runners. to make life difficult for the opposition. our midfield is weak at this. we're too easy to play through. Scott shirks his duties in the defensive half of the pitch, so does Sykes. That's 40% of your midfield not defending. against QPR this was our undoing.

    Ligthweight means - lack of depth as well as most of our players being below average height. We need to make up for this with guile (speed of passing and speed of feet) and shithousery. both of which we can improve.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, spudski said:

    I've mentioned about the effectiveness of crosses from open play before. Many times.

    It's one of the least proficient ways of scoring. The odds are often stacked against you. GK can jump and use hands, and often more defenders than attackers in box. 

    You are relying on the defence making mistakes rather than your own good play.

    There is so much analysis and study on the subject. 

    Yesterday it seemed our only form of creativeness was to come from the flanks.

    We were pedestrian and missed Alex Scott's creativeness and speed of feet and mind.

    We offered nothing from CM. Hence Weimann and Semenyo often dropping back and trying to link play and create something. Which left no overloads in the box to try and win a cross. Even our wing backs were lack luster in getting on the back post from crosses.

    For all his faults Naismith creates from the Centre of the park as does Scott. That became even more apparent in the second half.

    After watching that yesterday...I really do see an opportunity missed if Kai and Scott aren't used together in CM. Both can defend...both can create.

    A case for Vyner, Atkinson, Pring back three before Kalas is back? To keep defensively sound. 

    Kai and Scott CM 

    The rest as usual...?



    This means that, on average, it takes 64 crosses to score a goal.

    Obviously, from these stats we cannot extrapolate the number of times a goal is indirectly scored after cross, like after a failed clearance by the opponents. However, we are not sure this really matters. Our point is: should you really base your attacking strategy on exploiting the opponents’ defensive mistakes?

    That’s the strategy other teams use against us - apparently it’s a winning formula for them ???

    In all seriousness though, our squad is totally threadbare. We have two fit CBs and our midfield is powder puff and lightweight. Plus, the players we do have fit and available have too many “off days”.


  5. I watched Jay closely against QPR and again last night.

    The lad has talent to burn, seriously technically brilliant.

    But. I feel he has a crisis of confidence (not the only one of our players by the way). 

    I’d love to see him play, truly play with him and vigour and whip balls in. He can do it. But something stops him.

    • Like 2
  6. DaSilva's delivery yesterday was poor (at least in front of S83 in the second half). Often his crosses were either intercepted or the QPR man got a little nibble on it, meaning they were meat and drink for the other defenders / keeper.

  7. 7 hours ago, Davefevs said:


    Yep, both echo my thoughts.  I’m seeing a general trend of improvement, but you can’t race through to where you want to be when you’re only looking at free transfers, and even those (3 out of the 4) are from lower leagues.

    Patience is still the key.

    One game at a time mantra.

    I saw a tweet pre-game yesterday that went along the lines of:

    - 8 points from next 4 will be a decent return

    - yeah, unbeaten will be great

    Well, the second bit of of that tweet thread is down the swanny, and in some respects the pressure is on to get 3 wins out of 3 to meet the 8 points required.

    I didn’t see yesterday bar the last 20 on a crappy stream, so can’t comment on that, but gonna be ups and downs.  We will see another change to the starting eleven on Tuesday with Scott suspended.  Players will get their chances over the coming weeks. And whilst we only had Kalas and Benarous were injured, and we had a strong bench, it only takes a couple more to be out to stretch us a bit.  That’s gonna be our season.

    I’m really enjoying it.

    you wouldnt have enjoyed yesterday dave ?

  8. I don't normally start a thread, but what I saw yesterday against QPR warrants one.

    The defending was naiive and abysmal all at once. Not the defence. Defending. They are two totally different things.

    From what I saw yesterday the key problems were:

    • easy ball over atkinson - got done every time
    • easy 3 vs 1 on vyner (several times) - skyes was AWOL and neither scott nor williams tracking back
    • naismith gave the bal away so often
    • sykes and Dasilva ineffective in attack (which actually cause us defensive problems - linked to point 2)
    • absolutely zero pace in our back 3 (and from Wilson when he came on - he didn't look fit)
    • and in the second half, after the subs on 59 minutes, litereally nobody knew what they were suppposed to be doing - it was an absolute mess

    some of this is schoolboy stuff. i can forgive some of this - we know we're not a great defensive unit, but man alive we absolultley have to start at least trying to defend.by being a bit more streetwise and nasty. we're so polite and gentlemenly. can we at least learn to foul when positionally we're all at sea?



    • Like 9
  9. I think @Harry just stole me brain and wrote this and then gave it back to me.

    At the time of our goal we had momentum and QPR were all over the show.

    The subs ruined it. Pearson got that wrong. In the car on the way home I was wishing the R Bristol interviewer to ask him the thinking behind it. Because he clearly got it wrong.

    The defensive performance today was dreadful. By S82 in the first half they literally walked through us. Multiple times. We have a midfield and a defence problem. The midfield is positionally naive and the defence struggles to cover. I feel sorry for Zak, when Sykes is AWOL and the midfield aren’t tracking runners. What does he actually do against three men, which happened several times today. It’s basic stuff and the players didn’t do it today.

    I try think we made QPR look good. Through us being so awful. Defensively all over the place.

    I’ve not been for a while, and I like the look of Naismith. But someone has to give the lads head a wobble on the pitch. Too many high risk low reward passes. Way too many. And at the same time some absolute gems. 

    Where are the leaders in the pitch?

    so frustrating because I think we have some good players. As a collective though, they need to look long and hard at themselves in the mirror.

    • Like 1
  10. i just watched the Nige interview.

    When he mentions Semenyo being about ready to start, there's a little glint in his eye. He knows what a special player he is. Knows it deeply and also knows that opposition defences have no clue what to do with him, mostly because Semenyo probably doesn't know himself. He's instinctive. Not coached. It's brilliant.

  11. In five comments OTIB goes from a thorough tactical apraisal of how Liverpool play and why Trent Alexander Arnold is integral to the way they set up.

    to Joey Barton being the best manager never to win promotion from the Championship.

    FWIW, Southgate has a connundrum, where for all England's supposed attacking flair, we have defenders of questionable quality. I tried really hard to watch the last England game. I just couldn't really bring myself towards it. I've no passion for the team.


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