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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Official value = undisclosed I expect. Gaschat rumour afterwards = £10m + sell ons + new stand + under soil heating + fanta + crisps + new big screen.
  2. In the videos I watched last night, the crowd was almost entirely grown men. One or 2 women, hardly a child in sight fortunately. Not what the game is aiming for. Yes, I saw worse when I was a teenager, but I wouldn't want my family caught up in that, whether mild 'compared to the 70/80s' or not.
  3. Looking at a collection of phone footage tonight, the problem was not confined to a small number or one area.
  4. If they were in the wrong end I am not sure that doing that at a sell out local derby is worth it. You can't celebrate a goal, or if you do you risk starting a riot and you can't move easily away. Back in the day we would see fans marched from one terrace to another around the touchline but with all seating that can't be done. It might seem a good idea at the outset, hindsight would suggest not though.
  5. Yes, let's not do a Gas. One day at a time, sensible head on. City v Newport it is then !
  6. Apparently Rovers have got a special FA Cup kit for today - yellow shirts and green shorts. These colours may confuse their fans when they see the half and half scarves for sale on the way in to the ground.
  7. Thanks for correcting us Miah. I don't know anything about him but hope that if he was a long standing employee that he has been treated with suitable respect by the club.
  8. I did the same. The game felt as though it was going away from them, they were tiring and struggling, good subs from Ipswich. Then their 2nd goal which was just as good as their 1st. Funny old game.
  9. Certainly one of the most enjoyable games I have watched for a while. Good interviews too, not the sort of level where you get PR training, just honest views. I hope they get a good draw out of the hat. I didn't plan to watch this match, it drew me in. I have a load of house chores to do now before my wife gets home!
  10. Good tactics and great spirit. Fantastic result. Not sure I would want City playing them!
  11. They have Duku playing for them. The force is strong with this one...
  12. You've gotten love a goal mouth scramble and that was a good one.
  13. The forward lifted his foot I think to avoid getting kicked, maybe no noise heard by the ref hence made his decision.
  14. Really enjoying the game, Maidstone executing a good plan well. 2 good goals for them. A lot more space on the pitch now though, can they hang on?
  15. Should have asked the 12 year old on the other thread, he would know.
  16. The TV news last night mentioned how busy AG will be this weekend. Full last night and big crowds for rugby today and the WSL tomorrow. Just read the BBC report on last night - Gas fans should give up on the wind ups, they hold no weight these days. They should focus on their 'promotion' battle in the bottom half, trying to get 75% cattle into the shed and supporting their new, non record youngster on who so much depends.
  17. Listening on the radio here, never easy is it. Like others, I think we need to win this tonight.
  18. Well, no, I was just being stereotypical to emphasise a point. I doubt also though, that he sits in a garden over looking the Irish sea in his shorts having fresh fruit for breakfast in mid winter. He has earned his break, time to live somewhere a bit more scenic I would say.
  19. What was clip? What was the dig? Thanks in advance. Does he have to hold up a scarf and smile?
  20. I am going to take a slightly different angle. Purely from a personal view, if it was me, I wouldn't want to live in north west England anymore. In fact I would never move there, but taking the money into account and the prestige job, I can see why he went there. It's just that at some point in your life, you want to wake up to blue skies, maybe some sea or mountains and a Mediterranean diet, not grey skies, bricks and meat pies. Not a great theory, but if Mrs K has any say in it that might add some weight. I have no idea who will replace him but if I was him I would be looking at a nice job in southern France or Spain.
  21. The teeth - not white enough.
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