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Open End Numb Legs

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Posts posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. 1 minute ago, Son of Fred said:

    Absolutely agree about needing another option/something different up front for the 'QPR' type games.

    It's something we've needed for a very long while now imo.

    Thanks. It might mean taking a bit of a chance on a player, a proven player, say Moore for example, won't be too happy just being the bench option initially.

    • Like 1
  2. Right, my views:-

    1. We can look easily top 6 on a day when the opposition look to play and we exploit space.

    2. As mentioned before, we don't have a plan B when teams sit back.

    3. I agree that 'Lee Johnson's tombola' approach was a problem and Manning might over think things. Tinkering with line ups hoping to stumble on a magic solution is not the answer. Keep it simple.

    4. Any plan B needs a slight change in the forwards, for me (this is where I might get battered) that means having the option of a more physical player who can be a threat in a busy box. We need more, better crosses and more shots. At the moment a line up of Conway, Bell and Wells can be excellent on their day but, in my opinion, can be a bit lightweight and struggle without space to work those clever passes in.

    5. I don't think we need to change philosophy or owners or manager, we just need an option or 2 when the game is not going the way we expected. This means Manning does deserve a bit more time to figure out this plan B and bring in someone (or 2) to bring those options off the bench.


  3. If visiting from the US he must have been pretty horrified by the overall experience. Apart from the actual game, they enjoy the social aspect at their sports - plenty of quality BBQ style food, good beer, a nice seat with a good view. See anything that might have been missing?

  4. 54 minutes ago, spudski said:


    Not sure if this pic is home or away. The second one is Ashton Gate.

    My hunch is the 1st photo is the Open End, there is a lot of daylight compared to a terrace with a roof on it, it just looks right with how the shadows are and you can just see the tops of the railings behind the goal.

    If correct then I should be top left somewhere as I was behind the flight of the ball when Bremner scored. I was only 12 so possibly behind someone but my Dad was 6ft+ and I can't see him either. Maybe we are just out of shot 🙁.


  5. I didn't see the game yesterday and so not in a position to judge, however just as a general observation I am sure I have seen young players written off too early before, Semenyo would be one example I think.

    A tough ask of him yesterday, not saying he will be the next Bournemouth signing, but all a learning curve.

  6. If LM is the deep thinker he is reported to be, he will know that the team needs a plan B for when the opposition sit deep and crowd us out in midfield.

    I think we have seen that he has a plan A that works pretty well for when the opposition push up through our half.

    For that reason, as frustrating as it is, we need to give him more time including having the opportunity to bring in a couple of extra players who might be more suited to that approach.

    • Hmmm 1
  7. On 11/02/2024 at 12:20, Open End Numb Legs said:

    I think there is potential for an episode of Silent Witness based on the burnt pasty. I hope the BBC accept my script, it is a favourite program of mine:-

    Scene 1, The Labs.

    Hey Nicki, we have to go out, there has been a report of a suspicious pie at a football ground.

    Ok Jack, somewhere nice? Ashton Gate maybe?

    No, sorry. It's Bristol Rovers.

    Oh no. Never mind, at least we can bolster the crowd by 2 more. As its The Mem I will get the hazmat suits.

    Scene 2, The Mem

    What do you think it is Nicki?

    Hard to tell Jack. It could be a sausage roll or a pasty, DNA will tell us. Whatever it was it has been badly over cooked. The customer never stood a chance (shakes head).

    Let's get it back to the labs, we don't want to stay too long, there is a match on soon.

    You're right Jack. Looking around here we should get a toxicology report too.

    Scene 3, The Labs

    Hey Jack, look at this bruising. It seems to have hit something hard.

    Yes Nicki. Perhaps it was being thrown onto the pitch but hit a pillar instead?

    That's very likely Jack, there are a lot of pillars there. What puzzles me is the pie was reported over cooked yesterday but the use by date on this burnt wrapper says 2021. That doesn't make sense. Maybe there is something else going on here.

    (They exchange knowing looks, cut to music). The End.

    Apologies to genuine Rovers fans, just having some fun.

    I was catching up with my Silent Witness recordings last night so felt inspired.....

    Episode 2

    Scene 1, The Lab

    Jack, the DNA results are in on the burnt food. It wasn't a pasty, it was a hot dog wrapped in a season ticket.

    Nikki, I think the season ticket was burnt due to the hike in prices and the hot dog got in the way.

    We need more evidence Jack.

    Scenes at the Mem Nikki.

    Why, did they win?

    No, not scenes, Scenes of Crime. Let's get them back there.

    Scene 2, The Mem (warning, upsetting images from the stand start)

    Here's the rest of the ticket Nikki, I can lift a print and get an ID.

    Good work Jack. Shall we grab a coffee whilst we are here?


    Scene 3, The Lab

    Right Nikki, the print belongs to one of their youngest supporters, an Irene, aged 73.

    Any known accomplices?

    Yep, I spoke to the police, they arrested him already. A man called Collins, seen fleeing from the area. He was easily caught as the team shirt he was wearing was weighing heavy and it slowed him down.

    Great Jack. Anyone else?

    They got a tip off about a mysterious character, could be Mr Big, known only as JCH. Never been seen there but the club will send over what they know when they get the fax working.


    I asked, they wrote back and said #every moment.

    Oh no! (They laugh)

    • Haha 3
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