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Posts posted by Rebounder

  1. 15 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Unseated indoor venues over 500

    Unseated outdoor venues over 4000

    Any capacity over 10,000

    All following same guidelines 

    I know they had to give some guidance, but some venues that have a capacity of 300 can feel completely overcrowded so it doesn't really work by limiting it in that way. If I've understood it. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Sniper said:

    I couldn't agree more mate, does my nut in as well.

    All this Woke and PC rollocks and people who want to be called 'they' and all this other weird shite going on.

    Dudes with grooves, and chicks with dicks.

    Imagine having the tommy tits and having 12 bog doors to choose from.

    Weird. Never heard anyone in the LGBT community say "I wish they would cut the swearing at football." Quite the opposite. So quite why you've made this link I've no idea. 

    Do we just use the word "woke" and hatchet in some stuff about Non-Binary people whenever anything annoys us now? 

    Apologising for swearing at football is stupid, but as listed above probably linked to watershed stuff. 

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  3. On 03/12/2021 at 14:42, pillred said:

    Cycling in Bristol one of the hilliest cities in the country? fine if your fit enough, walking? fine on a nice day for say up to 2 miles, in the rain snow wind etc not so much, public transport ? where do I start, unreliable, too expensive, and not practical for many, as you have said yourself. They have been trying to force (encourage) people onto the buses for years with their ridiculous 2 plus lanes that continue to be deserted whilst the other lane is choc a block, your utopian dream is just that I'm afraid a dream. 

    Electric bike resolves many of those issues and adequate clothing resolves those issues. I work in the community and cycle all day for around 2 hours and it's a breeze. Not for everyone and I don't really care about people driving, but it's not impossible. Would I **** cycle without electric mind. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Olé said:

    I only support City because they wear the same colours as Benfica but I'm ashamed of the Portuguese football league it's such an absolute circus.

    What's actually happened here? I have a passing interest in the league, but out of the loop at the moment.  Edit: Ah covid. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

    Watch out for Michael Duff. He’s looking like a real talent . Amazing what he is doing with Cheltenham on a minimal budget . 

    Little stat from this wiki that is useless but I liked "He is believed to be the only player to have played in each of the top eight tiers of English football in ascending order"

    Was looking him up thought I recognised his name he played 600 games for them and Burnley. 


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  6. 3 hours ago, Lrrr said:

    Was also about the ahead of Conway/Bell part, each has a better quality, each will suit a different type of team so would more pick the player based on what you want. Clinical finisher - Conway, out of possession work - Bell, Pace, directness and ability to drive at teams, and some aerial presence - Janneh

    I don't watch many games, but I can't remember the last time I saw, or even felt that City were driving at a team and really taking it to them. Is that right? I think someone who can do that would be helpful. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Oh Louie louie said:

    Too all the fashion fans here.

    What a great time of the year to advertise shorts.

    I wondering why he didnt go for this look before the world cup?

    White socks fashion, whatever next.

    White socks are very much in fashion at the moment I believe. 

  8. I always feel that he's made a rod for his own back. 

    Every time we come up the talk is always about promotion and that sets a tone of expectation and promise. Of course this has to be the aim, but I am sure that if he had said that the first aim is to build and maintain a solid championship club with a positive playing identity that this would have been accepted. 

    Ultimately that would have been more than we'd ever had in my lifetime as a "big" league one club and it may well have clicked at one point resulting in a promotion. I always feel that talk of promotion was a big arrogant in a league like this and I am not sure that many other clubs our size talk this way and some of the "smaller" ones that passed us did so methodically without fanfare. 

    I hate the rebuild now as I feel it's sucked the little bit of life that was left from when I started going in the mid-90's. It's the same problem that Cardiff and Swansea have now. It is no coincidence that games against Cardiff feel shit compared to past, but I also recognise that the games moved on and this is probably the only way to survive. I am sure that there are many who would hate to go back to the old and they are probably the future and are more likely to spend in other areas of the ground. 

    He has shown a disdain to lower income fans imo, but billionaire owners often don't understand this reality so he's not unique,  and he has also often got it wrong when it comes to fans who want to make an atmosphere. Problem is that people will sacrifice a lot of that for on the field success/excitement as they did at Cardiff, but that has not happened.

    The team is as sterile as the ground - Can you see any future Murray's, Tinnion's, Gow's or Gus Ceasers in this team? It doesn't even have to be linked to success as Albert Adomah proves. Fans like players that get them off their seat, or are absolute battlers who achieve a certain level of performance. 

    Also though I am just getting old and the "characters" as I see them in football are slowly dying in the face of an ultra professional, public facing and highly athletic billion dollar industry. 

    Went massively off topic there I realise, but I do respect Lansdown for what he has done and I am aware we could have much worse, but he is also part of the problem with football in my opinion. I don't even mind the Bristol sport stuff as I can kind of see what he's trying to do there having also done a tour of Barcelona's stadium myself once.

    Do feel it's better the devil you know, but even if it did go tits up I am sure there would still be people around to fight for its existence. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Red-Robbo said:


    A) Consider themselves a bit male and a bit female  B) Consider themselves to have no gender and are not interested in physical sex.


    Not quite right as far as I know. 

    Intersex is generally linked to physical anatomy. https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/what-does-intersex-look-like

    A as you described it would be gender fluid I think. 

    Asexuals you are right aren't necessarily interested in sex (there are branches off of this) though they can be any gender. You can be male and asexual for example. 

    • Thanks 2
  10. 2 hours ago, WessexPest said:

    If ever a club needed a new ground…

    I’ve never heard anyone have a good word to say about Loftus Rd, QPR fan or visitor.

    Even if it is out of necessity I think moving out of the borough would be a bad move for them, all of London is not their catchment area and the club would risk losing its identity. It wasn’t all that long ago that QPR were able to hold their own with the bigger London clubs - if memory serves they were the highest-placed team based in the capital at the conclusion of the inaugural Premier League season.

    Now look at them - the fourth best team in West London arguably!

    I like loftus road. Bang in the middle of the local area. It's old and I quite like how boxed in it feels. 

    • Like 4
  11. 31 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    As much as I hate to admit it Plymouth have excellent away support and often put our numbers, and certainly Rovers numbers, to shame. Thing is, considering their unremarkable history they also put many other ‘bigger’ clubs to shame....no doubt clubs who’s fans mock EVERYONES support.

    Its easy to fill away ends when most of your away trips are within 2 hours of home, it’s also easy to fill away ends when you have large numbers of supporters all over the country descended from glory hunters who ditched their local teams 30/40 years ago to ‘support’ the great Leeds side of the 70s or other formally successful top flight clubs.

    We do OK, Plymouth do as well if not a bit better. Rovers (the most deluded of the Westcountry) seem to think that 400 here and 500 there makes their away support ‘massive’.

    Funny little club.

    If you had an excuse to get out of Plymouth every fortnight then you would use it wouldn't you? 

    *Actually don't mind the club or place except when we play them. Have family there and as said they do travel well. 

    • Haha 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Eddie Hitler said:


    That's not it though is it; it's a perpetuation of inter-town rivalries that have existed ever since there have been settlements and are frequently expressed physically between two groups of men who are up for a fight.

    It became particularly associated with football because games often have a charged atmosphere and integral to the game is the traveling support. Whilst they will be mostly there for the game there will usually be a small element up for a fight who will find an equivalent group awaiting them.

    It's not as though someone will see a bloke wearing a different club's football shirt on holiday and walk up and punch him simply for that.

    The major basis of the West Ham / Millwall rivalry was that when London was a major import port the docks north and south of the river were competing for jobs and money by having the ships land their side and underhanded and violent methods would be used to achieve this; that all overlapped with the football rivalry.

    Good post that seems to have gone un-responded too. A lot of the rivalries are built around this and other aspects such as class/political divides. Runs out of steam as an idea though when you think about City fans kicking off in Middlesbrough for example as what is the rivalry there other than that both teams had firms? (Random example) I think you have the roots right and then it sort of became its own beast and effectively culture. (Correct me if I'm wrong those that were involved) 

    I'm quite interested in it from a cultural point of view and can understand it to some degree, but the posters here posting their stories of when it goes wrong should also be valued. 

    On the original topic I've never heard an anti-fascist say they want to attack war memorials and I think anyone who did would be given short shrift.* Most people have a good awareness of the war and attacking memorials to people that didn't have a choice is a stupid move. I don't believe that for many that is what the day was about, but it was something to rally around other than outright wanting to say they disagree with BLM. 

    *Again happy to be corrected here. 

    • Like 1
  13. The ones who sold SWP papers need to have a serious word with themselves. Despised by all on the left. Irrelevant to the rest. 

  14. 1 hour ago, tin said:

    I never had any doubt about Pearson’s ability to whip our club into shape. IMO, we’ve been crying out for an experienced appointment like this since Cotts left and possibly before.

    The impact he’s having behind the scenes, from the first-team squad, to the academy, to the women, is all really positive from what I’ve heard.

    We’re in good hands, and while we’ll be inconsistent for a while yet I firmly believe he’ll leave us in far better shape than the mess he inherited. 

    I always felt Johnson was alright, but ran its course. I feel more confident that Pearson can build a more solid foundation for a proper go. Can't really explain it but I feel that we have more now than the slogan "five pillars" and something that the previous management were aiming for. 

    Also what a relief it is to have some realism. I always felt SL etc were stupid to talk so boldly about promotion when actually a sustainable approach is better and manages expectations. 


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  15. 10 minutes ago, Wiltshire robin said:

    Plenty of empty seats in the lansdown with a better view than the south stand.

    Price then becomes a problem though. 

    I say this as someone who thinks as many seats/spaces as possible should be devoted towards a proper standing end. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Taz said:

    Probably more like this.

    Remember the publicity we got after the Man Utd win? Remember Johnson swinging the ballboy around in celebration? Fan interaction - got a lot of positive press from that.

    Who was also here at the same time? MA probably thinks he can do something like this, and get just as much press attention from it. Has it worked? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else other than here...

    I'd say it's more akin to Holden doing a photoshoot down The Lions. Not anywhere near as bad as Ashton, but very much staged and trying to show he was one of us compared to the previous manager. Nothing against Holden though. Quite possible that Ashton was the one who suggested it. 

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