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Posts posted by lenred

  1. 49 minutes ago, markcarter said:

    Easily the highest number of daily infections reported across the country for the whole pandemic today.  Figures spiralling upwards.  Not surprising so many bubbles are being compromised.  It’s not sustainable.  We can expect football to be suspended at some point during January.

    No chance.  EFL maybe but no way Prem stops. They’ll just have to manage games as they have done so far with Newcastle and now Man City. 

    Just now, petehinton said:

    Can’t be far off the season being paused at this rate

    Because one game has been postponed? 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, phantom said:

    I left at 0-2 that night as someone was giving me a lift home

    Only time I’ve gone to leave early was when we lost to Leicester 0-4 under McInnes. We were 0-3 down at halftime and I’d just had a guts full and my mate agreed. Anyway we were in the Williams or Eastend I think - can’t remember - but as we walked out of the ground at the Park End we thought ‘what are we doing here - let’s get back in and support the boys’. 

    So as we were at the park end and the Dolman gate was open for the smokers (and it wasn’t exactly a sell out),  we thought nothing of it and went and sat in the dolman. Found a couple of seats near the bottom, checked with everyone around us that we weren’t nicking anyone’s seats very politely and everyone was sound. Anyway just after we went 0-4 down a group of stewards came marching over and escorted us out saying we weren’t in our seats and were breaking the stadium rules. Cue much hilarity from the those in the Atyeo that saw us being walked out along the bottom of the Dolman with a rendition of ‘make them stay make them stay make them stay’!! Very funny and learnt my lesson! 

    • Haha 3
  3. 36 minutes ago, James54De said:

    There actual scientific evidence that shows they don’t. Like, literal evidence. A surgical mask doesn’t stop the flow of air if worn correctly. 

    I wish someone could show me where I’m going wrong then because it certainly affects my breathing and I’ve tried all sorts of styles and whilst some are better than others they still all affect me to some degree. I’m relatively fit and healthy and when I had cause to have my oxygen saturation levels recorded last year I was at 98/99 like the doctor in the video. Maybe I’m an outlier or maybe it’s a case that masks don’t affect the oxygen levels but in order to produce those levels you have to breathe harder/less efficiently?  I’m in no way against wearing them by the way - just find them a pain! 

  4. 2 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    The fact they are very well paid means they can afford to set up arrangements to live comfortably away from their family without suffering financial hardship. Ordinary employees couldn't afford to do that. For a limited time to finish this season it doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm sure clubs will end up paying for it anyway. 

    Why should they though, if they don’t want to?  They haven’t signed up for it and they  have no moral or legal obligation to do so. Some, maybe most, will be happy to isolate away from family but for some it could have massive affects on their mental health and that of their families.   

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  5. 6 minutes ago, S25loyal said:

    I think you are missing the point. MOST people aren’t able to put money over family welfare, SOME footballers can as they are paid obscene amounts of money. 

    I really think the money thing needs to be taken out of the argument. Footballers - regardless of the money they earn - are as entitled as anyone else to protection from the virus and to not go to work if they feel that they or their families are at risk.  Because some of them are obscenely rich doesn’t mean they have any more obligation to work if they feel it’s not safe than anyone else.  

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  6. 4 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    My feeling is that it is inevitable there will be more cases over the coming weeks as the lockdown eases and likely there will be a further spike in the Autumn. I don't think it is by any means inevitable that will lead to a further widespread wave of infections but it is vital that the government get an effective tracing and tracking system in place...

    Indeed and there were always going to be positive tests as soon as they introduced the formal testing procedure and tbh the figures aren’t too bad. My point was that any positive tests will give ammunition to those players / clubs resisting the restart - whether that be for genuine personal reasons or in the case of some clubs more self interest / preservation reasons.  

  7. 9 minutes ago, OldlandReddies said:

    We will be back in grounds by October at the latest, September even, if the rate of infection continues to drop as it is, vaccine or no vaccine. It will be virtually non existent by then.

    We really won’t.  I’ll happily have a £50 wager with you with the winnings going to a charity of the winners choice that we are not back watching football at AG by the end of October. Will be incredibly happy to lose the bet but no chance!  

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Vincent Vega said:

    It won't will it . Not being able to go is the single biggest factor for me too.

    Not sure if anyone saw the Olympiakos v Wolves game just before lockdown but it really was awful, so sterile.  Maybe it’ll be different with more familiar names on show and with promotion and relegation to play for (and fantasy football!) as opposed to a nothing Europa game,  but I’m with you. It’s the ‘event’ of game day I miss at the moment as opposed to the actual games themselves.  

    • Flames 1
  9. 57 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    I guess Bundesliga could push back another week to give them time to complete isolation.

    Re Prem League, Steve Parish was on Andrew Marr this morning.  He actually talk sensibly.  He doesn’t say “we must do this”, “we can’t do that”....he just talks about there being options, some of them preferred, some not in his opinion.  Big meeting tomorrow!!!

    Saw him interviewed last week and he spoke very well then as well. Palace are probably 90% safe though so I guess it’s easier to speak more sensibly from that position. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Laner said:

    I agreed with all the peripheral stuff, money and the PL. But after watching videos of us recently I do miss the cheer and euphoria after scoring and a good win. Daft as that may sound.

    I've also been listening to these BBC podcasts...


    ... and they have been bringing back great memories of all sports.

    I know way more important things are going on at the moment but the entertainment and pleasure sport brings shouldn't be overlooked. Sadly it's a luxury we can ill afford at the moment (excuse the pun).

    Doesn’t sound daft at all mate but like you say - way way more important things going on at the moment than trying to salvage tv money to the detriment of our critical services and putting more lives at risk, which is essentially what football would be doing if it were to rush back before it is safe to do so. We have the highest death rate in Europe now - risking even more lives for a few games of pretty meaningless football just isn’t worth it. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    The reason we have Coronavirus in this country ultimately goes back to it being started and spread from China, agreed.  The reason we have death numbers as high as they are is for several reasons, many of them stemming from political / government decision / indecision and historical choices meaning a lack of preparation for a major pandemic.

    I don’t get the constant jibes of “stop bringing politics into it, it’s not the time” when someone legitimately challenges the government on something they’ve done, said they were gonna do, etc.

    I couldn’t care less who is in charge.  If it was Corbyn and Starmer playing this the same way as Johnson, I’d be just as critical (I was during their election campaign).  I see deceit, lack of transparency, failure to answer decent questions properly (in amongst too many shit questions admittedly), Inconsistent comparisons with other countries to suit agenda.  This is a government treating a large chunk of the country as idiots.  The press / media isn’t helping either.

    Look at Cuomo in New York.  It’s a disaster over there numbers wise, yet he’s leading his State through integrity, trust, transparency, empathy...treating them as adults, telling them from his heart.

    This country is massively divided, and I feel lost, the odd one out, sat somewhere in the middle.

    I’ve missed it, but not as much as I thought.  Sky news 501 on more than Sky Sports.  Don’t watch re-runs of football games dominating the tv schedule, but quite like watching golf and cricket re-runs.

    I haven’t been out since March 5th, apart from one trip to Budgens / Petrol Station - to get served through the late-night hatch the week after when we ran out of milk and bread.

    Settled into a new schedule, of getting the kids up, helping with home schooling, watching the daily briefing, FaceTiming parents, virtual catch up with mates.  Tonight is family quiz.  Even my cousin who lives in the States is joining in.  I’m quiz master tonight....been preparing my picture quiz, rather than posting on OTIB.

    Stay safe everyone.

    This guy has been incredible. The most inspiring and competent politician in this sorry mess on both sides of the pond by far.  Don’t know his story but surely he has to consider running next time out (too late for this year obviously). 

    • Like 2
  12. If anyone follows the ‘Football Away Days’ page on Facebook then the Rugby Ground is today’s ground up for discussion. The post is only 10 mins old but there are some great comments already: ‘wouldn’t look out of place in Syria’....’ I went there once or twice in the 90's & judging by that picture it's stuck there‘.........’Not a great ground, away end is open or you can sit in a tent’.....’Shit ..away end open...pubs home fan friendly only ...train stations miles away’.........

    I’m sure the ‘compliments’ will keep on rolling in throughout the rest of the day seeing how loved they are! 

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