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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Here we go then. By morning it will be 'a statement of intent by the owners' and they are coming for us once again...
  2. I don't speak any Welsh but you don't need to in order to hear the disappointment in the Welsh commentary. It reminds me of listening to my Italian in laws. They speak mostly Italian with the odd English word thrown in.
  3. It could go either way I guess. If he has had trouble with some of them before then that might stick in his mind.
  4. I don't know your club history but it is interesting how in days of old, the press and fans talked about 'the board' when something big was on like a takeover or selling a favourite player. Much the same at City, today we discuss the owner, not the board. Is that a sign of the times or just semantics or just me?
  5. They do have the Sound of Mooosic in their new stand.....
  6. Fair play to him for showing loyalty and chracter.
  7. When I saw the 1st mention of it on here this morning I actually thought it was an OTIB joke about Rovers.
  8. If they want a 'what they say about us' page, just put in a link to OTIB, job done.
  9. I haven't looked at their forum but I wouldn't be best pleased to read that web site. It does explain where the owners focus has been the last few months.
  10. As a boy having spent many games hanging on the railings at the front of the Enclosure (east end side), he was probably my favourite of that era. When playing left back, got to see a lot of his play up close. Class.
  11. Er, you did say this:- Miah Dennehy Posted 4 hours ago Time has certainly warped opinions on that. City's demise was all of their own doing. I'm glad to see the Ashton Gate 8 being treated better than they were btw, by both your club and fans.
  12. Rovers are in a sticker situation than when Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun. (The bun may have been out of date).
  13. Going back to your much earlier post Miah, I am sure most of us would support the game of football versus bad owners, but perhaps you chose the wrong target to criticise Bristol City on OTIB in order to open up that discussion.
  14. Get Rovers to send us a fax before the deadline..... I think we are safe!
  15. What most fans want is a club heading in the right direction and some honesty from the owners. We can't all be in the PL. We know that if the sort of rumours on Gaschat become real, things tend to get worse before they get better. No fresh milk is not an indicator, but losing out on decent players and cancelling team hotels for away games is not a good look, if true.
  16. Yep, thanks for posting, as painful as it probably was. A reality check for fans and owners alike. Between you and me I expect that if this test event had been on a warm Saturday in September, with the cheaper tickets, 75% fill would have been achieved. Hence this comes down to the back room planning of the stand. If the stand had been planned correctly you wouldn't have a test event in the middle of a storm in January. There is probably a joke somewhere about the stand being busy due to cattle being kept indoors in winter, but as it is you Bert, we will leave that for another time.
  17. I am shocked, this is the 6th richest club. Cannot be true.
  18. Perhaps the owners are more savvy than Gas fans are crediting them with. Unsure about just how much potential is there, they build a cheap stand but big enough to make a difference then sit back to see how many turn up. If they fill it, then continue to expand. If not then no point in building more stands. It is actually the reverse of the Costner film. If they don't turn up he won't build more.
  19. Listening to the storm outside that must have been tough for all teams tonight. Rovers fans really shouldn't wish Barton had stayed. Nothing can justify that.
  20. The defenders were running away from the initial attacker so fast he couldn't keep up with them.
  21. So the test events prove the safety aspects but the new stand is, in a way, a test for the supporter base too. I imagine the new owner will take an interest in the response and then judge the need for further spending from there. Probably a free pass tonight based on the weather forecast. On a sunny day in April he will want to see more demand.
  22. That picture reminds me so much of health & safety online courses where you click the mouse over a hazard you have spotted. The random BBQ outside the door is brilliant.
  23. Whilst I like a laugh as much as anyone on here, I wish safe travels to all supporters tonight.
  24. Sorry to bring up the fruit market story Miah, but if the MKD stadium was the sort of build hoped for, what would the cost be in today's money do you reckon?
  25. That's the reason no one could find Row M - the lid was loose and some of the paint leaked out.
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