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Everything posted by Redrascal2

  1. Same old problem, no real threat in the final third. Loads of crosses but for what reason because there is no one there able to get their head on them. It is truly a massive transfer window for us this summer. NP has got to make us a real threat in the final third as well shore up the defence and presumably replacing Scott. His job gets no easier.
  2. I saw him come on as a second half sub at Stevenage. Not seen him before but a giant of a player. Seemed very nervous to start but grew in to the game. Liked the physical stuff.Just seemed like he couldn't wait to plough in to someone. But seemed to get little guidance from the rest of the defence. Has all the physical attributes but needs a lot more playing time before he would be ready for the Championship.
  3. My first game was a league cup game versus Everton in 1967. We lost 5-0. That Everton side with the likes of Ball, Kendall, Labone and Joe Royle were pretty decent. And then there was the FA cup game when Royle was their manager. I remember playing them off the park and hitting the bar and post and creating loads of chances. They had one shot on goal and scored. And that year they won the cup.
  4. Well if he is above average he would surely be pushing O'Leary for his place. Give him a run in the team and let's see.
  5. I think you are right. But surprised and disappointed that Pearson has not got them fired up for these games. Particularly when he talked of going in to the break with a good performance.
  6. What a bloody shambles. Hope we are safe because we just have not turned up today
  7. When we try and close them down we are chasing shadows but when they do it they win the ball. So much for going in to the break on a positive.
  8. Good news. Keep it going George. COYR.
  9. I really cannot see Pearson shoehorning in a player to prove anything to anybody. Surprised anyone would think that let alone suggest it.
  10. As long as the Huddersfield forward line are horizontally challenged then no.
  11. The physical battle won't get any easier against Warnock's Huddersfield next week.
  12. It is hard to pick out individuals because the team gave their all tonight and there were many stand out performances but I agree with the OP that Kalas was immense tonight.Superb performance.
  13. Superb tonight, did us and the City of Bristol proud. As they all did. COYR
  14. Massive part of football. Games on TV just aren't the same without him commentating.Very sad news. RIP Motty. You will be missed.
  15. There seemed to be a lot of defenders signed on loan from Premiership teams last night. I am surprised if we couldn't get the lad from Crystal Palace we could not have moved on and got someone else in.
  16. Well done City. One down, let's hope there is a few more coming.
  17. Flattered to deceive. So much running for so little reward. Good to get him off the books. But wish the lad well for the future.
  18. All the very best Bents. Still reckon you are our best keeper. Hope you get your chance at Wolves. Would be great to see you on Match of the Day.
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