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Posts posted by Red_Alligator

  1. 8 hours ago, SydneyCity said:

    I remember a flurry of Leicester fans hopping on the forum when NP joined and one of them pretty much nailed it… it will take a bit of time but he’ll build a squad ready to run through brick walls for the shirt.

    NP made it perfectly clear from the outset that he needed several seasons to sort things out - I recall early on him referring to BCFC as "a funny club" - which said a lot in very few words. 

    I remain as confident in him as I was at the outset. Given the timespan that he gave for progress to be made, I think he's doing rather well thus far. 

    BUT, there is still a lot to do, so I'll not get carried away and stick to my "one game at a time" outlook for now. 



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