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Everything posted by cotswoldred2

  1. Call that chilidish....now the crayon jibes, the greusome twosome, nest eggs, nause jokes...that's childish. My gag was at least a well constructed retort.
  2. Dreams ahhhh I knew it your closet gas .... G'night Irene xxx
  3. Under 50...I wish I was watching Atyeo as a young lad and watched England win the World Cup at 18....go figure Einstein. Nothing wrong with being critical at times but you just have no sense of here and now, let alone what it takes to fund a £20 million p.a loss. So who do you want as our new owners and chair? Plonker.
  4. What a stupid naive thing to say. We have just demonstrated what this team can do and you have to pour scorn on the owner...we are held back by this sort of bitter resentment and silly childish digs. Unhappy sod go support the other lot at least your moaning will have merit.
  5. He in fact stated there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the appointment amongst the fans, hence the Pulis reference. Very much a energetic display last might but as yet a lack of control in the game, passing was sloppy and Tommy was busy but ineffective apart from the goal. Wells is quality still but fading, Cornick is Cornick a hod carrier. James Wilson McCorie Pring Dickie all tough as hell, Anis can go imo and Sykes is the man.
  6. Sharing opinions is fine regurgitation of the same old anti club bile because they didn't like change is woeful really, talking about grudges and not willing to embrace new is very much a thing on OTIB, Johnathon Pierce nailed it last night in commentary referencing how Pulis was booed after being presented to the crowd at the end of a 5-1 winning start. He was referencing the reaction to Manning's appointment from many of our insightful and know best fans. He was superb with his knowledge of our history, top man.
  7. Just a typical January deal that many other clubs do . Summer is the time to do the real business and tie down contracts, all the toys out the prams on here is embarrassing is as if there has to be a constant moanfest from Nigel's jilted fans. Of course it's all meant to continue knocking the owners and to undermine anything new. I am sure Pops and Dave will sort it out.
  8. And why would that be? Apart from the obvious not missing an opportunity to stick another boot into the club. How does his style fit in with what we need do you think?
  9. You sure about that because I see any loss just supports the view that Pearson should still be here....it's pretty obvious from matchday comments. The hate figures are mounting up Steve, Jon, Tinnion, and of course Ashton Joey, Rishi, Rovers, I could go on...but one thing is clear you lot don't half bang on about stuff that has nothing to do with the team. Anyway to repeat who would you have stump up £20m p.a to keep us solvent?
  10. Soooo who pays the bills? We are in a pretty good position compared with most other head banging owners....get a grip.
  11. Well according to most deluded on here SL has control over everything...but you believe the ridiculous smear campaigns ....and whilst were at it who the Hell is going to make good the operating annual losses? But we have to have hate figures on here, but the irony is you get your knickers in a twist, witness recent history, I doubt very much SL has any bad feelings towards Nigel or any other past manager, but it doesn't stop the old wimmin tittle tattle...Geez get behind the team and move on.
  12. Well that's inconvenient, doesn't fit the narrative on here.
  13. Of course it is...just a blip and you can all get back to actually have some value added hatred for the new style. Nigel is fine....he has a lot to look back on and is a millionaire...wipe your tears xxx
  14. Oh go and lend your support to another club, what nasty hate filled homophobic childish rant. And people ask why we underachieve... THAT is why.
  15. Lackey? This proof their is still a few on here that are still sulking...unlike the rest of the support that are fully behind this new era. you say we were lucky last three games and yet there were games previous we were robbed by lady luck.... Really don't get your negative stance, as though you are relishing a quick down turn. Bizarre.
  16. That does sound like back peddling a tad. This club has a reputation for being loyal with managers, perhaps a bit too loyal, complacency has been our downfall, do you need proof? Boxing day last year we had just come of two home defeats Stoke and W.B.A it was a dark depressing Christmas and I thought then Pearson should have gone, and so did the majority of the football world, but we dallied...contrast that with yesterday and the it's chalk and cheese. I too in a fit of pique ranted on here about a succession of poor owners after Saints away, but perhaps Jon has pulled a rabbit in getting LM, I certainly hope so.
  17. My perception is that there are quite a few that are still hanging on to their dislike of the Pearson sacking, but not just Pearson the crayon boy quip, nest egg, front foot, top 6 and of course the Muppet quote to a picture of Jon and Steve at the game Friday, in game time. Pearson was a sour puss, that's a given, Manning is not and i can see the players are up for it.
  18. Blimey am I glad I was in the Manning camp from day one. Still the nay sayers are trying to figure out a strategy in wiping egg off faces. Quoting it's good but just really Pearson's system that see us winning these games. But of course it's not just systems its belief as a Team, and that is the difference in Manning and Pearson.
  19. Talk about being spoilt at Christmas... Lets go ******* mental.
  20. Here we go super fan alert...I cant attend due to medical grounds I am older than God's dog and live 45 miles from AG ...up until fairly recently I was home and away, but still the red fire burns greater than ever. Of course I am a realist that we cannot line up a so called better squad against the likes of Hull...which makes these results so much sweeter, I have seem a lot in my time at the club, but one thing above all other prevails , and that is team spirit, we had it in the old Div 1 and yes I am seeing it again, early day's, sure but I see in Manning a good coach, and the constant berating on here of him grinds my gears, the lad is 100% there will be bad days but if you can 't enjoy nights like this then I feel sorry for you.
  21. Already into the Christmas red...she's asleep so **** it.
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