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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. I think most will sing Queen as a mark of respect to her. Obviously going forward and at the King's coronation it will be King
  2. I noticed that on ITV last night, there were no ad breaks in their coverage. There's a couple of sensible reasons to postpone football and sport. 1. To avoid any trouble and disorder. There are anti-monarchy groups who will revel in making their feelings known, Celtic / Liverpool we're looking at you. Will they boo the minutes silence before the game? Or disrespect it in some way? 2. Policing. There will be events taking place up and down the country. Particularly London where likely millions of people will gather around Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle etc. Huge demand on resources there - which again ties in to point 1. As @Phileas Fogg said, the concept of all work and no fun won't sit well. If you cancel sport, then why are shops open? It's what I personally hated about lockdown. As I said before though I dont want to cancel sport, and it doesn't sound like Government or protocol is dictating this. If it's down to the leagues then lets hope they take a sensible approach - a lot of people will be out of pocket for postponements at a time when every penny counts.
  3. Again not I expect any different but interesting that we’re in a “period of national mourning” yet everyone goes to work today. I expect games to be postponed right the way down to non league / amateur level but I’d rather it wasn’t. spunds like it’s not government enforced though, it’s the leagues making decisions.
  4. Potentially changed because she passed in Scotland, meaning her body will be at rest in various places in Edinburgh before coming back to London
  5. Sounds like a great trip you’ve got planned, it would be a shame if you miss out. I don’t think it will all be cancelled, you’ll probably still get to do some of it, hopefully. Also, you could say you get to be in London at a time of great historic relevance. You can visit her resting place and pay respects, whether a royalist or not that’s something that may not happen again in some of our lifetimes.
  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some disruption to programming for a few days. Saturday night tv may look different to billed for example. Not saying I agree with it, though I’m enjoying the news coverage tonight (if that’s the right word!) just what I think will happen.
  7. Are you watching the TV? All programmes have been cancelled on the terrestrial channels… I wouldn’t be surprised if theatres are closed to some extent in the next couple of days.
  8. In some respects it is? She was more important than my Nan, that’s just a fact. She’s served her country for 70 years - whatever role that’s in deserves respect. I’m not advocating cancelling of sport, I’d rather be at football Saturday and if I’m not I’ll be down in london most likely paying my respects.
  9. life of luxury is a bit off. Grew up through the war, then served. At 25 devoted her life to her country. Many, many people would do nothing of the sort. I’m not a royalist but I respect her
  10. Do you need to be at football to stand in silence?
  11. Could bring out a few idiots. I expect there will be many choruses of GSTQ out of respect, and some boos too (Liverpool, we’re looking at you)
  12. I think people just mean well don't they? It's a hard one to accept that sometimes death is better than prolonged illness. When my nan passed sadly it was a bit of a relief, she'd started to get confused and I didn't want her in a hospital indefinitely. As someone else said about passing with dignity and comfort.
  13. Not sure about that, if there was a whiff of this before they wouldn't have gone ahead with it would they?
  14. Probably right, the u21s aren't exactly packed with goalscorers. Balogun probably in the best form out of the last squad, 5 in 6 so far at Riems in Ligue 1. The rest of that squad struggling for minutes and/or goals
  15. Birthplace doesn't necessarily matter. My partner was born in England, both parents Welsh. She's Welsh in her eyes (unfortunately!)
  16. It's really frustrating when threads aren't clearly named with an obvious indication of what they may be about... /s ?
  17. In a section named "Football chat" Equally threads about Liverpool last night, Tuchel and VAR in the Prem have very little to do with us.
  18. Same, can't remember if it's a new one for me or not. I thought I may have went in the Play off final season, but looking at the result and it being early in the season I'm not sure I did as I don't remember it
  19. Thanks, I can't remember ever seeing it enforced though. Every keeper takes a good 10-20 seconds or more
  20. It was just before HT and the issue was raised at HT. Villa absolutely should have let Sheff U walk the ball into the net. Easy to say when it's not your team I guess, but they were done by a technology failure. No way Oliver could have overruled that in real time. That decision gave me more reason to dislike Villa
  21. The problem with technology is that ultimately VAR is not technology. Hawk Eye is tech, and generally it’s worked well. Only the 2nd instance in the UK that it’s known to have failed I think? VAR is just letting someone else view several replays. The laws are so subjective and rarely a definitive yes / no decision so all you’re doing it bringing another opinion in to muddy the waters. Where it gets even muddier is in the offside rule because that IS a definitive yes / no, and probably shouldn’t be as it leads to scrutinising it to the most specific detail (eg a toe). However whether you like it or not, at least with the offside rule as it is you get the “correct” outcome by the letter of the law. If you want to make it more “benefit of the doubt” or less exact you’ll then get the argument of given in one game and not in another. it’s a mess in its current state and there’s nothing I’ve hated more at a live game than experiencing a goal, everyone celebrating then seeing it ruled out. Footballs already an emotional rollercoaster without that added heart break!
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