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Posts posted by MarcusX

  1. 1 hour ago, The Hustler said:

    Will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Considering no Gene Therapy vaccine has ever made it past Stage 3 Clinical trials in the history of vaccines (because, quite frankly, they were killing too many people to continue with the trials (not as many as this Coronavirus MRNA Vaccine has killed already, nonetheless ) so it will be decidedly of interest how they’ve managed to conjure a vaccine in such a short space of time that will not illicit the same outcomes as every other MRNA Vaccine that has existed.

    Here’s another. How many have died from this “gene therapy” out of interest?

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    The obsessives or whatever are those who wish to impose Vaccine Passports which as an aside I assume you are pro. Clearly those who choose to take a Vaccine aren't obsessive.

    While I am sorry for your situation, it feels like you are extrapolating a bit, cherry picking. Which question did I miss anyway.

    FWIW I don’t wish to impose vaccine passports, my position is that I understand why some venues might want to and personally have no problem flashing a QR code or taking a test to gain entry to somewhere for the next couple of months. It’s nothing compared to another lockdown if we get this horribly wrong 

  3. 1 hour ago, Selred said:

    How many under 50s have long Covid?

    Also the answer for COVID deaths for under 50's is 6,204.

    Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales

    Yea but he probably meant “healthy” people because we know those with health issues or disabilities don’t matter

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, big p said:

    Because people have differing opinions, what a weird bunch of people are in this group...Will we be proven right probably, maybe not. But one thing is certain people like you will be sitting in front of the BBC news waiting for the daily case count( which is completely odd to me) believing all the bullshit they spill to you. Unable in any capacity to question anything the media/government tells you.. Sit down dont wear a mask, stand up you wear it, yes sir...

    lots of us who are questioning the narrative have been living safe and happy lives, whereas some people are still sh*ting themselves behind the sofa...

    Again, do yourself and your case no favours when writing things like this. Who is "sitting in front of the bbc" (probably taken straight from a social media meme)? 

    Please, find someone, anyone, that believes, trusts or otherwise supports this government in this thread? 

    Spouting utter nonsense repeated from your rabbit hole youtube videos, and because you've got no further substance than those intial soundbites you can't actually participate in a reasoned debate.

    Some things that are questioned by the anti-vax / anti-gov / truth seekers whatever you want to call yourselves, are valid but you dont seem able to debate them. As I said in a previous post, it's all or nothing with you guys.

    At least some like @Baba Yaga and @LoyalRed who have differing views are able to debate, and at times they might get picked apart (often by several people at once unfortunately) if they post something that's factually questionable but generally their opinions are respected (they may think otherwise ?) and they make some fair points.

  5. 16 minutes ago, GlastonburyRed said:

    I would be surprised if there was a blanket rule that the CPS have to progress, in the event of a retraction, but I do think there is policy surrounding the examination/consideration of a retraction in these forms of cases, that might not exist say in offences against property etc. But yes, I am sure police are encouraged to delve deeper and not be perturbed by the faintest whiff of a retraction, and I think that is correct, all things considered (not saying being the target of baseless allegations would be comfortable).

    Thanks, yes you're probably right. Don't "have" to as such but certainly encouraged to dig deeper

    • Like 1
  6. 28 minutes ago, Southport Red said:

    Except isn’t it irrelevant now?  She got the police involved at the time and her statement then is evidence. They seem convinced that an assault had taken place and reported it to the CPS. Understand it will be tougher if she doesn’t give evidence but the CPS saw enough there to get this far. Whether or not she wants to press things almost doesn’t matter. Her choices now are:

    1) Giving evidence (which may involve perjury if she isn’t honest or

    2) Accepting a charge of wasting police time. 

    neither option will be bery attractive to her. 

    I'm fairly sure any report of domestic abuse / violence is now followed through even if the victim tries to retract their statement so i don't think she'd have any comeback on her

    I had a friend go through this (honestly believe he did no wrong given the nature of events, long story) and the Police continued to investigate despite his Mrs taking back what she'd reported and insisting it was her drunken rage (the situation was all caused by someone else lying to her). Luckily there was no further action as she didn't have any signs of abuse, because he didnt touch her, and there was simply no evidence. Obviously suffice to say he did not stay with her much longer

  7. 4 minutes ago, big p said:

    There are 10's of millions of people protesting against the loss of freedoms , You won't see it on the BBC news for obvious reasons, but of course there are all sorts of people there, good and bad.

    I'm getting the feeling you are either on a wind up,:laugh:. Or cant grasp any other narrative than the one you have been spoon fed for the last year, which of course is a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome.  I really hope its not the latter.

    To be honest I was in central london Saturday and had no idea it was happening so I’m not sure there were “millions”

    what is your obsession with Stockholm syndrome and why don’t you apply to any of the points made that are actually up for debate?

  8. 2 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

    You would think that Social Services would be making a visit to the Barton's to find out where the "children" were during this incident and, given that Mr Barton is either going to be found to be a wife beater or Mrs Barton a liar who phones the Police with greatly exaggerated accounts causing her husband to defend himself in court, whether there potentially is any degree of future harm that could affect them. This sort of stuff gets children living on Council Estates or in Suburbs put on "At Risk Registers" so living in Kew shouldn't make any difference?

    From what I’ve read on here they were at a friends without the kids, they don’t live in Kew so not sure that matters? 

  9. 37 minutes ago, lenred said:

    Don’t know whether to laugh or cry!  

    On a slight positive note the son of the **** that incited violence against NHS staff has said that his mother is beyond help and needs charging; 

    “my mum is definitely beyond help. The problem is because she is so arrogant in her world view and really truly believes that she is a conduit for the truth on a spiritual level, not just a scientific level.”

    He claimed that his mother thinks that she has “been anointed by God or some other higher power”, and said he had received a text message from his mother this month that read: “You need to listen to me. You and your sister are going to die. The CIA has a plot and half the UK’s population is going to be killed within five years.”

    That wasn’t his mum that text him, it was @Riaz

    • Haha 2
  10. 22 minutes ago, big p said:

    The blind faith you guys have in governments and the media machine is fascinating. Good luck is all what I will say..

    It's not blind faith, my decisions and views are based on critical and logical thinking using evidence, data and expert opinion. I don't believe everything I'm told by anyone, if it doesn't sound right I'll question it or look up further info

    What is yours based on?

    22 minutes ago, big p said:

    To parrot over and over again what the government wants you to say and believe is testament to the fantastic job they have done. Roll on 2023.

    no one is doing that

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, big p said:

    Right, I'll give it another go.

    Do you go in pubs supermarkets etc. I presume you don't because they don't use covid passports... if you do then you completely contradict the argument for covid passports .

    I'm not talking about vaccines.

    Last time I went in a supermarket I didn't see thousands of people start jumping and hugging each other at sporadic moments based on events around them...


  12. 1 hour ago, big p said:

    But do you know android and Ios refused the NHS app because there were considerable security flaws...GPS etc... But our government wouldn't do that, would they?

    Apple and Google blocked the original NHSX (nothing to do with NHS) app because they wanted to store information on symptoms and locations on a centralised database. This raised privacy concerns.

    Again, you can question or disagree with elements of this without going against everything. This was a bad move from the government and rightly was blocked.


  13. 1 hour ago, big p said:

    Piers Morgan has had his jabs and was tested, but caught covid at Wembley, so please explain to me how a covid passport would work then?


    Here's a clue? It doesn't.. So the next question you should be asking yourself is,  why is our government pushing this so hard?

    Here's a clue, covid passport wasn't required to get into Wembley, a negative test was - which you can self-report a fake test. People went to Wembley sick, I'm almost certain of that (in part because I know at least one person who did).

    Plus, no one ever said you couldn't catch covid if you've had both jabs, it just reduces the impact to you and your transmission.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Riaz said:

    Back then, much like most people on here. I just trusted the government by default.

    I since learned of the f**kery that goes on.

    Who here is "trusting the government by default"

    I dont trust them, I detest Boris and I think they are at best completely incompetent and at worst... well I hope some of their evil actions aren't deliberate.

    What a lot of you conspiracy theorists can't grasp is that it's not all in one side or the other - it's not believe absolutely everything you're told or think it's all a big conspiracy. You can pick apart the facts, the science, the evidence and make decisions on each part of it for yourself.

    Not trusting the government doesn't mean everything they say or do is a lie, especially as I say the things that can be backed up by science or evidence. Unfortunately, what I see from the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists is the same crap copy and pasted and you can pull apart half of their argument with facts.

    For example, I seen someone share a big post on FB at the weekend, some fairly reasonable questions that I dont know the answer too - but within it were things like "millions of people have suffered injury from the vaccine" citing the VAERS data as if it's fact that all those responses are caused BY the vaccine, which they aren't. 

    I agree many things don't add up, but that doesn;t mean Covid doesn't exist or it's all made up to control the population. It means we have an incompetent government who in fairness to them have never had to deal with anything like this before. They've made bad decisions for whatever reason, that doesn't mean the virus is made up or "just a flu".

    I actually seen someone saying that all the excess deaths were caused by lockdowns and lack of medical attention to other emergencies. These just aren't evidence based views.

    • Flames 1
  15. 2 hours ago, big p said:

    I've been jabbed, but no-one should ever be forced to have an medication which has only been allowed because we are in "Emergency " conditions.. The fear and blackmail, coercion being used by governments around the world is quite frankly criminal... Anyone in my eyes who thinks different has clearly been brainwashed by the Sage team(12) behavioral scientists. Stockholm Syndrome comes to mind, the inability for people to think for themselves has been the scariest thing, it's frightening. 

    I for one will never step foot in Ashton Gate if they introduce the social credit system style covid passport. Been watching City on /off for 35 years,been a season ticket holder for 13 years.




    It's not "only" been allowed because we are in a pandemic. It was just allowed to be developed while trials took place because of the emergency. had it failed the trials, it would have been a waste of money. That was the gamble to get it produced quicker.

    What about the fear of those who are scared of taking it because of made up predictions about infertility?

    I think anyone who is scaremongering and predicting things based on absolutely zero evidence just "their political view of the world" are brainwashed. Copying things from Facebook and other propoganda sites without being able to think for themselves. They all copy and paste the same crap, that's not critical thinking.


  16. 10 hours ago, zombie said:

    MYTH: The COVID-19 vaccine can affect women’s fertility.

    FACT: The COVID-19 vaccine will not affect fertility. Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., senior director of infection prevention, and Gabor Kelen, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response



    Who shall I believe? Tough decision ?


    Hopefully those embarrassing themselves on here and elsewhere will have the balls to admit they’re wrong, think of others and the greater good and get double jabbed and can join us down the Gate.

    Of course they won't, no matter what timescale you put on it they'll say its not been long enough.

    How long do you need to wait to see if fertility rates drop? By then he'll be on to the next conspiracy.

     @Riaz says he's "not been scared into taking the vaccine" but can't see that's he's been scared into not taking it. Which is worse?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. 12 hours ago, Riaz said:

    Firstly, your wrong.

    Secondly, never has the whole population been vaccinated or suffer restrictions for not having a vaccine. This is highly suspicious to me. 

    Why is it wrong?

    I'll repost this again: https://vaccine.unchealthcare.org/science/vaccine-approval/whats-the-difference-between-fda-emergency-use-authorization-and-fda-approval/

    It's gone through the same trial stages and testing, it's just been accelerated and emergency approval allowed it to be developed whilst being trialled.

    Again, yes they have. Try travelling to some countries without a polio vaccination for example or booster and you may be refused entry

    18 hours ago, Riaz said:

    What’s my politics got to do with it? 



    12 hours ago, Riaz said:

    It’s not random. It’s based on my understanding of global politics and the people that run the world…

    Paranoid. We’ll see. I’ll be Happy to admit I’m wrong 


  18. 20 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    They usually take 5 years before they get approval- clearly 5 years cannot be done in this scenario but any short circuiting brings about an increased risk. Conspiracy? No- possibility? Yes.

    Sound Scientific reasons behind the objection to twice weekly LFTs and as a further alternative, proof of Antibody Tests for those who are worried about Long term Health effects? Seems odd this vaccine or bust movement.

    This link explains it quite well: https://vaccine.unchealthcare.org/science/vaccine-approval/whats-the-difference-between-fda-emergency-use-authorization-and-fda-approval/

    A lot of the delay is usually funding and paperwork and obviously this has been prioritised

    Also the emergency approval just means it can be produced whilst still in trial to speed up the process. It still went through all the same trials

  19. 22 minutes ago, Riaz said:

    My suspicion, is that it will make most people infertile.. 

    We’ll see in a few years. Whether I’m right or wrong, i should still be able to choose, if i want to take it or not. Especially has i had my kidneys damaged from something a doctor told me to take. 

    Based on what?

    is there any scientific evidence that this could even be possible or just making it up?

  20. 6 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    I was quite outspoken before, and took some time off to reflect about that. Stand by my opposition to Vaccine Passports but...

    1. Lateral flow tests x 2 per week? Need for work, so yes. Since first week of May.
    2. Do I isolate if Test and Trace get in touch? Absolutely.
    3. Do I isolate if anyone I am with reports that they or the group had symptoms? Absolutely.
    4. Do I isolate if symptoms? Absolutely.
    5. Do I isolate if Positive LFT? Absolutely.
    6. Wear Masks in store and other necessary indoor settings? Yep.
    7. Sanitise in and out of stores and other buildings? Yep.

    That's just off the top of my head. Other bits? I expect so.

    NHS App sounds significantly oversensitive and anyway my phone and Apps don't mesh well, whether it would be any point in me downloading to my current phone, doubt it.

    Vaccine Passports though...just feels a bridge too far- think @Baba Yaga makes a strong point, the goalposts keep moving. Perhaps some of it is due to scientific necessity and a prior optimism bias, but it also feels like mission creep- slippery slope, precedent etc.

    First it was 3 weeks to normal. Then it was 3 months to turn the tide- but fair enough I accept.

    Early Circuit breaker might have meant less harsh lockdown later, only time will tell or it may just have delayed the inevitable- who knows for sure?

    The bigger worry for me though is..."No vaccine passports" "No vaccine passports" "No vaccine passports"...

    ...Freedom Day arrives...come Teatime "Vaccine Passports for Nightclubs"- and probably other crowded venues too.

    The sudden ruling out of other alternatives, such as Lateral Flow Testing and I heard unless I missed it, no mention of Natural Immunity- presumably that's Antibody Tests.

    42-43 Tory MPs have signed against, Labour will oppose- wonder if it could actually fall down in the Commons if it's Vaccine or bust?

    @cidered abroad Can't speak for anyone else but a number of those- excellent- vaccines that you list, prevent onward transmission? This one seems not to- reduces? For sure, they're also tried and trusted- vaccines in themselves absolutely positive, but this one- Speed vs layers of safety checks etc.

    Why is the app over sensitive ? Why has no one picked up on this in the last 12 months since it’s creation?

    it’s doing exactly what it’s intended to do, the problem is there are so many people testing positive and no social restrictions. Even forgetting the argument of should we or shouldn’t we open up, it’s just obvious that more people are having contact with sick people.

    If there was a plethora of people getting pinged through walls why didn’t it happen on january?

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