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Sir Colby-Tit

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Posts posted by Sir Colby-Tit

  1. 1 hour ago, Port Said Red said:

    I am probably going to get told to "lighten up" but does anyone else think that having a "totty cam" going around the crowds is something of an anachronism in this day and age? 

    I thought even FIFA had moved on past this stuff with the way they are promoting the women's game.

    I'm a fan of the "totty cam", nothing wrong with the appreciation of beauty IMO.

    I also like the "losing fans crying cam".

    • Like 4
    • Haha 6
  2. 8 hours ago, pillred said:

     Frances Karim Benzema is out of the world cup with a thigh injury sustained in training, that's a real blow to their chances.

    Meanwhile, Qatar have announced a late addition to their squad, Al-Benzema, who for medical reasons is allowed to play wearing sunglasses and a fake moustache.

    • Haha 10
  3. 3 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

    As much as I'm not a fan of Sweet Caroline and don't believe it has any place in football; I'll take that over the South African Vuvuzela which pretty much ruined an entire tournament. 

    Should you ever want to recreate the Vuvuzela sound, just place a woman in each corner of the room, and ask them how their day was.

    • Haha 5
  4. 3 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    Sweet ******* Caroline!

    Maybe it's just me, but it's being played to death, have DJ's got shares in Neil Diamond's estate? 

    Every sporting event, even the cricket in Australia, every act on the stage in our fan zone, any bloody excuse it's on. 

    It used to be Three Lions, but I could take that partly because at least the song is relevant to football.

    Is it just me?

    Definitely not just you, drives me insane.

    It's bloody everywhere....



    • Haha 2
  5. 49 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    What a fantastic competitor and footballer....wish we had 3 Nathan's at the back?  I will miss his tackles and defending, I hope he has a great rest of his life!!  Be great if he could stay attached to City in some role?

    You'd need three to ensure one was available!


  6. 3 hours ago, Boring Sag said:

    Trigger Warning: This will say one nice thing about someone supporting the Gas

    As an observer rather than a commenter Gas, I'm going to offer a "realist" perspective. I know many on this forum will boo and hiss because as people have said, this is more of a "making fun of the Gas" thread rather than an "objective, balanced evaluation" of Rovers. Not knocking it, if you enjoy it then that's your business.

    My view is that there are idiots in literally every fanbase of every club there is. There are absolutely clubs who have more so a "reputation" for it; Milwall, Chelsea, Leeds, Liverpool all spring to mind immediately. Portsmouth I seem to recall has a couple really weird blokes. Rovers definitely has some weirdos, but I wouldn't say it's exceptionally high. I don't think what football club someone supports affects their actions, this isn't their political beliefs; this isn't what job they do. Most people follow clubs either because they're local, or because it's passed down to them. Not to shame but it seems kinda like when a tory comes up to me and points to a crazy lefty and then goes "look at those crazy lefties, surely you don't want to be with them; vote Conservative." I don't know why that person should represent me or my actions or my beliefs. Similar here. Because of this I just think people are people and some people support Rovers, some City, some Newport, some Stockport County, etc. There's definitely cultures but I don't believe people are that hugely different and so I wouldn't say it's a special Rovers thing.

    As for the stuff on Rovers people posting here, personally I just read this because I like the format more so than gaschat; but I post there occasionally. There's definitely some insightful people on there, Pirate especially is very knowledgeable on youth and non-league football and has caught out a couple players who've become very decent players when they weren't well-known. I imagine the Rovers forum needs more policing simply because City is a bigger club and if it wasn't it's much more likely to have City fans "brigading" that then vice-versa, I imagine you'd see the same for Stoke/Vale, Forest/Derby, Portsmouth/Southampton etc. I occasionally post on Reddit, and I used to post on the Tories forum for a couple years because it'd be interesting dialogue with people I disagree with, then the old moderators stopped posting after having just added a new moderator who was extremely active (an Enoch Powell fan *shudders*), the composition of the forum started changing in the sense that crazies didn't get banned anymore but people who disagreed with the Tories did more and more. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but I remember someone claimed as a Labour voter I was morally responsible for Socialism, and because of this its millions and millions of deaths. I said I disagreed and those people don't speak for me and I got banned, the other person didn't. The moral of this stupid story is that many "free speech havens" aren't as free speech as many of its defenders say; or if they are it could all change quickly (this isn't to say the mods here are like this).

    On away support, I personally like our away fans; I don't think we're anything special but it is a nice change when I remember a couple seasons ago I think the team that struck me the most was Fleetwood with having some of the worst away support I'd ever seen. I don't believe we're a Premier League team in waiting or whatever, I think we're probably just an average League One-sized club, that's not to say we can't ever make the Championship but we'd have a long way to go. Similar sized clubs have got promoted to the Championship but it's about drawing support. Personally I think our stadium although making for a decent atmosphere is terrible, so maybe the stadium could draw us support (if it ever happens), or maybe not; who knows! 

    I'm not reading all that, but reckon you're talking bollox 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 10
  7. I'm very much anti-monarchy, I simply can't accept that anyone should be considered "superior" to anyone else based on their bloodline.

    I haven't watched any terrestrial TV or looked at any news at all since she passed.

    However, I've just found out that my stepson has been selected to be part of the gun carriage carrying the coffin, and my Mrs has made it clear that I WILL be watching the funeral!


    • Like 3
  8. 21 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    I’ve not seen the game as I’ve just finished playing myself, but been to the last 2 away games. 

    The worst part about this start is the hope… we’ve been hurt so many times by City, I think I kinda liked the doing nothing and expecting nothing ? I’m not ready for heartbreak again

    Had to read that first line twice, thought you were providing too much information the first time.

    • Haha 14
    • Flames 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Well, put it like this...in many big cities, including Bristol and London, you can get coke delivered to your door quicker than the police or an ambulance may turn up if you dialed 999. And that is in no way an exaggeration. 

    Got a number? (asking for a friend) 

    • Haha 5
  10. 17 minutes ago, Monkeh said:


    Just because the lads gay does that me he is going to tell anyone and everyone that he is attracted to them?

    For example you are in the pub with your misses and the barmaid is gorgeous, do you go up to said barmaid and automatically tell her you are attracted to her or do you keep the feelings to yourself because it's inappropriate

    Depends on how many pints I've had 

    • Haha 1
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