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Sir Colby-Tit

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Posts posted by Sir Colby-Tit

  1. 15 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    Well maybe not animals and windows, but I was in the East End the day a few of yours came in at the end of the game and saw some pretty cowardly indiscriminate stuff going on.


    Miah, perhaps you could clarify something for me.

    Is the change of behaviour from licking minibus windows to headbutting them evolution or revolution?

    • Like 11
  2. 2 hours ago, Andy082005 said:

    Rovers fans fighting amongst themselves in the South Stand today to.

    So much for 'the best fans' in the world 

    it's the time of year, lots of colds about. Gashead in the South Stand had a sore throat today. Gashead next to him noticed he was a little hoarse. 

    Kicked right off. 





    • Like 10
  3. 1 hour ago, bs16bcfc said:

    I just single handedly almost put the tedious and odious Bristol rovers thread on the 2nd page. 

    Until iron man stuck it back at the top. 

    Please can't we get rid of this. I'm fed up of seeing it and all the gas that watch our forums reminding me of obsession. 

    Get rid now!!!

    Merge 1 @bs16bcfc 0

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Taxi for Rennie said:

    How do you come to the number 3??

    The last reliable survey of sag brain samples had the number just shy of 2.

    What is all this '3' crap, Mr??



    Uncle TFR

    Sorry Uncle, I included the 300,000 that were locked out of the survey 

    • Like 2
  5. 9 hours ago, nebristolred said:

    Anyone else think ****heads is quite possibly the worst, least insulting nickname possible? It's completely devoid of any creativity whatsoever. It's like us just referring to them as the c***s. It has no relevance apart from just being a standard insult.

    I disagree. The word association is genius: Bristol City... Bristol Shitty... Shithead. 

    Very clever for a fanbase with a combined IQ of 3. 

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, redapple said:

    Time to drop this thread it's petty, childish & boring . 

    In my later days of playing , I was in the 3rd X1 . We won cups & leagues every season . But no way did any of us think we were better than the 1st team who played 4 divisions higher but generally finished half-way. But we enjoyed it . We were a good crowd . We enjoyed the moment . 

    Let Rovers do the same . Don't rise to the bait . Don't antagonise them . Footballs a funny game . I think City have a healthy few years ahead but you just don't know . 

    Have banter with your Gas mates , but this ongoing rubbish on here makes the whole City fan-base look collectively arrogant and immature which I don't think is the case . 

    I've considered your words carefully, and come to the conclusion that I will continue to take the piss out of the blue few. Sorry about that old chap.

    • Like 10
  7. 1 hour ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

    We haven't scored more than 2 at AG in any game this season, and only scored 2 four times in those 19 games.

    We've failed to score in 4 of our last 5 home games.

    Surely high time for City fans to enjoy watching a cascade of goals nestling in the opposition net, be celebrating an unassailable lead by half time with huge smiles all round in the concourse, and being able to relax in the 2nd half?

    It's a home game against the bottom club after all.

    Or will Bolton go ahead, with furrowed brows, fixed scowls and near silence in the agitated h/t queues, and we endure a long miserable 2nd half struggle trying to get a point?

    Can't be too confident with our miserable home record, but come on City, just do it.




    You've inspired me Noggers, just stuck a fiver on City to win 5-1 at 50/1

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, ten minutes of rough said:

    All six of them?? 

    Sorry... just trying to win some Kudos on here, fed up with sticking up for you lot, now you might actually become a club that is worthy of the Bristol tag, and possibly our sibling rivals, so no more Mr Nice Guy :thumbsup:

    Who are you, and what have you done with TMOR? 

  9. There was once a young man called Wael who lived in Jordan with his mother and sister whom he loved very much. Wael and his family lived in a very dangerous part of his country that was always in turmoil. However, despite this, he was very fond of football and played with his friends every day.

    Years later Wael made his fortune from entirely above board, legitimate business dealings and decided to buy an English football club called Bristol Rovers. Rovers did outstanding with Wael owning the team. After another win, Wael received a phone call from his his mother. Wael answered the phone and put it to his ear in anticipation. His mother spoke, "How could you!? Your sister gets raped almost everyday! Our home is riddled with bullet holes! We can't get clean water! We can't sleep with the constant sound of bullets being fired at night!" She pauses to collect herself. "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR MOVING US TO WHOREFIELD!"

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