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Open End Numb Legs

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Posts posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. 19 minutes ago, CodeRed said:

    Being a bit of a ground nerd I'm trying to work out where that pic was taken, it's not AG and he's wearing a City shirt so it must be an away league ground 2nd or 3rd division...Wolves maybe ??

    Yep, was also wondering that. At first I thought perhaps it was Fratton Park and a Portsmouth shirt but the badge looks like City and an old photo of FP I checked doesn't match. It is a weird looking stand in the back ground so hopefully someone will recognise it.

  2. 1 minute ago, frenchred said:

    So they've appointed a "forward thinking coach" who is tactically inept and we have to wait for him to get up to speed?

    Fair question, the problem is that the other teams coach is fully entitled to out think him beforehand. LM has to adapt, in game, with the players we have, same as any other coach. I don't think we have many options up front so plan B for creating chances is much the same as plan A.

    If he is as clever as rumoured, he will work it out. I sometimes see games where the head coach is sat quietly making notes in the 1st half, ready for a half time change. Better that than standing in the technical area shouting and pointing which is unheard and unseen by the players.

  3. So many of these threads begin with 'Posted Saturday 17.05' or similar. 

    I fully understand the frustration but I think LM deserves more time to work out how to get points out of a game, during the game, when we are being tactically out played.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Phileas Fogg said:

    What a bizarre thread 

    Indeed. I bumped into a L1/L2 manager several times a few years ago. No names! We had a good chat one day, I explained my background and we got to discuss how he felt about supporters. He was scathing about forums! Not supporters who have committed huge time and money into their club, just the way the anonymous supporter can over react to a win or a loss in a polarised way, calling for instant changes like a computer game. Also not understanding the realities of the professional game and the impact that criticisms can have on players or coaches (and their families) away from the pitch.

    I am not trying to take the moral high ground here, I can be the same, but his words did make a mark and I try to be reasonable and not over react.

    I would never say 'that shouldn't be posted', forums are here for that reason and players/coaches would be well advised not to read them, but when you hear someone in that role saying he was steering his children away from football as a career it does make you think.

    Is this manager just not suited to that role? I don't think so. At the time his team was in the top 6 of their division and life was pretty good but he had seen how fickle supporters can be.

    In my opinion, criticism of game time, instantaneous actions of players, coaches and refs can be unfair whereas slow time decisions of boards or a DoF made around a meeting room is more fair game.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Billionaire bottle jobs. Neville was spot on.

    They were the favourites of course but my point is that Neville doesn't really need to say that unless of course he wants the headlines to be about him, box ticked.

    The papers make comparisons in terms of team values and there was a massive gap there. Interestingly, the average ages show that 'losing to kids' wasn't quite as made out, the Chelsea team was actually younger by average.

    Chelsea 22.6

    Liverpool 24.1

    I do not like Chelsea at all but dislike the media sometimes more.

  6. Whilst this person has been rightly punished, a reduction of 3 years to to 3 months is too much of a discount despite taking the course and previous good behaviour.

    Punishment is about deterrent as well as societies revenge. 3 months is too short IMO.

    Good to see that presumably it was his fellow fans who reported him to stewards.

    • Like 2
  7. 42 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Fire safety might be a part of it, but given that it is still illegal to drink alcohol within sight of the pitch and their stand doesn't go fully across, I won't be surprised if they issue is far more simple.

    I didn't realise that, thanks. I enjoy a nice ale in the evenings but not at a game. Prefer a hot drink to warm my hands on these days!

  8. 28 minutes ago, GlastonburyRed said:

    Maybe it'll be as effective as when they were threatening to leave their trollies full of food in the aisles of local Sainsburys...

    With a missing concourse, maybe they should re visit Sainsburys but this time wheel the food to the back of the new stand?

    • Haha 1
  9. It has been many weeks since I had reason to look at gaschat so have just checked up on how the new stand is going.

    No concourse apparently. They are saying fire safety has prevented food stalls under the stand. Having seen photos of the burnt food lately you can see the concern.

    Not enough room for toilets and bars as the structure wasn't built quite as expected so they are looking at the prospect of queing in the rain for food and drink at the corners of the stand instead.

    On the plus side, I guess the queues will be short anyway.

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  10. I think the worst case would be a hamstring avulsion where the top of the hamstring comes away from the pelvis and needs re attaching. My nephew had this when at Southampton academy.

    Quite a lay off if so. All the best Sam, hopefully not as serious as that, sure you are in good hands.

  11. My cricket team mates morphed my surname over a couple of seasons until it became similar to part of the female anatomy.

    That was fine by me until days when my family turned up to watch and everyone heard the skipper shouting my name across the pitch as he moved the fielders.

    '******, 5 yards to your left!'


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