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Everything posted by grifty

  1. I watched about 25 minutes of the second half and could hear the drums and singing quite clearly. It didn't sound like there were too many joining in, but it was pretty constant and seemed to be songs for most of the players. I bet it's great for them, without meaning to sound condescending, for there to be a bit of an atmosphere, a larger than normal attendance and hearing the drums and people singing songs supporting them. I expect it gives them a huge boost mentally.
  2. So I guess Scott didn't get a proper assist for Conways goal. Or Naismiths free kick V Cardiff?
  3. grifty


    Not only are they very good players at this level and would be in and around the 1st team, they are also costing us £40k p/w in wages!
  4. Back in GJ play off years I went to around 40 games in a season and only missed a couple of mid-week home games with a round trip of 350 miles. Early 2000s I went to all but 2 home games over a 3 year period with the same round trip. My 'favourite' trip was when I was at uni in Bournemouth and went to Carlisle for the 3-1 win with John Ruddy making his debut. Bournemouth to Carlisle was a hell of a trip...
  5. grifty


    He can get the time if he's clever enough to find the space. If you watch off the ball, Williams and Massengo are very static when the defenders (more so Vyner & Atkinson) have the ball and often have an attacker in between stopping the simple pass in the middle. Small movements from either of them could open up the middle allowing a through ball or a simple pass, but they sort of just stand there looking around until Vyner pumps it down the line or Atkinson has a little run and passed to Jay. Scott is very good at this movement. and allows him to pick up the ball in space. I think Naismith is clever enough to find these spaces which will give him time to pick passes out once in possession. Seeing our central CB who is not blessed with pace and is normally last man attempting two Cruyff turns in 5 seconds is an unnecessary risk that we can't afford to take. Not to mention the attempted dribble v Hull where he lost it and they scored and the woeful pass today that set Blackpool through where fortunately the attacker turned back in to him and then there is playing an outside of the boot cross goal pass that bounces shin high to Vyner in the last minute of a game... IMO his delivery and ability on the ball is wasted while playing the central defender of a back 3 and at times has shown to be a liability.
  6. grifty


    I'm hoping Massengo off at half time was a precaution and with Williams not being risked two games in 3/4 days, we'll have a midfield of Scott and Massengo v Huddersfield. Sykes back at RWB. Weimann back in AMC with Wells and Conway up front and then Semenyo to come on again with 30/35 mins to go. I'd be very interested to see Naismith in a central midfield role where his lack of pace and height may not be exploited and we can use his passing ability and driving runs further forward without the fear of him losing it and having no cover. The way he plays reverse passes and threads balls through is great at the moment, but currently it's to the RWB/LWB on the half way line, or into Williams and/or Massengo. I'd love to see the balls into Semenyo and Conway for them to turn and run at defences. Klose can come in the middle and also add in some extra height which is massively needed.
  7. I guess I'm not a 'proper fan' then ?
  8. I'm not really thinking about where we might finish, but for the first time in a long while, I'm actually looking forward to our next match to see positive football (from us).
  9. I live in Tring and I didn't go either. But that's because I had no-one to go with! ?
  10. It's not just about how much you sell them for, but also what value they offer while in and around the first team. So, how much would we have paid in transfer fee and wages for a Vyner replacement or multiple replacements over the X amount of years we've had him and wages compared to how much we have paid him and coaching costs since he joined the academy.
  11. If you are using those players, then you’d also have to include the likes of Danny Coles, Matt Hill, Tommy Doherty, Joe Burnell all of whom got over at least 100 appearances for the club.
  12. Imagine after the first game in probably 5 seasons we played well for 80+ minutes of the game, defended excellently against a team who finished in the play-offs last year, limiting to their best chance was a deflected shot where the goalie pulls of a worldie and the defender is awake enough and determined enough to follow in to clear and easy tap in for the attacker and claim it was a lucky win and only because Luton were so bad. Not that we were so good. Crazy.
  13. I always thought the "We all dream of a team of Andi Weimann's" would work well for him.
  14. It also meant that when Martin came on he was a lot more effective as he wasn't shattered.
  15. Ah but aren't the laws what the ref deems reckless? Not Mozo from OTIB? ?
  16. You can just admit you prefer to perve on her... She seems to forget how to speak halfway through a sentence and sort of blurts something out that doesn't really make sense. I'm sure she'll get a bit more confident the more games she does.
  17. When I saw their front line of Adebayo and Morris I thought Naismith was going to be outmuscled and outran, but he dealt with them almost perfectly. He was also very good on the ball. The reverse passes into midfield are a great way to turn into attack quickly.
  18. He just chested Sykes in the back. Never a red for Freeman. Sykes got sent off because the ref saw him get caught/held back when tackled and looked like he went in angrily/out of control. I think the ref got all the decision correct. Sykes was just about a red, Freeman was a yellow and I don't think Atkinson was a penalty although I didn't really see a great angle of it. I actually thought the ref gave us many 50/50 decisions where our players just fell over with minimal contact if any.
  19. I didn't realise we'd signed Seymour, Seymeyo AND Pringle as well.
  20. Back 5 of; Kalas Atkinson Naismith Wilson Dasilva Back up with Tanner, Klose, Vyner, Idehen and Pring
  21. Han will do something really good, like a turn to break the lines or a tackle and it's like his brain freezes and he doesn't know what to do. I think he over complicates it and just needs to release the ball quicker. Williams seems good at finding space to be open for a pass from his midfield partner, whether it's James, Scott or Han, but Han doesn't seem to spot it. For Naismith, he seems very good on the ball (first goal aside) and I like the way he brings the ball forward or places good balls into feet further up the pitch. He seems very slow and not particularly dominating in the air. I think ideally, he'd play left of the back 3, but Atkinson hasn't done anything wrong to be displaced. Maybe swapping them over? Have the more dominant (not that I think Atkinson is particularly dominating) in the middle? Would lose Naismiths organisation to the right, but we've conceded 5 in 2 anyway.
  22. Yeah I saw that, he also made a point of repeating the fact it was Bristol Rovers as though he was so surprised and disappointed.
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