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Posts posted by WhistleHappy

  1. 6 minutes ago, NOTBLUE said:

    Did you take any photos.?

    Alas no pics, … I forgot to mention the knee high boots and hot pants btw,  to complete the pictures in your mind! :laugh:.

    (blimey, those girls would be someone's grand mothers and nearing retirement now, hmm, theres a thought, do you know what your granny got up to in her teens? )

    • Like 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

    (An explanation for people under the age of fifty. A Petrol Pump Attendant added petrol to a motor vehicle while its driver went to pay).


    30 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    Or whilst the driver sat in the car and paid through the window.


    25 minutes ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

    That was certainly possible because back then, people paid for just about all of their purchases in cash.

    (An explanation for people under the age of fifty, "cash" is money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins).


    *said attendant would often wash/wipe your windscreen for you or add a shot or two of Redex to your fuel.. (petrol which was leaded and came in  2* , 3*, & 4* star quality and price variants btw) . All the while the driver remained seated in the comfort of his motor and was thanked as 'Sir/Madam' at the conclusion of the transaction.   

    Also during the fun time non PC days of the 70's , petrol station events and promotions even included on occasion ' Topless Petrol Forecourt Attendants' usually provided by well proportioned ample bosomed local blond and brunette beauties.  I remember one such 'topless attendant event' at my local petrol station  in Longwell Green so know its a fact that it happened ?. Those were the days my friends!  

  3. 8 hours ago, SirColinOfMansfield said:

    I think that the whole image should be displayed here for posterity ...


    *** NB ::  This is disgusting, thanks to an unscrupulous photo shopper the good name of a loyal Royal Supporter (no not Reading btw)  has been sullied in the most horrible way, how the heck can the poor fellow face his mates, neighbours, and people in the street in future.?

    Mud sticks and this unfortunate chap will forever be falsely associated with the stigma of being a Gashead, poor bloke.     

  4. 17 minutes ago, Mattyisared said:

    "It was the size of the club that, when I found out about the interest, just ticked in my brain that I wanted to come here." - Rovers' new signing Tom Davies



    It's an easy and understandable mistake for anyone to make... It's due to the widespread belief that there is only 'One Team In Bristol'  This leads to the commonly used reference of ' Bristol ' in football terms therefore it is frequently misconstrued as meaning Bristol City FC …  Reckon young Tom couldn't believe his luck when told 'Bristol' wanted him, what a shame, hard luck Tom, hope you enjoy camping. ?


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. On ‎08‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 17:20, Redsi2 said:

    So get someone else to pay for their ground developments again!! What planet are they on?


    On ‎09‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 09:08, Miah Dennehy said:

    Well if it's good enough for Donald Trump :)


    They'd welcome interest from The Donald,  just the thought of a promised wall build would do it... real bricks and mortar at The Mem, what a novel idea.  #TheGasInDreamland.

  6. On ‎08‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 20:46, Buster Footman's T shirt said:

    Just take a high wind to do that.....

    …. Would require an experienced dismantling crew to do it safely. As you say wind would be an issue, the first sign of anything above a gentle breeze would get amateurs in a right old flap at The Mem.  

  7. 1 hour ago, Bar BS3 said:

    Rovers fans predicting how many fans they’d take IF they were in the Europa League final is like me arranging which order I’d like to take Rachel Riley & Beyoncé, when I have a threesome with them..! 

    Hmm, ….that's quite some conundrum 

    • Like 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, Loon plage said:

    We would find someone else to take the piss out of Gas can die.

    It goes back generations - there are 80/90year old blokes in nursing homes in this City who's Red v Blue rivalry began in the 1940/50s and I'd bet a pound to a penny at some point today in those homes the old banter surfaced once again...

    And Red 90 yr olds are still enjoying the upper hand over the Gas that has lasted them a lifetime, 'don't let it die'. (as those of us old enough to remember Hurricane Smith will likely think deep down)

  9. 36 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

    I don`t know so much. It`s like the old saying `give a man a fish and he`ll eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he`ll never go hungry`. If they went out of business it would indeed be hilarious for a while but what would we have to take the piss out of afterwards? if they stay around, hanging on by the skin of their teeth, we will be able to have many more years of amusement at their expense - the gift will continue to give, you can be sure of that.


    (& I don't mean Accrington Stanley)  granted a fair few people will have no idea who Bristol Rovers are. WE know though and they are an absolute gift to us.. Long may they 'linger' . 

  10. It aint looking good for the Gas is it...

    They'll still be up to their ears in deep doo-doo even after we pay them the outstanding  £9.3M  on the Matty Taylor deal... ?


    I shall enjoy watching them squirm and suffer pain for a while (most of their sporting lives actually) but after all the agony and traumas I really hope someone somewhere comes out of the woodwork and saves them. I hate the thought of any club going to the wall, they all have years of blood sweat and tears behind them, every club (even the Gas) have a deep rooted place in the town, city, region, community in which they reside... (despite the Gas habit of roaming in the wilderness like homeless nomads) … I love 'the gap'  and enjoyed massively the rivalry of ''are you City or Rovers?'' school playground  banter growing up.. It's been great always being Red with superiority over them, but to enjoy rivalry you have to have an adversary and through the years The Gas has been just that, James Bond as a 'goody' would be boring as **** without a 'baddie' to deal with..

    We've enjoyed massive superiority over them for years but from a selfish point of view life really wouldn't be the same without 'em tbh.. City v Rovers ,  Red or Blue etc  long may the Bristol banter continue, as long as they remain our bitches of course. ?

  11. 7 hours ago, Fiale said:




    my uncle thinks they are close to a deal with a US deal, god knows where he heard it from, but he's not usually the gossipy type, but wouldn't say anything else, so who knows,

     Cant see 'US' having an interest, why the **** would we be interested in that lot? 

    • Haha 1
  12. 11 hours ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    I'm sure that the capital plus a few camels will do, but 11 camels would leave them without a team to start next season ?

    …flogging their camels? 

    FFS they'd be nothing without their 'caravans' that's what the pikey Gas are famous for.   

  13. 3 hours ago, bert tann said:

    I understand solicitors for Mr Wael Al Qadi have written to Tottenham Hotspur alleging copyright infringement over their use of the slogan “this is my club, my one and only club”.

    ….he just wants his putter back, which is fair enough really.

    If ever a bloke needed another club in his bag, Wally's the man.  

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