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Everything posted by grifty

  1. Why does that make them elitist? They travel on planes to reduce the journey/travel time so players are fresher for the match they have to play. They're not doing it to laugh in the face of lower league clubs.
  2. Was going to post this, he looks very good. Tenacious in the tackle and pretty brave. As you say, a hell of a throw too.
  3. The Blackburn players were disgraceful at diving. That fat winger from Dortmund spent more time flinging himself to the ground than actually running about. He could have had 3 yellows for diving. James put his hand on someones hip and their legs collapsed. Han slightly tugged at a guys shirt and he threw himself to the ground.
  4. How tall is he? Tinman described him at 6'5" in commentary and he does look huge, but Wikipedia says he's 6'2" and in the post-match interview he looks roughly the same height at Bentley who is also 6'2".
  5. He’s quick as well. I saw someone saying we should get rid because he only played well next to Webster. The most backward way of thinking ever. We should be looking at buying a player to be the next Webster so Kalas can play to his best again. Right back is our glaring issue and any funds or wiggle room we have need to be spent addressing this, not replacing an upper Championship quality defender for someone who may or may not be the same level.
  6. People who think Kalas is the reason we are bad in defence don't understand football.
  7. Pearson hasn’t said we’re okay at centre back. JonDolman did. You quoted it. His post starts “I think” and you’ve turn that into Pearson thinks, so we’re in trouble. Amazing.
  8. I'm just disappointed that almost everything we did in those 5 or 6 games where we looked good (offensively) we've seemingly stopped doing. The quick passes along the ground in midfield, almost playing triangles and working it around the opposition, Alex Scotts quick forward passes, Semenyo running at pace, Weimann harrying and popping up everywhere, Martin holding the ball up and runners playing off him. We've just reverted to poor passes putting people on the back foot, lumping it up to Martin, he challenges for the ball, but no-one is within 15 years of him, Semenyo gets the ball and slows everything down. There's also a massive amount of poor football knowledge or talk on the pitch as the amount of times a midfielder or defender had time to bring the ball back and retain possession decides to head the ball back up the air in the rough direction of the centre circle astounds me. I see better footballing decisions and desire to pass the ball about made at my work kick about on a Monday evening. Alex Scott is still the best player on the pitch in any position. Dasilva I think has been very good the last few games.
  9. Thats... that's not how football or physics works.
  10. He should, but he doesn't so why don't we play to his strengths?
  11. He had a bit of a stinker by his own recent standards, but still hit the bar, and almost created a couple of chances.
  12. why oh why does every pass to Dasilva go to his right foot so his movement has to be back towards our goal. Why can't Klose pass it on to his left foot in front of him (opposition player permitting) to allow him to move onto the ball on his favoured foot!?
  13. Best player on the pitch by a mile.
  14. I agree to an extent. Obviously whoever was tracking Crooks should have done better but the way we set up with the corner it looks like Cundy had a free role so should be attacking the ball if it comes anywhere near him, but he did just sort of nothing. Wiki has Cundy as 6'1"!? That can't be right surely? I thought he was 6'5"ish! Always looks a bit of lanky monster.
  15. grifty


    I did enjoy the comment before the game when we were shown the fixtures with the comment “not many goal so far today, because the games are yet to kick off”
  16. Bell isn't right wing back unless Scott is playing centre half... Looks a like a back 4 and then chuck a load of players everywhere else and hope it pays off to me.
  17. I agree, they seem to be the epitome of managers signing 'panic' players or 'name' players for the sake of it. Pearce might have been behind the Diangana, Ajayi, Furlong signings?
  18. Just get a VPN if you want to watch the game on Robins TV.
  19. Aren't the names also 'reset' at the start of a season? So because we only really get storms and not hurricanes and tornados, we don't really get enough to trouble the end of the alphabet.
  20. You judge a goal scorer on the number of goals scored, not a striker. Not complicated. Goals is one of the metrics you judge a striker on, not the only one.
  21. Bentley Kalas Klose Baker Dasilva Williams Massengo Pring Scott Weimann Semenyo
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