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Posts posted by WhistleHappy

  1. 5 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:


    …*on a side note,harry rednapps turned them down as they couldn't match his 7 jam rolypolys a week pay demands.they showed him the door when he asked for custard win bonuses   

     ...only partly true red squirrel, the desserts weren't altogether to blame, (turns out six jam roly polys AND custard per week could have been negotiated when someone finally realised most that weeks Harry would have Sunday's off anyway) 

    The deal breaker was Harry's odd demand for two dozen fresh goats eyes and a croc cock to be available for each team talk and training session, where the **** he got that idea from gawd only knows, he's a strange fella is Harry..  the jellied eels and mash wouldn't have been a problem apparently. 


    Wally's interest in getting Harry on board stemmed from an overheard reality tv conversation between H and Noel Edmunds when Sandbanks was mentioned..... "Sand Banks? **** Me!!'' thought Wally .. ''I really am mega-rich afterall,  I've got a desert full of the stuff back home, hmm Sand Banks eh? " ...  " Right, Irene, hold the fort,  I'm off to get meself an account "


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  2. 1 minute ago, Ska Junkie said:

    Owner- full of shit

    CEO- full of shit and can't remember what day it is

    Chairman - full of shit

    Fans- full of shit and utter delusion

    What could possibly go wrong eh? :)

    The plumbing and blocked sewers?   

    (I think today, at last, the shit has finally hit their fans!) 

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Fiale said:

    "Assistant manager Marcus Stewart has asked to be released from his contract and the club have reluctantly agreed"

    Good Evening all, .... thanks for turning in...

    Wadio Wed Wobin  on BS3FM ..

    "'Its been quite a day here on The Dustbin Show, 

    We kick off this Dustbin Show Special with a request...

    Its for Mr Wally (u know who u are) Wanka of Whorefield.. 

    'thanks for nowt' says Clarkey the Barky & Scrumpy Stew...

    ( "we couldn't afford the real Abba, thanks to you, but this version will get the message across '' )

    Happy Christmas you Banker!    

    Money Money Money it's not funny in a Wally World 

  4. 2 hours ago, View from the Dolman said:

    He's left Wolves apparently... http://trainingground.guru/bulletin-board

    I really hope Cotts doesn't join 'em … he's far too good for them.

    Living local he must know what a mess The Mem is in. The sugar coated drip drip drip of bullshit that's dribbled from the arse of a not so rich, afterall, man at the top of the slag heap, the fake nectar that was faithfully lapped up by an honest DC before curdling and making the poor bloke sick to the stomach, much the sane scenario for the sad ass Gasheads who eagerly swallowed a dream that quickly, in reality, became a nightmare.

    An ongoing forum 'Dustbin' thread of over nine hundred pages tells it's own story,  kept going by 'gifts' that incredibly keep on coming and giving, so much unbelievable stuff coming out of Whorefield in recent years, facts stranger than fiction, we really haven't had to make much up.

    In the unlikely event that Cotts is unaware of the bullshit feeding regime north of the river, someone please point him in the direction of this Dustbin Thread before he potentially makes the biggest mistake of his life.

    Steve Cotterill you deserve far better than that!


    Potentially pleasing news for Whorefield coming out of Wolverhampton... At least one Silly Sod is available, and we all know they need a REALLY Silly Sod to take over the threadbare managers seat vacated today by DC.

    Doubt if Sean will be the Silly Sod they manage tempt though, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask him the stupid question, you never know eh ?  

    Surely Cott's has more sense than to fall for it ? ... I really hope he doesn't!!       

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Eddie Hitler said:

    Weapons grade optimism from the Rovers' marketing team here:

    Bristol Rovers FC Half-Season Tickets – for our final eleven home Sky Bet League One fixtures – are now on sale!

    Starting at just £150 for adults and £65 for Under-16s, the half-season ticket could make the ideal Christmas gift for your family and friends heading into the new year!


    "Ideal Christmas gift" ?

    ….interesting 'ideal Christmas gift' proposition for a few Reds I'd have thought...  indeed Panto season is upon us.

    £150 and the opportunity to live the ' Bristol Rovers Dustbin Thread' live between now and May (savouring the gifts that keeps on giving, watching the twists, turns, tears & tantrums, the false hopes and shattered dreams as one by one they turn to dust and into ultimate Blue nightmares and despair )  including of course the chance to ' be there At The Death ' if the actual point of no return for BRFC is reached and The Gas is finally consigned to the history books..

      - Not that too many Reds would wish to be there to gloat and relish such scenarios of course, we have a bit more class than them ...don't we.. ?


    (psst, tickets available now!)

    • Haha 3
  6. 2 hours ago, RumRed said:

       I actually (honestly) finally switched up to a TV larger than my old 32 inch today.  The old ones looking for a home, it’s a Sony flatscreen so if they’d like to send someone to pick it up that’d be great.  

    Would suit the men as it’s not ‘smart’.



    Just before they get excited, I live in Worthing, although I’m sure it’s worth the trip.  

     Before Robbored starts up the mini bus to pick it up, theres just a couple of things that need to be checked before making the journey and accepting your kind offer....

    (a) Does the TV have a scart socket ?  … they need one to connect their VHS player/recorder to it (unless anyone has an adaptor plug they can donate? )

    (b)  Will the TV work off a 12volt car battery via a cable with two crocodile clips and a loop aerial?  - as it will be sited in a tent.

    Oh,  its great that its free to collector, but Worthing is fair old trek from Whorefield and the mini bus/van is a bit thirsty, so any fuel you can chip in for will be much appreciated - afterall the Gas will be taking it off your hands for you.

  7. 16 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:


    You can hear a pin drop around the Mem on matchdays....that is of course until we concede a goal and it gets flashed up on their scoreboard.

    Bit harsh Mr O"Han , I think a pin dropping is an exaggeration tbh … a tent peg on the other hand :whistle2:

  8. 12 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    No chance we’d get that for a first round replay against a non league side.

    On this and the Checkatrade Trophy I cant really take the piss out of Rovers without feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. We’ve had some low attendances in both as well.

    League games on the other hand, totally different kettle of fish ***(which brings us neatly back to Charlton Mackerel :) ) . They used to claim their ground would be full every match if they got back to L1, that was a load of shit....surprise surprise.


  9. 20 hours ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

    When I coached kids football, I remember impressing upon them: "play to the flag" :noexp:


    The last time I heard of anyone using that euphemism was when a local scout master got sent down for five years for dib,dib,dibbing and inappropriate dobbing!  

  10. WTF???

    The Dustbin Thread  had slipped off the first page,.... 2nd page? no..... It was lurking low hallway down the THIRD PAGE! ...this must not be allowed to happen again chaps, ni matter what our own domestic problems may be...

    Anyway lets turn the Gas back on....  (when we are down in the dumps, they never let us down and give us reason to smile again!)

    & currently they are being given a football lessen by non league Barnet... losing 1-0 at the mo, and Sinclair was sent off for being foul, (oops sorry for a dangerous foul) and tramped off after seven minutes..  :) 

  11. 1 hour ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Thing is, that the tramp actually holds what still exists of a team together.  He is a very important part of their DNA, just like Neanderthal man isa part of mine and yours.

    ***Why he choses to look like this I'm not sure as I guess that if he had a shave and cut his hair and maybe a bath he would look like a normal human being.

    *** That's easier said than done though, when your boss locks you in the kennels with the dogs!  

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, SimonR said:

        Am I Imagining it or has a Dog been  photoshopped out of Dopeys arms in this picture?0_JMP_Bristol_Rovers_v_Walsall_NJ028.jpg.c8d5060a0ff91a3facdce06363356211.jpg

    Clearly in the background you can see they're trying to count the Gasheads in the tents...  Dopey has just spotted another escapee making off and is frantically shouting for security to round him up and bring him back..

    ''FFS !, Now I've lost count! .. bollocks!   We'll have to make the attendance numbers up again...  Oi!! bring that c *** back here and put him on a lead ''   

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