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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. I don't see all the games but that is the worst performance I have seen in the 1st half for a while. We are not better than them at anything so far. Very, very lucky to be level. I am normally very optimistic but we look very leggy as I feared due to cup games and replays. Leeds are good but we are making it easy for them.
  2. Thought that said British breasts for a moment. Need new glasses I reckon.
  3. Agueroooooooooo!!!!!! Oh, sorry, different bloke.
  4. I guess some computer sorcery going on here. I would be a bit miffed to see my head on someone elses arms and legs, but a lot more upset to see myself photo shopped into that kit.
  5. Do you think one of the pillars of the new stand has gone through the telephone line?
  6. It was the only time I can recall a crowd that made me think - 'this is a bit too much'. I can vaguely remember the crush very soon before the start when the away fans moved in behind us. One of the Liverpool fans needed a pi55 and just did it behind us on the terrace so it ran down the concrete under our feet and stank the rest of the game. Nice. I don't recall any problems with Leeds that day at home. Of course ManU smashed up the area when we beat them in Div2. Maybe Yorkshire folk are better behaved? Cue examples of how bad they are from others!
  7. I was at AG in the open end for the cup game in '74. Thought that was a crush until the Liverpool game which took it to another level. Was it Bremner who scored for Leeds? I can recall that the Leeds fans were better behaved than the Liverpool fans were a round later. Sample of 1 so not scientific. Couldn't make the replay, I was in class at school when we won, but remember the shock when I got home and heard the result.
  8. Can you wait a bit? I spent that money on a couple of gob stoppers, an airfix model and some dubbin for my boots.
  9. A Tale Of Two Cities? Surely Charles Dickens was describing a slightly inconsistent season for our team.... It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us....
  10. To Bolton from the Bolt Ons? (New stand joke).
  11. My father in law is over 80 and still walks to the local shop every day to buy a red top paper. Good on him for keeping fit, however I can guarantee that if I went there now he would tell me it is going to snow tomorrow or be 30degC. Because the paper said so.
  12. Is the Green un still a thing? As a kid I was always impressed how they got a photo printed from the game I had just watched. Felt sorry for the photographer who had to walk away from a match after only 5 mins.
  13. Yes, personally I don't like the threads that individually criticise players as 'not up to standard' or treat a situation like a computer game. Having said that, I get that 5 minutes after a game, maybe away after taking time off work and spending a lot of money, passions will run high. So, I try not to judge OTIB either!
  14. As regards the overall picture, I still think the extra cup games will bite us a bit. Even playing a Friday instead of Saturday, still affecting the legs and minor niggles. Hope to be proven wrong and determined to enjoy the cup run and the extra focus it brings on the club.
  15. I just hope his team mates and coaches are more supportive than we are! I know, this is a fans forum and we are entitled to criticise, but I try not to blame individuals, as easy as it might be. We can't change the past, how he plays in the next couple of games though is very important and giving him our support can really help him and our season.
  16. Didn't realise there was a thread for throw ins so I have copied this from my thoughts on the Cov match thread:- About throw ins, short ones anyway. I think a good throw gets to the receiving player on the volley so the ball travels down to the players feet as its first movement or they can clear it on the volley if close to their own goal area. A bad throw hits the grass first so its first movement is to naturally roll up the receiving player and is hard to control, giving a chance to the oppo player to nip in.
  17. I am sure no one will be more disappointed than Max with the 2nd goal. He has produced some great saves this season. Personally I back him to do well next game.
  18. About throw ins, short ones anyway. I think a good throw gets to the receiving player on the volley so the ball travels down to the players feet as its first movement or they can clear it on the volley if close to their own goal area. A bad throw hits the grass first so its first movement is to naturally roll up the receiving player and is hard to control, giving a chance to the oppo player to nip in. Surprising how many players struggle with that.
  19. As I said earlier, could have done with just 1 game this week. The cup replays are bad news of course despite the feel good factor of a cup run, the resting of players cannot be avoided.
  20. My ex brother in law, a person I now hate and a Forest die hard, used to get really annoyed when ever I said Notts Forest. Apparently they MUST be called Nottingham Forest. So, Notts it is then, good work!
  21. A bit marigold like aren't they? What with the washing up liquid colour of green too. Apart from that, ok.
  22. A cup run, whilst very welcome, can sap the legs of players and supporters alike. Life gets in the way sometimes for fans and a small squad can start to bite on performances. Could do without this game at the moment IMO.
  23. It's a plumb site but they will need to prune some trees first.
  24. Official value = undisclosed I expect. Gaschat rumour afterwards = £10m + sell ons + new stand + under soil heating + fanta + crisps + new big screen.
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