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Everything posted by grifty

  1. Yeah, the games finished!
  2. The control and first touch to take it round an opponent is as good as the mens. I did enjoy the interview when Georgia Stanway said having the crowd was like “a twelfth man… I mean woman”
  3. Ah yes, I thought it was, but after some google imaging in a City shirt it didn't look like him, but in another teams blue shirt the tattoos match up. He looks like an absolute beast.
  4. Who is the big tattooed unit at 2:03?
  5. We know we can score from last season (finger crossed) if we keep the same front three, our issue was keeping clean sheets. Id prefer if they spent the first few games of preseason being tight at the back, defending as a unit, learning any new defensive roles they have. So far we have 2 clean sheets out of 2 albeit against lower division opposition. Obviously ideally we’d win every game 5-0 but baby steps with this team!
  6. 2nd friendly of the season is more about shape and new players integrating into the team and learning how everyone plays, despite the fact we are missing 2 of our main forward threats + Scott. Still, at least you get to perve on a presenter like some deranged sex pest.
  7. I work in the technical department of one of the worlds largest car manufacturers, so I'm afraid I do know what I'm talking about. In 3-4. years that 210 miles will be 50% of that if you are lucky. Max ranges as mentioned above are in perfect driving conditions and often in scientific conditions so are pretty much wrong for people who use them as daily drivers. You can certainly use electric cars now and if you aim to swap it on finance, etc then the capacity loss is not something you have to worry about, hence my question as to how far the vehicle would be used.
  8. How much driving will you plan to be doing for work? Is it a commute to the office type company car, or are you going to be driving up and down the country every day? Electric car ranges aren't far enough currently if you are out and about everyday, unless you are happy with a 45-60min wait at a service station on most trips.
  9. I agree, although obviously not his first language he was thoughtful about how/what he answered and it wasn't the same soundbites you get from normal English speaking signings.
  10. grifty

    Alex Scott

    The thing I liked to see was how he was getting on with the other players well with funny handshakes and hugs. I always imagine that the England youth teams have an element of if you aint at a top club academy who are you. Especially as Scott is probably at the least fashionable club there.
  11. Latest Robins uncut sees Nige introduce Jason Euell as a coach.
  12. But thats OK isn't it? If he was at Real Madrid, felt under appreciated by the fans, staff, etc and his motivation went. this just a normal human reaction surely. As far as I'm aware he never refused to play, but instead of putting that extra dedication in, he went and did something he enjoyed in golf. It's not his fault Real Madrid offered him a £500k p/w contract.
  13. I enjoy your posts and opinions Dave, but my god you are the biggest football nerd I've ever seen!
  14. Ray Parlour made a good point on Talksport this morning that if they want to speed the game up with throw-ins, if you don’t take it within 5 seconds, it goes to the other team like a foul throw.
  15. It's when it moves to the main part of the forum is when I get excited!
  16. These are the sort of players people use to beat the club down if we don't sign them and they go on to better things. This is the best round peg in a round hole signing we could have made this summer IMO.
  17. So if you lend a mate a tenner, when he pays it back to you snatch it off him or say thanks?
  18. That’s what a plastic fan would say.
  19. What if your eyesight is bad and you lost your glasses, but you don't need them to watch City on the iPad? Surely your opinion is more valid if you watch from home?
  20. I’ve watched most of the under 23 games when they’ve been in Robins TV this season and each time they’ve played Zac Bell and James Taylor stand out to me as very good players and they are having good games today, especially Taylor.
  21. Been fine for me, you need to invest in better internet rather than blaming Robins TV.
  22. I just went to have a look to see what sort of bot or idiot was posting, but it’s literally every post is homophobic. Horrendous!
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