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Posts posted by REDOXO

  1. 9 minutes ago, Rocking Red Cyril said:

    After watching today in utter dis believe . From a great opening goal to some pretty poor defensive mistakes to lose 2-3. But no one seems to have mentioned the awful game the ref had and linesman in front of Lansdown. Their seconed goal totally offside. I was right in line and it a bad linesman miss. And both the ref and that linesman made poor desicions all game. On the whole our game was not to bad. But we kept leaving holes in the midfield that  Huddersfield used very effectively. Our whole defensive set up was so un together today continually giving them space and room. I would not pick any one out in defensive as having a particularly bad game it was they where not in a unit. And also how clear the extra pace and fitness Hudersfield had in chasing every ball or man down with a sprint. And when an attack was on they sprinted. We did not look like we knew what a sprint was. We just Look so untogether as a team. Yrs I agree some of those on the field today really are not good enough and we are a work in progress. A five season job easily needed. Yes I do feel NP us our man but SL has to give him serious backing in Jan. and ongoing transfer markets. This was never going to be a pretty season and we just have to stay up. And I hope the nonsense with the ref stoping the game seconed half for what looked like bottles thrown at their player taking a corner does not incur a severe reprimand and/or worse punishment . Anyway I bloody love this club so let's just behind the team 


    Yes. Exactly. I tweeted to Twentyman the best bit of the match was the comedy refereeing. Totally inept. My god we have all forgotten abou the Peno. Vyner didn’t touch him. At that point the tone was set. 

    Terrible terrible officiating, but there it is. What else do we expect!

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  2. 1 hour ago, chucky said:

    City 54% possession. 

    City Total shots 17 hudd 11

    Shots on target 6 a piece 

    City 8 off target 

    Passes City 408 hudd 351


    We created more it seems. 

    Oh stop it. You and your facts getting in the way.

    However we were awful for a long period in the middle to go all hung ho at the end to try and salvage a point  

    I guess statistics only convey a partial message after all  

    Just for giggles how many shots did we have after we were three down? 


  3. 14 minutes ago, RedM said:

    Bit harsh on Atkinson when Kalas for his age and experience wasn’t any better. At least Atkinson looked to get the ball forward, and just not lobbing it aimlessly but bringing it through the midfield. 

    At times we put a few moves together today but too much passing it back to Bentley who just boots the ball upfield, our player never wins the ball and straight away we have the ball coming back at us and we are caught short.

    The goals we conceded were soft, fair play to Huddersfield, but we let them waltz by us and it was far too easy for them.

    Exactly what I saw. To be fair Pearson said pretty much that. So at least that’s three of us! 

  4. 1 minute ago, Numero Uno said:

    100% on the owner in my book. He gave his mate Swiss free rein to build his empire here then defended the bloke from fan criticism. Nailed your colours to the mast there Stevie Boy. That makes the owner 100% responsible for the utter mess we are in.

    Yes the playing side does come down to that when all said and done. 

    For my own tuppence I have always held SL in high regard for what he’s physically built in S Bristol. But LJ and Ashton are on him. The profligacy of the two men with SLs money is what we are all paying for now. 

    The silver lining is we are seeing our own lads come through, whether supporters like it or not it will take time to build from here!

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Pezo said:

    Spot on, we can see some progress in youngsters joining the first team but that's about it - we're not going to start playing like Brazil every game, hell we're not even going to start playing like Coventry. I know everyone wants it to be better but we're far too shit in situational awareness - it ain't going to happen quickly.

    The other place we will see some progress is cost to income (which us fans don't really give a shit about).

    Spot on! It is effing tough though isn’t it!

    • Like 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    Re signed Bakes

    Signed Simpson 

    Signed Tanner 

    Signed Atkinson. 

    Pretty much 'his' defence 

    So, honestly is he saying that his signings are rubbish??? 

    Clearly he thinks Simpson is rubbish.

    Baker is coming back from a head injury and Atkinson and Tanner are gaining experience but aren’t the finished article yet. 

    The utter farce this bloke inherited is a stain on the club and the individuals in management/BoD/ownership who got us there . But there it is. 

    Maybe you are right perhaps Pearson isn’t very good, but my perspective is Sir Alf would struggle with turning what’s available right now into a decent team  



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  7. 6 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    My hunch is he would like to move Wells on in January so is only using him sparingly so he doesn’t get the impression we want him to stay.

    I was told QPR are monitoring, but who knows really. 

    However you may well be right. Not worth anything , but worth less with a knock!!

  8. 1 hour ago, Pezo said:

    What do you want, do you want him to try and put a positive spin on the nonsense we can see infront of ourselves?

    It's not about progress for me - it's about trying to stay in the division while reducing our costs over the next couple seasons.

    I agree almost completely. We need to see some progress and many would say that we see that with Benny and Scott. 

    But just stay up!

  9. 6 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    I thought his general game was good today but aside from the penalty at Coventry he hasn’t scored in 12 games now & whilst I believe our defensive issues are a bigger concern, we have alternatives in Wells or pushing Weimann (who has 9 already) further forward & think one of those 2 options is worth a try.

    Yes I agree. I just don’t get why Pearson won’t use Wells except for when we need a goal or two with eight minutes left. 

    He was complaining about how thin we are post match. But he doesn’t maximize his options. 

    My unpopular view is that we will ship goals when ever Massengo is playing a view I am told does have statistical support. So if Bakinson is not good enough then we are buggered until Williams is fit for more than one game. 2025 I’m told for that!

  10. 1 hour ago, BS3_RED said:

    Serious question, do they watch the same game as we do? It has to be the most nauseating biased commentary I have ever heard. 


    I find I tend to get a more level balance of commentary if I listen to the other teams.

    If you’re talking about the Robin’s tv commentary then I thoroughly agree. I always try and cinq the radio Brizz commentary.  Owers is quality. Just tells it how he sees it and is the first one out of his chair if we score. 

    Robins tv is an operation in sycophantic nonsense that tries to tell you what you are watching! 

    My personal thought would be to have a supporter in there to say what’s really going on. That will never happen, meanwhile I would rather listen to the radio even if it’s a few seconds either way. 

    Never forget the volume button. I don’t watch pre or post match either. I don’t need the propaganda and I have to see that effing balloon again! Agh!


  11. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    The Tomlin situation?? 
    You mean the one where a notoriously bad attitude ***** gets himself into legal bother off the pitch, and LJ protected him from the press and any bad publicity at all, even managing to keep the whole thing quiet from the industry to enable us to sell him to Cardiff and recoup all of the fee we’d shelled out for him. Only for the legal situation to be publicised shortly after. 
    I think that’s a quite wonderful piece of management. 
    Tomlin was trouble. LJ managed to get him out of the club at no financial loss. 

    No I meant the bringing in of a nutritionist talking about crisps and chocolate and Tomlin telling the team how good they all were. It’s on the Wilbo interview it was hilarious!

    Tomlin was taking the piss and LJ had no idea how to handle it was/is the sub-text! Wilbo even said I wouldn’t say anything here that I wouldn’t say to Tomo’s face. There is loads more particularly Wilbo approaching LJ about mobile phone use at training!

    you should go find it it’s one of the best if not the best podcast interview of one of our best professionals!

    How did you get so angry? 

  12. 1 hour ago, Harry said:

    As far as LJ is concerned, I’d hope many of his detractors will have picked up on the very important comment here : he is a good coach. 

    When we look at how far we’ve dropped off since he left, with many of the same players, hopefully those detractors will perhaps realise that LJ did actually manage to coach these players up to be better than the sum of their parts. 

    Regards the contract situation. LJ let Frankie run his contract down so that he would have more options in the free agency market. When those options didn’t arise he re-signed him. So that comment makes absolute sense and certainly isn’t a bad thing or something to put ‘against’ LJ. 

    Ultimately I think, from the man-management perspective, LJ was a very young manager when he was here - yes, perhaps we employed him a few years too early. 
    It’s an important part of the role that he definitely needed to improve. But, as Frankie suggests, LJ’s coaching ability was good. Despite what some people like to say on here. 

    Mmm I just took the good coach comments as the build up to the big BUT. Which inevitably came. The Wilbo interview went through the same stuff in more detail. The whole situation with Tomlin was hilarious!



    • Flames 1
  13. 7 hours ago, old_eastender said:

    Don't often disagree with Ole's match report, but I do with this one. 

    We had two good chances within the opening 2 mins, firstly COD miscontrolled an admittingly difficult ball when he would otherwise have been in on goal, then Semenyo poorly hit over instead of passing to other City players well placed in the box. They then score with their first attack and for 10 mins after dominated, but there in we were the better side in the first half, just lacking quality in the final 3rd. Even then Semenyo passed up a golden chance to level when inexplicably turning inside with the goal gaping for a first time shot. 

    2nd half we continued to be the better side and their 2nd goal was well against the run of play. 

    So, for me, a well deserved point that with better quality in the final 3rd could have been 3 pts and Hull were top of the form league. This was miles better then the dross we had to endure at Sheff Utd.

    I agree. I am increasingly disagreeing with Ole, but still appreciate the effort and perspective. 

    6 hours ago, johnbytheriver said:

    O'Dowda 5!? Do me a favour along with James he was our best player!!

    He played well. And has done increasingly as he has been unshackled s little to attack defenders. 5 is simply not reflective of the performance

    5 hours ago, Loïs said:

    When I say City didn't turn up in the first half this isn't me being flippant: we literally didn't


    We literally did though. Otherwise the game would have been called off... 

    Think About It Reaction GIF by Identity

    Yeah. I was a bit taken by the literally not turn up. Someone literally did as I watched it. 

    For my tuppence. We did well in a lot of areas. Semenyo got a goal although Pearson was steaming about Semenyo not taking on that shot first time in the first half. 

    Comedy defending for both goals. HNM does his usual and lose the ball in a bad area. Our full back is under pressure as our mop locked hero didn’t make a full effort to get back and the guy took a chance with a good hit

    Second goal. WTF I’ve seen better defending at at U9s level. Also leaving Pearson steaming. 

    HOWEVER. We now have an attacking threat and if we cut out many of the errors we could worry the top half in the coming weeks!

    • Like 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

    With hindsight, Coventry '77 was a disaster. We should’ve slipped back down that first season, reduced the wage bill by losing some of the highly paid over 30s players, sold two or three of or best, bought one or two up and coming players, brought through Kevin Mabbutt in a winning, promoted team, and some more from the youth team, possibly fired Dicksy and attracted a coach for the fast-approaching 1980s - Joe Royle, who applied for the job here twice, and was turnt down, twice! - invested in better scouting, added more seats in the ground and developed the Grandstand adding exec boxes to generate income, sorted the bloody boardroom squabbles out, and maybe returned a little stronger and wiser. A bit like Norwich or Leicester spent the next two or three decades doing.

    Reminder: the word "hindsight" is second word in, at the top.


    Woulda coulda shoulda. We were buggered because the idiots that ran the club after Harry died were just that. Nothing to do with getting a draw at Coventry. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, The Swan and Cemetery said:

    Get that in relative terms, all 3 probably failed to deliver on their talent, but in absolute terms Jacki was streets ahead of the other two. A proven international player, the other two, not so much. Even though Jacki’s best days were behind him when he got to City, at least it was tier 2 vs JET tier 3 and KP failing to deliver at all.

    Palmer did well with Afobi. The rest of the time he doesn’t do enough to warrant a place in our u18s. 

    it’s up to him. He has a contract. The club will give him away to get the wage off, but no one will pay him what he’s on and a loan club won’t want to pay anything like his full salary. 

    Another Johnson Joke signing. I would be sheathing if I were paying, but the bloke who does only has himself to blame!

    • Like 1
  16. Some great memories on this thread. I’m wracking my brains regarding the original question. 

    Not wishing to hijack the thread it put me in mind of nutty celebrations at HOME. The younger ones will remember Christian Roberts a player that never got the credit he deserved. 

    Of course the end of the Portsmouth game in 76 

    I also give you Chris Garlands second against Liverpool. 

    Louis Donowa against the gas

    Korey Smith v Man U 

  17. 15 minutes ago, cityexile said:

    Lot of sympathy for Wycombe, but the ‘butterfly’ effect of proving ‘if this happened, this would have resulted’ is pretty hard to prove.

    Lets take the very last day. My memory was it was a three way shoot out. Derby had to win against Wednesday to stay up and relegate both Wednesday and Wycombe. They did (3 -2?) then finished in the order Derby, Wycombe, Wednesday.

    However, imagine the scenario in which Derby had already been deducted points. The last day would have felt very different. Derby already down, a Wednesday win and it is them that survive, not Wycombe. The odds on Wycombe on that last day were heavily always to finish third bottom assuming a winner in the other game.

    I have always felt given an early points deduction for Derby, the balance of probability was that Wednesday, not Wycombe, would have stayed up.

    edit...went back and checked. Last day was 3:3 and Rotherham were in the mix. Point is still right that a win for Wednesday would have kept them up. 

    Yes there is validity to this. Not sure that helps Derby mind you.A Points deduction would have saved someone. Perhaps all three have a case. 

    However That does underpin the utter mess that was made and the mockery of any kind of right to a fair hearing by any of the clubs that went down. 

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Rocking Red Cyril said:

    I think he not greatly happy with fitness issues still.

    Not happy with not having players he feels can do the job he wants 

    And totally ****** off with the stupid questions Gregor repeatedly asks 


    I thought he’d left? Is he still asking questions as a freelancer?

  19. 5 minutes ago, East Londoner said:

    But Tevez literally scored the goal that kept West Ham up that season. The Wycombe scenario is a little more cloudy as it was actually a Marlon Pack goal for Cardiff that kept Derby up. Although morally of course Derby should’ve been relegated having used every delaying tactic they could 

    Theres no way Steve Gibson can prove Derby prevented his side getting promoted as all it cost them was a place in the semi final. And by that logic couldn’t Derby have sued QPR and Villa who beat them in play off finals having cheated on FFP?

    Anyone can sue anyone. If Someone doesn’t sue someone for something it doesn’t make a similar case unmakable. 

    Wycombe and borough have two cases that are linked by one club but are different. 

    Wycombe will argue the spending of Derby based upon money that was not within the rules gave Derby an unfair advantage that resulted in their relegation and as that margin is so fine yes they have a case. Of course they do. 

    Middlesborough will argue that Derby signing of players in particular that they had agreements with gave Derby the goals they needed and robbed Borough of those same goals As you say the loss is not as easy to define. But that’s up to the lawyers. 

    These things tend to not go all the way to a decision, but both Wycombe and Middlesborough are pressing forward with their suits so I guess they think they have a chance of getting a settlement. 

  20. 36 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    They are entirely frivolous then? Surely if Derby have withheld accounts which seems to at least have been possible there could be some merit- albeit mainly to the Wycombe one, because a deduction applied last season would have sent Derby down and the amount Wycombe have put in for is much easier to quantify?

    If WHU were forced to settle with Sheffield Utd over Tevez then I don’t see either of those claims as frivolous. I’m not quite as up to date as a few, however with accounts still not available for last season Wycombe’s case could get stronger and Derby could very well be forced to settle out of court as well twice. 

    The idea that anybody would brush off these claims as frivolous and at the same time offer money for the club is absurd. Simply defending the cases could cost millions and Gibson at least is in no mood to back off, particularly as Derby hijacked the signing of two players with money that notionally appeared due to the sale of the ground. Without going into the record books to much regarding when Waghorn scored some of his 30 goals for Derby they have a case just for that. Is it winnable? 50/50 and to what extent they can show damages is in the lap of the lawyers but certainly not frivolous. 


  21. 16 hours ago, billywedlock said:

    Always. But Newcastle is in a mess, the Cherries will go up, he is on a long term contract and a Bristol boy. Would need lots of money to player and club to make it happen. But money talks. I always thought Kelly would end up at one of the top clubs , next year in the Prem with Bournemouth and it will happen methinks. He looks a great, wonderful talent and has got rid of the errors. 

    I largely agree. However it would seem tomeNewcastle will be on an Xmas shopping spree with their new found oil billions. The Saudi’s did not take over to watch them get relegated. Guess we will see. 

  22. 22 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Hunt, Weimann, Moore, O’Dowda, Engvall, Magnússon, Djuric, Tomlin, Kodjia, Eisa, Baker, Diedhiou, Eliasson….


    21 hours ago, Greedo said:

    god that’s depressing 

    ?? yep!

  23. 8 hours ago, billywedlock said:

    The add ons , I so hate that... would seem to be worth more to us. Games played must be one element, so maybe we have already had some extra fee for him. International call up is a likely other trigger. The Cherries do not need to sell either, so it would be a big fee. £25m might entice them, but they are looking at promotion, so why sell.  

    The issue becomes the player. If he wants to go and the interest is real then it becomes hard to keep a player who would rather be somewhere else. Performance and value can slip quickly. 

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