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W-S-M Seagull

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Everything posted by W-S-M Seagull

  1. Our problem is Kane. He's not a presser. But then he brings other things to the team. Wilson would probably more suit the style you describe.
  2. He scored 4 goals. 1 was against Peru. 1 was after the final was already won. And 2 was against a rubbish Argentina team. He didn't score or assist against Australia, Denmark, Uruguay and Belgium. Don't get me wrong. He is a top player. But I think he is overhyped a little and certainly not on the same level as Haaland. Whilst he remains in that farmers league then he can't be spoken about in the same sentence imo.
  3. Surely you're on a wind up? Belgium have an ageing slow defence. The Canadian attackers are youthful and full of pace. How this game has played out is fairly obvious.
  4. Ahh so scoring 2 goals against a poor Argentina side is what makes him a better player than Haaland? When he can do it week in, week out in the best league in the world, then we can begin to compare ?
  5. Please elaborate if you are able to. What has Mbappe achieved in club football? What's so special about him scoring a goal against Peru?
  6. What did he do that was so special at the last World Cup? Scoring against Peru? Scoring in the final after the game was already won? What has he done in club football? Put Haaland in that French team and he'd be smashing the goals in for fun.
  7. Not really when it's against the likes of Australia.
  8. Haaland and Mbappe are evenly matched? Excuse me? One plays in a farmers league and has rarely done anything of note. The other has now played in 2 of the best leagues in the world and smashes in goals for fun. Mbappe should not be spoken about in the same sentence as Haaland.
  9. There is another video after this where they are now best friends shaking hands etc. Seemed quite bizarre.
  10. Really surprised by how many Ecuadorians are there.
  11. But the keeper punched the ball. So how is that offside?
  12. A few weeks ago I joked to my friends that they would win it. I'm now starting to think they actually could.
  13. Well none of us suspected that would happen...
  14. Mark Kelly said in an interview after planning permission was granted for the arena etc that a new club shop is being built as part of the new development as the existing shop is far too small for our needs. So I think it's just a case of just living with what we've got until then.
  15. It's sad that a football club finds itself in a position where their fans are begging Mike Ashley to buy them.
  16. I believe Coventry are extremely close to administration. They had to sell Hyam on the cheap to generate cash flow. This new owner yesterday said that SISU do not have the funds available to plug any gaps. Something just doesn't seem right with this new owner. He doesn't appear to have the funds to run a Championship club. When he asked the court to delay the sale of the arena the judge said his bid "lacked any substance" that alone would concern me if this was us. There fans just appear to be pleased to be getting rid of SISU so are not really questioning if this guy is the real deal. I'd be sceptical about the debt free claims. SISU said that when they took over. The debt isn't actual debt from real money. It's debt from interest etc. It will just be moved around on paper. In an interview after court yesterday he said - “The deal is done,” “As long as I am approved, the deal is done. It’s clean. Just something about that wouldn't sit right with me. Oh and the fact he was sat alongside William Storey at the court hearing. Also don't the EFL require a new owner to guarantee that the club will play in that City for at least 10 years as part of the approval process? They only have an 8 year lease...
  17. I think your last point is the most likely outcome. Simon Jordan looked at buying the club and previously made some cryptic comments that the council wanted the arena developed into something else. Yesterday he elaborated on those previous comments. The council were very keen for Ashley to buy the arena... People look at Ashley's previous ownership of a football club and assume that means he wants CCFC. They overlook what he actually made his money in. From what I heard, the actual stadium bowl brings in very little revenue to the stadium company, Coventry only pay a modest rent. The stadium bowl requires 15 million of work to be done on it. They recieved a few bids of 30 million but upon due diligence the bids were reduced down to about 10 mil. Probably cos of the work that needs to be done to it. I really can't see how it would be profitable to keep the stadium bowl in the long term. Huge running costs with only a small return. This is Mike Ashley. We all know Coventry refused to pay 1.2 million rent. So more likely to be in the 500k bracket. If Ashley has to spend 15 million to just keep the bowl operating as a sports venue. Then that's 26 years for him to earn just that back and that's on the basis the 500k is profit, which it's not. I just can't see it. I'm no financial expert but if someone buys something for 17 million and then knocks it down and builds something else that is then worth a lot more than 17 million then on the books that's a profit right?
  18. I fancy the Germans. They have a very solid team on paper. But then it's also hard to look past France with Mbappe and Benzema.
  19. Yea anyone born in the North has the right to be either British or Irish or both. Fair play to him.
  20. I think this is bizarre. We played really well yesterday. And you want to sack a manager in the hope a new manager can replicate the performance we had yesterday? What's the point?
  21. Why should he go now? Lincoln game aside, in our last 3 home games, Watford, Sheffield Utd and Swansea, all top teams, we've been the better team and should have won them all bar some poor finishing and poor refereeing decisions. Surely, if we play like we did yesterday in every game then you would be happy? Cos that was a top performance. With not a natural CB playing CB.
  22. This season at Ashton Gate has been the worst I've seen it for time wasting. We've had players feign seriously injury to then jump straight up. So how this guy acted today, just seemed like he was having a tantrum because the ref wouldn't blow up and allow him to time waste. That's how it seemed. The way he went down didn't suggest he had suffered a serious injury. Just seemed like an attempt to time waste. Why didn't his teams medical staff run around the side of the pitch so they were there?
  23. Next time just clearly put it on the screens that a moments silence or whatever is about to begin. Sorted.
  24. Tbf, the way he went down, from the SS looked rather comical. Maybe had his team not of been wasting time prior to that then he may have been taken more seriously.
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