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Everything posted by grifty

  1. I'm sorry, but there have been posters on here saying Kalas has been left out because we are looking to sell him so this photo/operation must be made up as they cannot be wrong.
  2. I agree, our performance didn't look down to a lack of effort, it's just they can't do basics right. Simple passes are just constantly mis-hit or to the wrong player. No football knowledge of moving about to create space behind.
  3. I haven't agreed with much you've said that I've seen over the last couple of days, but I agree with this. Trying to justify playing a forward player with less than what, 3 championship appearances under his belt at RWB/RB was not a good decision. People saying it's worth a go because Ray Cashley was once a defender and ended up a goalie is very odd. We have a rubbish defence as it is, we'd be better off sticking 5 centre backs (if we had that many). Across a back 5 and just let the forward players do their thing.
  4. Hypothetically if we had won all our games, we would be top of the league.
  5. If that was the tackle/clearance after the deflected free kick onto the post, wasn’t it Janneh?
  6. To be fair, I'd welcome it just for @Fordy62 response!
  7. I think he'd be fine as a manager but having someone like Pearson as DoF to bounce ideas off of or for them to reign in some of his more out-there ideas.
  8. Not quite the same, but always made me laugh;
  9. It's a bit weird these comments, because when we played him in the wrong position, that is pretty much what he did. Now we are playing him in what he classes as his best position, we are seeing a much better all round player.
  10. Sweden v Denmark can be split to spell both countries again #SWEDEN
  11. I’d prefer to see characters on these types of shows rather than professional type pundits. Much prefer to see Micah Richards or Ian Wright getting the giggles or jumping around at a last minute goal rather than some monotonous ex-footballer blandly describing a goal.
  12. Ah Onion Berlin v Hertha Berlin derby is one of my favourites!
  13. Well it was for 1 season in the 4th tier and in the same league over the last 6 years, 4 times the highest supported team has had an average below 2000 spectators per game and the whole league has been less than 900. Every single league 2 club has averages over 2000 this season. I don't think Germany can rival the UK for attendances.
  14. Yes, there was a FA cup game this year and one of the non-league teams had a player who came through the ranks at Chelsea. He made 1 sub appearance and only came on for 30 seconds and didn’t touch it. Cant remember his name or his club though.
  15. He also set the goal up that won it!
  16. I thought the referee was quite fair yesterday. Literally any touch by either team and he blew up for a free kick. Some bizarre decisions. IMO it was a penalty, and didn’t look offside for the second.
  17. Jody Morris deserves some sympathy. There was an interview with Steven Davies and he said Jody Morris had two choices, to be manager at St Johnstone or come to us under McInnes, do some coaching AND play. Due to his age, still wanting to play and also learn, he. chose us and then from day 1, McInnes blanked him and he didn't play or coach and spent his time in the under 23s (or the equivalent at the time) but was still a model pro and helped them.
  18. Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I expect the team to be able to; 1. Complete 5 yard passes extremely regularly. I don't mind if a risky through ball attempt is cut out or mis-judged, but the amount of simple 5 yard passes that are astray are astounding. Every pass seems to be to a players wrong foot, behind them, bouncing up to waist height meaning it's tough to control. 2. Control the ball. The amount of times one of our centre backs or centre mids is completely open in the central area of the pitch with time to bring it down so they just aimlessly head it back where it came from. I don't know if its a communication issue, a confidence issue, but it's rubbish. 3. Understand tactics/football. Why oh why a player thinks at the 35th time of trying that lumping a ball over the top for Chris Martin to chase is not going to work I do not know. They should know and play to his strengths. Put the ball into his feet or chest and he has a far better chance of controlling it and bring others into play. Playing a through ball for a man known at Derby as the Wardrobe or pumping high balls to a guy who game is not arial dominance is madness. 4. Move. The amount of times a centre back has the ball, looks forward and HNM or MJ last night and they were completely stationary was crazy. They don't try to even get out the way to make some space behind them that some of the attacking players can move into a receive the ball. 5. Play to players strengths. Semenyo now gets the ball and stops. He doesn't use his explosive power or speed, he cuts back and allows people to crowd him out. Alex Scott will influence the game in almost any position, get him at RWB, move Andi back into the front 3 where he isn't wasted. Scott has excellent defensive positioning too so would help Cundy out. 6. Attack the ball. Cundy, Klose or Atkinson do not attack the ball to head it. They try to lever players out the way and let the ball fall onto their head meaning they get no distance or accuracy on their clearances which puts us under pressure. We need someone like Flint who was absolutely unmarkable at corners/free kicks with his movement and aggression and very rarely lost a header from goal kicks, etc. The 3 we have are too nice. Kalas is a bit more aggressive but not as physically dominant. I don't expect us to play like Fulham, win every game, play perfectly for 90 mins, but I expect the basics of football to be followed pretty much perfectly from people earning £10k+ p/w.
  19. I actually don't think you're far wrong. In terms of quality they aren't the worst, but that makes it even more frustrating. I only called you an idiot cos you called all of us idiots haha
  20. I do like the fact that some drunk idiot comes on here claiming this is the worst team in 40 years, only for almost every poster after to name a team that is significantly worse! Shows how bad we are in general!
  21. At least I saw 1 City team win today!
  22. To be fair to Martin, if you play the ball into his feet or chest, he is very good at holding the ball up and bring others into play. Problem is, all we do is launch the ball at him from all angles to his head, but he's not great in the air. Or we launch a ball over the top and expect him to run after it. It's no coincidence that our best run of form/performances were after Martin had a 3/4 game rest over Christmas/New Year. He needs that sort of break again, but we're just flogging him.
  23. Players like Andy King, Matty James, Danny Simpson, Chris Brunt, Gary O'Neil?
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